Welcome to the Undergraduate Student Advisement & EOP Satellite
The Undergraduate Student Advisement and EOP Satellite provide a range of support services to promote and foster student development and academic success.
Comprehensive services include Academic Advisement for Nazarian College students, assistance in setting and achieving goals, graduation planning, and resources for academic, personal and professional development. The center also provides specialized services to Educational Opportunity Program students.
Academic advising helps students connect their needs, values, abilities and goals to CSUN’s educational programs. It helps students realize their academic and professional goals and facilitates timely graduation. Regular contact with an academic advisor is the best way to assure that all required classes are taken at the proper time, in the proper order. Academic advisors can answer questions about policies, procedures, resources, and information posted on a student’s portal.
Learn more about these and other services, and schedule a visit with one of our advisors today.
Undergraduate Student Advisement/EOP Satellite
- Freshman Students
- Transfer Students
- Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) Students
- Graduate Students
- International and Exchange Student Center

Annual Scholarship & Awards Dinner
The Development and Alumni Relations office hosts an annual Scholarship & Awards Dinner to introduce scholarship donors to their recipients and family.

Distinguished Speaker Series
The Nazarian College created the Younes Nazarian Distinguished Speaker Series to bring high-level speakers to campus to inspire our students and alumni.