Procedures for Handling Complaints

  1. Complaining parties are encouraged to personally contact the president of the fraternity or sorority involved to seek a resolution. Names and telephone numbers of the fraternity and sorority presidents are available in the office of Student Development and Matador Involvement Center.
  2. If the fraternity or sorority fails to resolve the problem to the satisfaction of the complaining party, if the problem is serious or reoccurring in nature or if the problem involves several fraternities and/or sororities, the complaint should be referred to the Greek Life Advisor/ Activities coordinator in the office of Student Development and Matador Involvement Center.
  3. An effective complaint summarizes the incident, including: a description , date time , place, fraternity/sorority involved, names of the participants (if known), number of participants, estimated damage, witnesses, probable cause and historical information (if offense is repeated). It is often helpful to suggest alternative methods for a lasting resolution to the problem.
  4. When a complaint is received at the Housing and Residential Life Office, the president of the accused fraternity/sorority will be notified. Unless the complaint is a minor, routine matter, an informal conference will be scheduled with the accused fraternity/sorority and the appropriate judicial officer and advisor. The purpose of the informal conference is to assess the possibility of immediate solutions and the need for judicable action.
  5. Judicial matters involving fraternity chapters are normally referred to the Interfaternity Council Judicial Board (see Appendix A, Section F, IFC Judicial Procedures). Judicial matters involving sorority chapters are normally referred to the Panhellenic Judiciary Committee (Panhellenic judicial procedures are outlined in Article IV of the Panhellenic Association). Judicial matters involving individuals are normally referred to the University Coordinator Student Discipline. Action by the coordinator of Judiciary Procedures may run concurrently with action by the IFC Judicial Board or Panhellenic Judiciary Committee; one type of judicial action does not necessarily affect the other.
  6. All judicial action is subject to review by the Vice President of Student Affairs.

Clubs and organizations may be allowed to police and adjudicate activities, violations and infractions of this code through measures and/or boards presently emplaced to handle such circumstances.  However, the final authority for administration of discipline rests with the Dean of Students or his designee.  Specifically, the Judicial Board of IFC, Panhellenic Council, and the Judicial Board of the Associated Students may be called on to assist in investigating the facts, to make recommendations of disciplinary actions, or at the Dean of Students’ discretion, to totally arbitrate the case.

The Dean of Students-upon finding that a violation of the code has been committed - may impose one or more of the following sanctions:

  1. Warning:
    Written notice to the club or organization that continued or repeated violations may lead to further disciplinary action. Additionally, the warning will suggest a reasonable time frame for corrective action. Should that action not be taken within the specified limits, further sanctions may be invoked.
  2. Probation:
    Probation will be levied for a definite period of time. It may include terms and conditions including a time frame for corrective action. Further sanctions may be invoked if any term of condition is not met in a timely matter.
  3. Suspension of Official Recognition or Chartered Status:
    The suspension shall be levied for a definite period of time during which all actions and activities of the club or organization impacting on the campus community must cease. The actions and activities include ( but are not limited to) parties, socials, fundraisers, membership drives, and other events open to the public, and any event requiring the use of University Facilities. In addition, all other rights and privileges granted as a result of being officially chartered or recognized may be revoked. Other conditions may be placed upon the suspension, including the submission of a written plan outlining the ways and means of corrective actions to be taken by the club or organization.
  4. Withdrawal of Official Recognition or Chartered Status: 
    Upon withdrawal of official recognition or chartered status, the club or organization will loose all rights and privileges related to such status. Withdrawal of status, at the discretion of the Dean of Students, may be for an indefinite period of time.
  5. Additionally:
    Club or organization members may subject themselves to individual discipline or sanctions as outlined in Appendix A. For purposes of the code, the term "member" includes those persons in a pledge or initiate stage.
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