Guidelines for Fraternity & Sorority Activities

An officially recognized and chartered club or organization's actions and/or activities must not be presented in a manner which tends to promote degrading or demeaning social stereotypes based on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion or disability.  In determining whether an action or activity is degrading or demeaning within the meaning of the code, the theme and all surrounding circumstances of the action or activity shall be considered in light of the following.

  1. Does it reinforce group stereotypes that the club or organization should reasonably know would be particularly offensive to any cultures in our society?
  2. Are the circumstances associated with the action or activity (i.e., advertisements, decorations, attire of participants) of the type which should reasonably be recognized as likely to foster negative connotations of the theme itself?
  3. Does the information available suggest that the theme, advertisements, decorations and attire were chosen to mock or degrade the groups associated with the theme?
  4. Does the information available suggest that the theme, advertisements, decorations and attire of the activity were chosen with the intent to incite breaches of the peace or disorder in the campus community?
  5. Was the activity staged under circumstances where the club or organization should reasonably know that breaches of the peace or disorder in the campus community were likely to result?
  6. Are the circumstances caused by negative behavior associated with the consumption of alcohol or the misuse of drugs?

The California State University, Northridge Fraternity & Sorority Institutional Relationship Statement requires that recognized fraternities and sororities conduct their organizations and activities as responsible bodies in their relationships with their constituencies, other students, the community and the university. All students living within the surrounding community are expected to conduct themselves as responsible adults and recognize that individual and group actions reflect on the university and individual organizations.

With regard to such manners, the following guidelines for activities conducted off-campus were developed for CSUN's fraternities & sororities in an inter-agency meeting amongst neighbors and students on Jan. 9, 1985, and most recently revisited by the Interfraternity Council on Nov. 9, 2011.  These guidelines only refer to those activities sponsored at non-commercial private residences taking place within neighboring campus communities. Questions regarding these guidelines can be directed to the Matador Involvement Center at (818) 677-5111. 

During formal recruitment:

  1. Trash patrols will remove any trash left after every fraternity event.
  2. Appropriate trash receptacles will be provided for the discarding of such items.
  3. Loud speakers will be directed away from neighboring properties.
  4. During weekday events (Monday through Thursday), music or any other amplified sound will be turned down at 10 p.m. and events will close no later than 11 p.m. At weekend events (Friday through Saturday), music and any other amplified sound will be turned down at 11 p.m., and events will close no later than midnight. The term "close" means that no new guests will be admitted and noise levels will be restricted.
  5. Fraternity guests will be instructed to park only in designated public parking areas if no parking is available at the property. Efforts will be made to limit conversations, noise and slamming of car doors while arriving to and from events.

At times other than formal recruitment periods:

  1. Any off-campus fraternity sponsored event must be registered with the Matador Involvement Center at least two weeks in advance through the Off-Campus Event Registration Form.
  2. No mid-week parties or events (Sunday through Thursday) will be permitted. Hours for weekend parties and events (Friday through Saturday), music and any other amplified sound will be turned down at 11 p.m., and events will close no later than midnight. The term "close" means that no new guests will be admitted and noise levels will be restricted.
  3. Clean-up patrols, as specified for recruitment parties, will be in operation after Greek functions. As stated in (1) above, trash receptacles will be provided and their use enforced at all functions.
  4. Each Greek organization has accepted the responsibility for establishing the specific guidelines regarding the punishment of individuals who violate any of the policies and procedures outlined in this document.
  5. All chapters have agreed to the concept of no "open parties" to which the general public would be invited.
  6. No dance, party or other social event sponsored by a fraternity where the event is scheduled to take place at a non-commercial facility will be held unless appropriate security arrangements have been made.
  7. Arrangements for security must be made in writing a minimum of two weeks in advance of the event.
  8. Each fraternity or sorority must designate a member to be in charge for each such event.
  9. Individuals attending the event must be a sponsored guest of a member of the host organization. Members sponsoring guests must assume responsibility for their actions. Each fraternity must design appropriate procedures to confirm this regulation in consultation with the Matador Involvement Center.
  10. In the event of any intrusion by one or more persons not a guest, if after reasonable efforts to dissuade prove unsuccessful, local police must be notified.
  11. Under certain conditions, it may be necessary for one or more uniformed security officers to be present and on duty until the termination of the event. Determination of the need for such security personnel shall be recommended by Matador Involvement Center staff in consultation with the Department of Public Safety. The fraternity shall assume the fiscal responsibility for any security determined necessary.
  12. Each individual is responsible for their own actions, but each fraternity accepts the responsibility of reducing the risk for inappropriate conduct by its members at each social function. Conduct considered to be inappropriate shall include, but is not limited to, public intoxication, unnecessary littering, failure to clean the premises and surrounding area after the event, unusual and loud noise, and deliberate harassment of neighbors.
  13. Individual students are responsible for their own conduct and that of their guests and can be held responsible through the Interfraternity Council judicial process and the CSUN Student Conduct Code.

For any reported alleged violations of these guidelines, the Matador Involvement Center shall immediately conduct a thorough inquiry. This inquiry may include convening a meeting between fraternity members, residents, advisors and neighbors to determine the nature of the concerns and determine agreed upon solutions. When warranted, the matter may be referred to the Interfraternity Council Judicial Board for Review.


Approved by IFC Assembly: March 19, 2012

Troy Scott, IFC President

WHEREAS the purpose of the Interfraternity Council is to harmonize the various activities of, and to hear and resolve complaints involving, the member fraternities, and to promote congenial relations between all California State University, Northridge’s Greek organizations, the university and the surrounding community; and

WHEREAS we recognize that fraternities as a whole and their members participate in events outside our community and their actions reflect on their fraternity, the Greek System and the student body at California State University, Northridge; and

WHEREAS we encourage each fraternity chapter to discuss this issue among all of its members, members of Greek organizations are expected to understand and enforce Interfraternity Council “Dry Recruitment” policies and regulations; and

WHEREAS we, the Interfraternity Council of California State University, Northridge, condemn behavior which is inconsistent with the rules and regulations promulgated by the Interfraternity Council; and

WHEREAS we will hold each member fraternity accountable for the actions of its members which conflict unfavorably with dry recruitment “standards” set forth by the Interfraternity Council; and

RESOLVE that we will uphold the rules and regulations governing “Dry Recruitment.”

Interfraternity Council Defines Recruitment Violations as Follows

  1. Alcohol in the immediate range of a fraternity member, potential new member or guest on the property which is serving as the designated location of the fraternity's recruitment function.
  2. Presence of any alcoholic containers, or other illegal paraphernalia, in or near plain view of a fraternity member, potential new member or guest.
  3. Taking a potential new member to an alternate property to consume alcohol or where alcohol is easily accessible.
  4. Anyone who is intoxicated, by alcohol or other, who is in or near the plain view of a rushee or guest.
  5. Any fraternity member who attends another fraternity recruitment location with the intention of drawing other potential new members to said fraternity member's respective rush function.
  6. Any fraternity that downgrades or directs derogatory remarks about any other fraternity.
  7. Each violation will constitute one violation, and each violation will be accompanied by a fine determined by the Interfraternity Council Executive Board.
  8. All violations will be determined by IFC officers and those people that have received the IFC jurisdiction.

1. Pre-Event Planning

  • All events must be registered with the office of Student Involvement and Development and the Matador Involvement Center through the "Off-campus Event Registration" form.
  • Members of the community in the vicinity of the event should be notified in 
    advance of the event, indicating time and place. A fraternity contact person's name and phone number should be given to each person who is notified in order to immediately address issues and concerns.
  • The primary focus of the event should be on the congenial socialization of the guests at the event. All planning, activities and factors should ensure that the fraternity has taken measures to act as responsible event hosts and in providing a safe and healthy social environment.
  • The event may not be open to other guests, male or female, who are not on a previously determined guest list.

2. Events Involving Alcoholic Beverages

  • Chapter members shall be informed of all relevant university and organizational policies as well as federal and state laws involving events where alcoholic beverages are present. All proceedings of these functions must comply with the university, organizational, federal and state laws.
  • Fraternities are prohibited from providing alcoholic beverages. This shall be defined as purchasing alcohol with organizational funds or credits or allowing any collection of funds for the purchase of alcohol.
  • Any fraternity function at which alcoholic beverages are present must be "bring your own beverage" (BYOB) functions with the following procedures in place:
  • All guests must surrender their alcohol to the fraternity for serving upon entrance to the event. It is recommended that each fraternity determine an appropriate means to register the alcohol that is brought to the event by each guest. The use of tags, tickets or a registration list is highly encouraged. 
  • No guest shall be permitted in common areas of the event with cans or bottles. The fraternity must supply plastic cups to be used by all guests.
  • All guests must show proper identification upon entrance to the event and receive a visible identification as being of legal drinking age. Wristbands are encouraged for this purpose.
  • No guest who arrives intoxicated shall be permitted entrance to the event. An attempt to secure proper transportation for the guest should be made.
  • Any guest who becomes intoxicated at the event will forfeit his or her right to be served any additional alcohol. The fraternity reserves the right to take that person's alcohol into "safekeeping" until the person returns at a later time, to be reasonably determined by the fraternity, in a condition appropriate to reclaim the alcohol.
  • The fraternity is responsible for providing servers (1 for each 75 guests expected) who will be held responsible for appropriately serving each guest his or her alcohol upon request. These servers will be at least 21 years of age and be knowledgeable of all alcohol policies and methods of dealing with intoxicated guests. It is the responsibility of the servers to ensure that individuals only access their own alcohol and that guests are utilizing alcohol in a responsible manner.
  • The fraternity is responsible for providing sober party monitors (1 for each 50 guests expected). These monitors are responsible for providing for the health and safety of the guests and should be knowledgeable of all alcohol policies, and methods of dealing with intoxicated persons.
  • No guest may leave an event with an unconsumed beverage.
  • The fraternity will provide a variety of non-alcoholic beverages to use as choices for guests who are not drinking alcoholic beverages. These should be readily available and easily accessible at the serving area.
  • The fraternity should provide food in substantial quantity and quality so as to be an attractive part of the social event. 
  • The fraternity will make appropriate arrangements for the safe and swift removal of all trash for the event.

3. Other Issues

  • Each fraternity will annually submit to IFC a written plan describing the measure that the chapter will take to comply with all measures of this policy, including a detailed description of the means that the fraternity has determined to appropriately manage the registration and serving of alcohol.
  • Each organization will annually present to its members (90 percent participation) an education on the effects of alcohol and the consequences involved with inappropriate and irresponsible use.
  • No alcohol will be served at any all-Greek function, banquet or workshop.


Adopted by the Interfraternity Council 
Approved February 11, 1991

The following guidelines are offered to assist fraternity & sorority leaders in planning organizational social events. Careful thought and planning should surround each and every event in which an organization accepts the responsibility of acting as a social host. The implementation of this policy applies to any fraternity or sorority social event that includes more than 3 guests per live-in member of the organization. 

Many of the guidelines herein refer to specific provisions of policies and resolutions of the Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, United Sorority and Fraternity Council, the National Pan-Hellenic Council, the CSUN Student Organization Code of Ethics, federal and state law, local city ordinance, and (inter)national organizational policies. For specific references to these policies, please refer to the Fraternity and Sorority Guidelines manual and/or contact the Fraternity and Sorority Advisor in the Matador Involvement Center.

Section I: Pre-Event Planning & Event Registration

Step 1: Organization obtains the "Off-Campus Event Registration Form" from the Matador Involvement Center located in the University Student Union. Organization lists all relevant information on form including: date of event, location, theme, total number of people attending, security arrangements, and risk management arrangements. Please note: this process must be completed at least 2 weeks prior to the event, thus obtaining the form should occur earlier than the 2 week deadline to allow the proper amount of time for its completion.

Step 2: Organization meets with Fraternity & Sorority Advisor to discuss all final arrangements of event to determine full compliance with all applicable local/national, campus, and state policies, rules and regulations, including municipal and fire codes. The following arrangements will need to be discussed:

  • The theme of the event and the manner in which the theme is being utilized throughout the event planning. Themes must be in compliance with relevant policies and may not promote the use of alcohol.
  • The method being utilized to obtain the event guest list, if required. The guest list must be at the entrance to the event at all times. For events being held at privately owned, non third-party vendor locations, a guest list must be submitted to the Matador Involvement Center no later than 96 hours before the event.
  • The procedures that are being utilized in checking the identification of each person attempting to attend the event. This must consist of both checking for a college ID as well as identifying those persons who are of legal drinking age, should alcohol be present at the event. The use of wristbands to identify persons of legal drinking age is encouraged.
  • The type and quantity of non-alcoholic beverages that will be provided.
  • The type and quantity of food that will be provided.
  • The arrangements that have been made to respond to intoxicated persons at the event. This includes, but is not limited to, persons who arrive intoxicated, persons who become intoxicated and unruly at the event, and persons who attempt to leave the event in an intoxicated state.
  • The actions that the organization has taken to notify and work with the neighbors, when applicable, to promote positive ongoing community relations.
  • The specifics of implementing the organization's written plan for hosting social events containing alcohol.
  • Identify the licensed security agency or sworn police officer who has been contracted to provide security for the event. The name and contact information for this person must be provided.
  • Identify the member of the organization who will ultimately be responsible for security and all actions that take place at the event. The name and contact information must be provided.
  • The protocol that the organization is prepared to take to respond to complaints during the event.
  • The arrangements that the organization has made for providing safe transportation to and/or from the event for guests.
  • The arrangements made with any third-party vendor location for the event. The name and phone number of the person in charge of such a facility must be provided.

Step 3: Fraternity or sorority submits completed Off-Campus Event Registration form to Fraternity and Sorority Advisor for signature along with a copy of written notification of event to neighbors and guest list (when applicable). Completed form is also signed by Chapter president and person responsible for event. All off-campus events must be registered at least 2 weeks before the event date. Successful completion of this step signifies official registration of event.

Step 4: All flyers and advertising of event must also be approved by and copies submitted to Fraternity and Sorority Advisor. Advertising of event must not occur until after event has been officially registered. Advertising of event must comply with all relevant campus and organization risk management policies (for example, advertising of events with billboards and flyers that normally require invitations and guest lists only would violate national policy and will not be approved). Phone and voicemail message systems to keep track of guest lists do not comply with most national risk management policies. The posting of billboards on certain properties may violate city signage ordinances and should be verified by the city prior to their placement.

Step 5: Fraternity or sorority notifies all neighbors (when applicable) in writing at least 96 hours in advance of the event. A copy of this written notification shall be submitted along with the original "Off Campus Event Registration Form."

Step 6: Fraternity and Sorority Advisor notifies CSUN University Police and Housing of all registered weekend events by Wednesday of that week via email.

Section II: Security Protocol During Event

University police will (unless tied up with emergency response) provide random spot check of registered off-campus fraternity and sorority events that are within the immediate adjacent geographical border of the campus as well as special meeting locations such as Parking Lot F10. University police, when spot checking, will note in writing on the University Police "Spot Check" form the approximate observable crowd size and tenor of the event so as to compare originally stated number of guests on the registration form as well as the tenor of the function during the spot check. University police will at their discretion, file a police report of any incidents where the use of notes for the spot check are not sufficient.

In any given situation where organizational leadership determines that an issue may arise where their hired security would not be able to address the incident, the fraternity or sorority leadership is recommended to call CSUN University Police before it transitions to a "crises" situation. Students are reminded that they should dial "911" for the Los Angeles Police Department IN ALL EMERGENCIES. A second call should be placed to California State University, Northridge police (818) 677-2111 so that they may also respond for assistance and University information purposes. When issues may arise at third party vendor locations and/or further away from campus, the organization should work with local security first and then dial "911" for emergencies.

Any neighbors voicing complaints should first be directed to the individual organization leadership. If neighbors deem the response to be unsatisfactory, they may then contact CSUN University Police. In the EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY, neighbors should dial "911" for Los Angeles Police Department response. A second call may be placed to California State University, Northridge police for assistance and University information purposes. 

Section III: After Event Assessment

Step 1: Any incidents that may have required police response will be reported by University police to the Dean of Students the morning following the event. A copy of the "spot check" form will be forwarded to the Dean of Students and the fraternity and sorority advisor via campus mail the day after the event. This will ensure immediate correspondence with the organization to investigate what may have occurred and rectify the situation in a timely matter.

Step 2: For each registered off-campus event, the fraternity or sorority leadership will be sent a written event debriefing form from the Fraternity and Sorority Advisor so as to gain immediate insight as to the coordination and management of the event. This response will seek information so as to improve event management procedures and offer future collaborative efforts that may be undertaken between the organizations and the CSUN University Police.

Step 3: In the event that a situation would dictate judicial action within the University or a Greek leadership council, CSUN University Police will be available to assist in the investigation if deemed appropriate by the Chief of Police. Police will also be provided with a timely notice so that they are available to testify at a judicial hearing.

Section IV: Ongoing Event Management Support

In order to support the continued education of the Greek community on proper event management, the CSUN University Police will assist the Fraternity and Sorority Advisor in conducting an educational workshop at the beginning of each semester for chapter leaders. This workshop will include items such as: laws pertaining to alcohol, guest list enforcement, risk management, crowd control, safety, and protocol for gaining law enforcement assistance.

In assisting the Greek community in their strategic planning efforts, the CSUN University Police force has volunteered to also work with and educate the Greek risk management taskforce as outlined in the COMPASS Strategic Plan.

Posting, Billboards and Banners

The distribution of written or printed matter, other than those resulting from the transaction of official university business and academic activity, shall be permitted on campus, subject, however, to reasonable directives as to time, place, and manner. (University Policies and Procedures 750-02)

Procedures for Posting

A privilege enjoyed by University Recognized and Associated Students chartered clubs, organizations and University departments is the publicizing of events and activities on campus.

One method of publicizing is to post material in appropriately designated areas. It is strictly forbidden for handbills or circulars of any kind to be affixed to trees, walls, doors, windows, light poles, or cars in the parking lots.

The following are the procedures for posting on campus:

  1. The time limit for posting on Associated Students boards is three weeks for A.S. Sponsored events and two weeks for others. On-going services sponsored by A.S. may be posted indefinitely as space provides. The time limit for University Student Union boards is two weeks for all groups.
  2. A list of approved bulletin board locations is available in the Matador Involvement Center or by visiting
  3. Other bulletin boards and display areas such as classrooms have been reserved for departmental; and faculty use. They are not for A.S. purposes or individual use unless approved by the appropriate department.
  4. All materials to be posted must clearly bear the name of the sponsoring organization or department, must be no larger than 11 x 17, and must be stamped "APPROVED FOR POSTING" by the Office of Student Development, University Student Union, Room 113 (Southwest addition). Organizations are cautioned that they must bear the responsibility for any materials they wish to display on campus. As sponsors, they are subject to the same laws applying to private individuals, including libel, defamation, sedition, and the regulations cited in Section 42352, Article IX of Title V.
  5. Only non-commercial literature may be posted. University regulations prohibit the use of bulletin boards for commercial advertising by individuals, groups, organizations, or commercial entities.
  6. Associated Students provides a posting service through the Matador Involvement Center. However, it is sometimes more expeditious to post your own material. If you wish to use the posting service, material should be left the Matador Involvement Center. Only one flyer per board for each event is allowed. All others will be immediately removed.
  7. Any materials posted covering other materials will be removed.
  8. Materials posted by University Recognized and A.S. chartered groups and departments must not conflict with policies of the State of California or with those of California State University, Northridge. They may not include the name of CSUN unless that name is a recognized portion of the organization's name, or unless it is an activity sponsored by CSUN. Otherwise, the name CSUN may only be used to designate the location of the event.

Note: Non-Commercial Notices: Individual students may place personal, non-commercial notices on 3 x 5 cards, as space permits, on A.S. boards. These notices may include advertisements offering for sale personal property owned by members of the campus community. These cards must be dated and are subject to a two-week time limit for posting.

Procedures for Billboards

The following are the procedures governing billboards on campus:

  1. Only recognized University Recognized clubs and organizations, employee groups, and departments may use billboard for publicity on campus.
  2. The time limit for displaying billboards on campus is two weeks. Permits will not be extended. Groups may re-apply for "Application for Permit to Display a Billboard" not sooner than two weeks.
  3. Billboards must be placed on the lawn within one foot of any designated interior campus sidewalk (Billboards are not permitted on the Oviatt Lawn). They may not be placed against trees, sculptures, building, or other stationary structures. Signs advertising CSUN events will direct off-campus appeal may be placed in designated areas on the boundaries of the campus with approval of Matador Involvement Center and the Physical Plant Management Department.
  4. A billboard application and sketch of the billboard-with exact working-must be submitted to the Matador Involvement Center. Billboards should be visible from the normal distance intended for publicity. Two stickers, one for each side, bearing the "Approved for Posting" stamp must be issued to the requesting organizations. These stickers must be affixed to the billboard.
  5. The maximum size for billboard is 4' x 88 or 8' x 4'. Support structures many not exceed 2' c 5'. Stakes are prohibited. Billboard must be structurally sound and stand up under their own support. Any billboard consider unsafe or hazardous or causing damage to the lawn may be removed by Physical Plant Management.
  6. Sponsoring organizations must remove billboard from campus by the expiration date on the permit. Billboard not removed by the expiration date will be removed by Physical Plant Management; sponsoring organizations will be charged $30.00 for removal.
  7. Physical Plant Management, in consultation with the Matador Involvement Center, will remove-at the organizations expense-any billboard which become unsightly or hazardous or that cause dame to the lawn.
  8. Billboard must not conflict with policies of the State of California or with those of California State University Northridge. They may not include name of CSUN unless that name is a recognized portion of the organization's name or unless it is an activity sponsored by CSUN. Otherwise, the name of CSUN may only be used to designate the location of the event.

Whereas, the California State University, Northridge's Panhellenic and Interfraternity Councils believe sororities, women's fraternities, and men's fraternities offer excellent opportunities for women and men to share a fraternal experience with members of the same sex, and

Whereas, opposite sex auxiliary groups, commonly referred to as "big brothers" and "little sisters," are inconsistent with the concept and philosophy of separate and equal women's and men's fraternal institutions, and furthermore threaten the protected, single-sex status of fraternal institutions, and

Whereas, California State University, Northridge's Panhellenic and Interfraternity Councils believe that these groups inhibit the accomplishment of chapter goals by:

  • Diverting the resources of time, effort and money which are needed for the chapter operations and programming;
  • Distracting chapter members in the performance of essential duties;
  • Undermining the process of membership recruitment
  • Inviting disharmony within the chapter
  • Placing undue liability on the Greek institutions of California State University, Northridge and their members; and

Whereas, there are equally attractive alternatives to the above mentioned auxiliary groups;

Be it resolved, the California State University, Northridge's Panhellenic and Interfraternity Councils believe that "big brother" and "little sister" groups are not desirable adjuncts to the collegiate chapters of the fraternal institutions of California State University, Northridge; and furthermore that the opposite sex auxiliary groups will not be allowed to exist on the California State University, Northridge campus after June 30, 1991.

Violations of this policy will be presented to and judged, as to the penalties by the appropriate judicial bodies of the Panhellenic and Interfraternity Councils. The following list includes violations of the above stated policy. Other actions contributing to organization and structure of members of the opposite sex into a group that exists for an indefinite period of time will be deemed violations of this policy.

  1. The fraternal institutions of California State University, Northridge may not rush, give bids to, or initiate into auxiliary groups, members of the opposite sex.
  2. The fraternal institutions of California State University, Northridge may not address members of the opposite sex as "little sisters," "big brothers," "honored guests," or any other title which denotes a group organizational title associated with their institutions.
  3. Members of the opposite sex may not attend meetings concerning chapter business unless allowed by their respective (inter) national fraternity.
  4. In the association of the fraternal institutions of California State University, Northridge there may not be meetings of, officers for, composites of, or banking accounts for groups consisting of the opposite sex.
  5. Adopted by: Interfraternity Council, March 18, 1991 Panhellenic Council, March 18, 1991

1. Education:

Chapters agree that all members of the Panhellenic Community must be educated about the issues related to image and pranking. Chapters agree to educate all of their members about:

  • Risk management
  • The contents of this resolution at least once a year, and
  • Consequences of breaking this agreement.

2. Provisions:

Chapters agree that each member of the Panhellenic community must agree to the guidelines and provisions in order for them to be effective. Pranks include, but are not limited to:

  • Stealing personal property;
  • Breaking into property;
  • Vandalism of any kind;
  • Profanity;
  • Obstructing exits and/or personal endangerment;
  • Involving food products of any kind;
  • Toilet papering.

3. Accountability:

Individual action will reflect on the entire chapter. Chapters agree that accountability for actions is to the success of this agreement.

  • Chapters agree to address problems straightforwardly and with maturity.
  • Chapter presidents (or next officer in line) agree to contact each other immediately when problems arise between chapters. Open communication will be encouraged and valued.
  • Chapters agree to take responsibility for their own actions.
  • If chapters cannot reach a solution amongst themselves, then investigations by committee will take place with the possibility of sanctions through the Panhellenic Judicial process. This committee will be formed by the Panhellenic Council and all decisions will be final.

As the Panhellenic members of California State University, Northridge wish to strengthen the Panhellenic community, improve the Panhellenic image on campus and in the community at large, this resolution shall be adopted.

This resolution was adopted by the Panhellenic Council on March 5, 2001

Whereas, the Panhellenic women of California State University, Northridge seek to adhere to the National Panhellenic Conference Resolution entitled Alcohol-Free Social Activities; and

Whereas, the NPC members groups as 26 sovereign entities have passed resolutions supporting fraternities who initiated alcohol free housing in the Fall of 2000; and

Whereas, all NPC member fraternities do not permit alcohol in housing facilities; and

Whereas, the NPC members at California State University, Northridge have decided to take a proactive leadership role in order to further the Greek Community on our campus; and

Whereas, the NPC member groups understand the importance of living environments that are conductive to the high standards of fraternities principles; therefore

Be it Resolved, that beginning in the Spring semester of 2001, the NPC member fraternities at California State University, Northridge will co-sponsor functions in men's fraternity facilities only if those functions are alcohol free, and

Be it Further Resolved, that beginning in the Spring of 2001, the NPC member fraternities at California State University, Northridge will co-sponsor functions with alcohol only if the function takes place at the third party licensed vendor; and

Be it Further Resolved, that the NPC member groups at California State University, Northridge fully support the fraternities that have chosen to create substance-free facilities, and encourage other fraternities to follow suit; and

Be it Further Resolved, that the NPC member groups at California State University, Northridge will respectfully leave a function where the above policy is not followed, and the NPC member groups agree to support one another in this decision.

This resolution was adopted by the Panhellenic Council on March 12, 2001.

There are several recommended steps to follow in the event of a tragedy, with some additional steps to follow in the event of a death of one of your members. In emergency situations, it is critical that you react calmly. The success of these plans depends on thoughtful and cooperative responses by all residents and members.

1. Who is in Charge During an Emergency or Crisis? 

Be certain that each person in your chapter knows that you as president are in command of every emergency situation involving serious injury or death. In your absence, have a ranking order of officers established and be sure they know where to find the written procedure. You should already have arranged with your Chapter Advisor and Housing Corporation President as to how they are to be notified.

2. If a Tragedy Occurs

If a tragedy has occurred within your chapter, close the house at once. You cannot give instructions if your members are leaving and strangers are entering. Permit only appropriate officials to enter.

3. Emergency Phone Calls to Make and Numbers

You need to make several phone calls immediately. Briefly and calmly explain the situation so that appropriate emergency personnel (police, fire, ambulance) can respond.

1st: Local emergency 911
CSUN local emergency numbers and/or Campus phones- 9911 Pay Phones- 911 CSUN Campus Police On-campus- 2111 Off-campus- 677-2111.
If the emergency situation is a fire 911.
Do not hesitate to call CSUN Police regardless of the situation.

2nd: Call your CSUN Greek Advisor Dr. John LeJay II or Diana Santoyo at Campus (818) 677-5111
I will discuss the situation with you and in all serious cases will be at the chapter location in a matter of minutes. Always call if you are in doubt as to whether a situation is serious or not.

3rd: Call your (Inter)National Fraternity/Sorority Administrative Office _______
Call your Chapter Advisor _______
Call your House Corporation Board President _______

4. Informing Members and Making Public Statements

Assemble your members in a group. Depending on the situation, out-of-house members may need to be called in for a meeting. It is important that all members remain calm during the crisis. Explain to them that there is an emergency situation and that the house is closed. Ask them to cooperate in halting outgoing phone calls until the situation is under control. Do not discuss the situation until a CSUN Staff Member, Chapter Advisor or House Corporation President arrives.

Instruct your members to make no statements to anyone other than University Personnel or Fraternity and Sorority officials. As the president, you make any appropriate statements to the media after the situation is under control and you have discussed the content of your statement with university and fraternity/sorority officials. Make sure, however, that all members know what your prepared statements will be. 

In any emergency, use extreme tact and caution in your actions and statements to members, the media and others. Where possible litigation may follow, be extremely cautious about jumping to conclusions or speculation.

5. When a Member is Injured, Becomes Seriously Ill or Dies

Do not notify parents or family members. In the event of a serious accident or illness, the medical personnel will notify parents and advise them of the student's physical condition. In the event of a death, the appropriate law enforcement or university official will notify parents. 

If the situation is a death outside the house, do not make an announcement until a university official or your chapter advisor has arrived to help. Be very careful about this information. If the member was living in the house, do not move any of the deceased student's personal possessions. Since most members share a room, you may want to move the roommate somewhere else temporarily. You should contact the family after they have been appropriately notified, to offer sympathy on behalf of the chapter and ask what their wishes are in regard to gathering the member's possessions. If the family desires to pack the member's belongings, have empty boxes available and offer to help. Be aware that this is a difficult time for the member's family and they may want/need privacy.

In the case of serious injury or illness, find out the visitation wishes of the family and coordinate this with chapter members. Always respect the wishes and desires of the family. 

6. If a Member Attempts Suicide

In the case of a suicide attempt, with or without serious injury, do not assemble members or call parents. Contact university personnel or your chapter advisor to discuss the situation and welfare of the member. 
Suicide Prevention Hotline (24 Hours) 1-800-827-7571

7. Selected Campus Resources

During times of crisis or tragedy within a fraternity/sorority, individual and group counseling is strongly recommended. There are several campus resources available to assist your chapter in crisis situations. Do not hesitate to call for help.

CSUN Counseling Services (818) 677-2366
CSUN Helpline (operates daily 6 p.m. to midnight) (818) 349-HELP (A telephone crisis intervention service for listening, information and referrals)
CSUN Interfaith Council (818) 677-6300

8. Emergency Response Plan in the Event of an Earthquake, Civil Disturbances and Natural Disaster

In the event of a building or structure emergency affecting a fraternity/sorority, residents should agree in advance on an outdoor meeting place away from the structure if evacuation is necessary. If off-campus areas must be evacuated, emergency coordinators/rescue teams may be available to assist you. If teams are unavailable, residents should follow a predetermined route to campus, walking together in groups. Watch for downed power lines and fallen debris. The designated disaster assembly area for fraternity/sorority members is: any safe open campus parking area. At these sites, further instruction and assistance will be provided by campus personnel. If temporary shelter is necessary, residents will be instructed on designated locations.

9. Campus Evacuation Route in a Disaster Situation

If an area wide disaster impacts the campus community, follow designated evacuation routes or Emergency Coordinators if present (wearing emergency vests) on campus.

10. Role of Fraternity and Sorority

In any major emergency, special teams will respond quickly to off-campus areas if possible. If resources are scarce, groups must be prepared to cope with their problems for a time. The fraternity/sorority will be responsible for coordinating the response to the emergency until help arrives, using resources on hand. Each fraternity/sorority location should have an emergency plan for this purpose including: emergency checklist, identified evacuation routes and outdoor meeting place, access/cut off of gas and water valves, extra bottled water and emergency kit/supplies.

11. Emergency Information

In the event of a major emergency, an Emergency Public Information Center will serve as the primary source of emergency information about the campus. A CSUN Emergency Hotline will be activated and carry critical information about the campus, academic schedules and closures. Information will also be provided to local A.M. radio stations as well as the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS).

For more information on CSUN emergency procedures and disaster preparedness, call Environmental Health and Safety at (818) 677- 2401.

  1. Chapter officers shall be responsible for ensuring that chapter members adhere to all the governing principles of the Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, or United Sorority and Fraternity Council; all policies, procedures and directives promulgated by the university and prospective organization headquarters; and all local state and federal laws regarding fraternity and sorority activities. The chapter president shall have the duty to inform chapter members of these regulations.
  2. Chapter officers shall be held accountable for all organized chapter activities. Examples of such activities include, but are not limited to, recruitment activities, initiation rites, sports competitions and parties.
  3. Although all members are personally responsible for their own behavior, a specific chapter officer may be held personally accountable for the misconduct of chapter members during organized chapter activities. Circumstances that might warrant this personal accountability include, but are not limited to:
  • Inappropriate and/or unacceptable activities that are sanctioned by the chapter by means of discussion and/or planning at chapter meetings, officers meetings or committee meetings.
  • An officer's personal participation in such an activity.
  • An officer's failure to act appropriately upon witnessing such an activity.
  • An officer's failure to act appropriately in preventing such an activity when they had prior knowledge.
  • An officer's failure to act appropriately in taking corrective action after learning of such an activity.
  • An officer's negligence in their responsibility to educate the group of established laws, regulations, policies, directives and procedures.

WHEREAS, the attitudes and behaviors exhibited by fraternity members of the Interfraternity Council have a direct bearing on the way the entire Greek community is perceived by the general public; and

WHEREAS, the Interfraternity Council realizes that there is increased consciousness of sexual exploitation, not just on our campus but in society; and

WHEREAS, the Greek community has demonstrated its responsibility in leadership, scholarship, community service, human dignity and respect; and

WHEREAS, the Interfraternity Council is committed to advancing fraternity member awareness and sensitivity to all social issues; and

WHEREAS, the Interfraternity Council strives to foster an atmosphere of healthy and proper attitudes toward human sex roles, and wishes that all incidences not consistent with this be halted.

THEREFORE, Be it Resolved, as endorsed by the general assembly of the Interfraternity Council of California State University, Northridge on November 24, 1987, that the following statements of position on responsible promotion of human sexuality be adopted:

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Interfraternity Council will not tolerate nor condone any form of sexually exploitative or demeaning behavior or advertising techniques; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Interfraternity Council encourages individual fraternities to adopt programming that fosters a more healthy attitude toward human sexuality; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that each member fraternity of the Interfraternity Council publish material (i.e. recruitment manuals and party flyers) that reflect their sensitivity toward sexual exploitation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Interfraternity Council will establish a public image monitoring board, consisting of the Executive Council of the IFC, whose function will be to review and approve or disapprove all fraternity publication materials; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Interfraternity Council will reward those member fraternities which foster healthy attitudes towards human sexuality and, conversely, sanction those member fraternities which violate the spirit of the standards set forth in this resolution.

California Penal Code on Hazing

1. California Penal Code Reads

245.6. (a) It shall be unlawful to engage in hazing, as defined in this section.

Hazing Defined:

245.6 (b) "Hazing" means any method of initiation or pre-initiation into a student organization or student body, whether or not the organization or body is officially recognized by an educational institution, which is likely to cause serious bodily injury to any former, current, or prospective student of any school, community college, college, university or other educational institution in this state. The term "hazing" does not include customary athletic events or school-sanctioned events.

(c) A violation of this section that does not result in serious bodily injury is a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100), nor more than five thousand dollars ($5,000), or imprisonment in the county jail for not more than one year, or both. 

(d) Any person who personally engages in hazing that results in death or serious bodily injury as defined in paragraph (4) of subdivision (f) of Section 243 of the Penal Code, is guilty of either a misdemeanor or a felony, and shall be punished by imprisonment in county jail not exceeding one year, or by imprisonment in the state prison. 

(e) The person against whom the hazing is directed may commence a civil action for injury or damages. The action may be brought against any participants in the hazing, or any organization to which the student is seeking membership whose agents, directors, trustees, managers or officers authorized, requested, commanded, participated in or ratified the hazing. 

(f) Prosecution under this section shall not prohibit prosecution under any other provision of law.

Matt's Law:

SEC. 5. This act shall be known and may be cited as "Matt's Law" in memory of Matthew William Carrington, who died on February 2, 2005, as a result of hazing.

SEC. 6. No reimbursement is required by this act pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution because the only costs that may be incurred by a local agency or school district will be incurred because this act creates a new crime or infraction, eliminates a crime or infraction, or changes the penalty for a crime or infraction, within the meaning of Section 17556 of the Government Code, or changes the definition of a crime within the meaning of Section 6 of Article XIII B of the California Constitution.

Hazing Information

(1) What is Hazing?

Hazing is defined by the Fraternity Insurance Purchasing Group (FIPG).

No chapter, colony, student or alumnus shall conduct nor condone hazing activities. Hazing activities are defined as "Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment or ridicule. Such activities may include but are not limited to the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; quests, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips or any other such activities carried on outside or inside of the confines of the chapter house; wearing of public apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with academic achievement, fraternal law, ritual or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution or applicable state law." 

If you have to ask if it is hazing, it is. If in doubt, call your advisor or national office.

(2) To whom does hazing apply?

Our greatest contact and familiarity with hazing comes from the active-pledge or new member relationship. If hazing is occurring, usually an active member is harassing a pledge or new member. Hazing, however, is not limited to activities harassing pledges. It is also possible for a pledge/new member to haze an active; an active to haze another active; or a pledge/new member to haze another pledge/new member even if one is willingly requesting this harassment.

(3) What kinds of hazing are there?

The following are examples of hazing by category. It is impossible to list all hazing activities, so this list is not intended to be all inclusive.

A. Psychological Hazing

Psychological hazing is any action that is against accepted sorority and fraternity standards of conduct, behavior and good taste that is mental in nature and which ridicules, humiliates or embarrasses, or which confuses, frustrates or causes undue stress. 

  • Never doing anything with the pledge(s)
  • Calling people "pledgie” or “maggot" or any other demeaning name
  • Silence periods
  • Any forms of demerits
  • Requiring to call members Mr. or Miss
  • Scavenger hunts or road trips
  • Phone or house duty if only assigned to pledges
  • Requiring pledges to carry items around at all times
  • Scaring or misleading pledges about initiation activities
  • Deprivation of privileges
  • Line ups or hot seats
  • Verbal harassments
  • Lack of study or sleep time
  • Assigned pranking activities
  • Signature books

B. Physical Hazing

Physical hazing is anything that causes mental anguish or physical discomfort to the person. 

  • Requiring pledges or members to wear ridiculous costumes or clothing
  • Nudity of any sort
  • Requiring pledges or members to enter through the back door or separate entrance
  • Requiring a person to perform personal service such as carrying books or running errands
  • Paddling
  • Cold rooms or exposure to cold and heat
  • Beating sessions
  • Pushing and shoving
  • Exercises and calisthenics
  • Forced eating and drinking
  • Bright lights

Myths and Facts About Hazing

Myth #1: Hazing is a problem for fraternities and sororities primarily. 

Fact: Hazing is a societal problem. Hazing incidents have been frequently documented in the military, athletic teams, marching bands, religious cults, professional societies and other types of clubs and/or organizations. Reports of hazing in high school are also on the rise.

Myth #2:  Hazing is no more than foolish pranks that sometimes go wrong.

Fact:  hazing is an act of power and control over others. It is victimization that is pre-meditated and not accidental. Hazing is abusive, degrading and often life-threatening.

Myth#3: As long as there is no malicious intent, a little hazing should be okay.

Fact: Even if there is no malicious "intent," safety may still be a factor in traditional hazing activities that are considered to be "all in good fun." For example, serious accidents have occurred during scavenger hunts and kidnapping trips. Besides, what purposes do such activities serve in promoting the growth and development of team members?

Myth#4: Hazing is an effective way to teach respect and develop discipline.

Fact: First of all, respect must be earned, not taught. Victims of hazing rarely have respect for those who have hazed them. Just like other forms of victimization, hazing breeds mistrust, apathy and alienation.

Myth #5: If someone agrees to participate in an activity, it can't be considered hazing. 

Fact: In states that have laws against hazing, consent of the victim can't be used as the defense in a civil suit. Even if someone agrees to participate in a potentially hazardous action, it may not be true consent when considering the pressure and desire to belong to the group.

Myth #6: It's difficult to determine whether or not a certain activity is hazing; it's such a grey area sometimes. 

Fact: It's not difficult to decide if an activity is hazing if you use common sense and ask yourself the following questions: Is alcohol involved? Will active or current members of the group refuse to participate? Does the activity risk emotional or physical abuse? Is there a risk of injury or a question of safety? Do you have reservation describing this activity to your parents, professor, advisor or university official? Would you object to the activity being photographed for the school newspaper or filmed by the local television news?

Alternatives for Hazing

Please refer to your prospective organization and/or the Office of Student Involvement and Development for ideas that will foster unity, develop leadership skills, develop problem solving abilities, instill a sense of membership, promote scholarship, build awareness of chapter history and pride, and improve the fraternity and sorority community without hazing.

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