Career Fair Registration
The Career Center offers six career fairs and a graduate school fair per year, allowing organizations to connect directly with CSUN students and alumni. Attending a career fair is also one of the most effective ways to gain visibility, build invaluable relationships on-campus, educate students about your company, advertise open positions, and interview our talented students and alumni. Special rates are available for our non-profit and government partners.
Log into Handshake (please see special instructions for first-time Handshake users below).
On the left-side navigation bar, select "Fairs."
Search for "California State University, Northridge" in the search bar and select the career fair you want to register for.
Once you complete the career fair registration, the event coordinator will need to review the details you provided.
Within 2-3 business days, you should expect an invoice from us. Please note that your registration is not complete until payment is made.
Before registering for the fair, first-time users must create their Handshake employer user account and join their organization's Handshake profile. (This is a one-time-only process.)
Go to
To create your employer user account, enter your information and email address and create a password. Handshake will send you a confirmation email to verify your credentials.
Check your email and select the link to confirm your account.
Once your email is confirmed, you will be directed back to Handshake. Follow the steps to set up your account, search for your organization's name, and join the company profile. (If your organization is not in Handshake, you will create the company profile too.) Students and alumni will see these pages when searching in the system. During the sign-up process, you can also request access to California State University, Northridge, notifying us that you would like to post jobs with us in the future.
After you join your employer or create your employer's account, you'll be on the home page of Handshake. On the left-side navigation bar, select "Fairs." Search for "California State University, Northridge" on the resulting Career Fairs page, and select the career fair to complete registration.
Tech Fest
Thursday, 02/13/2025, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Spring Career Fair
Thursday, 03/06/2025, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Recent Grad & Alumni Fair
Tuesday, 04/15/2025, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
The Fall & Spring Career Fair will be held in the Northridge Center, University Student Union, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
With CSUN's strong reputation in all nine of our academic colleges, this event attracts employers from various industries and career fields, including government, non-profit, insurance, advertising, PR, marketing, education, real estate, movies, TV, music, and more!
The standard fee is $625. The fee for non-profit and government organizations is $425.
The STEAM Career Day will be held in the Northridge Center, University Student Union, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Students interested in pursuing a career in science, technology, arts, engineering, and mathematics will attend this fair. Specific academic programs include Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Information Technology, Engineering Management, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Mathematics, Biotechnology/Medical Technology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Statistics, Physics, Astrophysics, Geology, Geography, Microbiology, Animation, Cinema and Television Arts, Graphic Design, Illustration, and more!
The standard fee is $675. The fee for non-profit and government organizations is $450.
Tech Fest will be held in the Northridge Center, University Student Union, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Students interested in pursuing a career in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics will attend this fair. Specific academic programs include Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Information Technology, Engineering Management, Manufacturing Systems Engineering, and more!
The standard fee is $675. The fee for non-profit and government organizations is $450.
Education Expo will be held in the Northridge Center, University Student Union, from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Students interested in pursuing careers in school districts, charter schools, and other education organizations will attend this fair.
The standard fee is $425.
Recent Grad and Alumni Job Fair will be held in the Northridge Center, University Student Union, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
With CSUN's strong reputation in all nine of our academic colleges, this event attracts employers from various industries and career fields, including government, non-profit, insurance, advertising, PR, marketing, education, real estate, movies, TV, music, and more!
The standard fee is $625. The fee for non-profit and government organizations is $425.
The Graduate School Fair will be held in the Northridge Center, University Student Union, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
This event attracts graduate and professional schools from diverse programs, including art, science, humanities, engineering, business, education, mathematics, health, and more!
The standard fee is $425.
The CSUN Career Center strives to be inclusive and serve the entire CSUN student population. We will not cooperate with organizations that appear to discriminate against applicants based on race, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, disability, or gender.
All job and internship fairs hosted by the Career Center are for employers to recruit student and alumni candidates and for students and alumni to meet employers to discuss career and internship opportunities.
The maximum number of representatives allowed to attend per registration is three. Please do not schedule "tag teams" of representatives that relieve one another during the event. You may purchase an additional table at the standard registration fee to accommodate four or more representatives.
Career Center events are not for employers to solicit employer business contacts. If an employer is found to be conducting business other than recruiting students and alumni for possible positions, that employer will be asked to leave the event immediately. In addition, that employer forfeits any fees associated with the event and will be subject to the Denial of Service policies.
Employers identified as Graduate School Programs and/or Professional Schools may be limited to participation in job fairs and career events on a waiting-list basis; if space is available two weeks before the event, schools representing any of the aforementioned categories may be permitted to participate in the event, to a number determined by the Career Center.
The Career Center can only process credit card payments and check payments. Checks should be payable to: CSUN Career Center and mailed to 18111 Nordhoff St., BH 413, Northridge, CA 91330-8241.
Cash payments are not accepted as we cannot process cash. The Career Center will process payments in a timely manner and will make available receipts when requested, and will email payment confirmations for job fair activity.
Multilevel Marketing Companies, also called Network Marketing Companies, are not defined as "employers" by the Career Center and are not eligible to participate in job fairs. The Career Center considers organizations that engage in the following to be Multi-Level Marketing Companies:
Sponsoring an individual to set up his/her own business for the purpose of selling products or services and/or recruiting other individuals to set up their own business.
Requiring an initial investment from this individual, with the organization itself serving as an umbrella or parent corporation. The initial investment may be direct payment of a fixed fee, payment to attend an orientation or training session, and/or purchase of a starter kit.
Compensation is often in the form of straight commission, fees from others under their sponsorship in the organization, and/or a percentage of sales generated by others.
Table Assignments
The Career Development Center assigns tables using a complex formula that takes into account industry designation, display needs, electrical needs, number of recruiters present, and competition (we try to never place competing employers next to or opposite each other).
Tables cannot be shared by employers. One table per company or business, with a maximum of three representatives per registration.
Table assignments are final. If an open table is available on the day of a fair, an employer may request to move. The Job Fair Coordinator will facilitate such discussions and all decisions are final.
Day-of Registration: On occasion, one or two tables become available for walk-on job fair registrants. These tables become available because of "No-shows." If such a table becomes available, the Career Center will release that table 60 minutes after the start of the fair to the employer who made the first walk-on request (and a second table to the second request, etc.). The fee for that table will be the regular rate. That employer must have payment in hand (credit card; no cash). The Career Center does not encourage walk-on registrations as we cannot guarantee table availability.
Extra Tables: On occasion, employers request extra tables. Because of California fire code and facility restrictions, the Career Center adheres to the pre-determined possible layouts for the career fair. There are only a limited number of spaces for extra tables, and the configurations are therefore limited. An extra table is billed at the standard registration fee rate. Requests are processed by sequence received.
Refunds will not be issued for cancellations that occur two weeks or less prior to any Career Center event. During a period greater than two weeks, employers may request a refund of fees paid minus a $75.00 processing fee.
No refunds will be given for "no-shows" to Career Center events. Fees paid are forfeited.
No refunds are given to any company/business that has violated a Career Center policy and is denied services. Fees paid are forfeited.
Please understand that the Career Center does not issue refund checks; instead, the University's Accounts Payable office does this. Refunds may take between 30-45 days to process.
"No-Show," Cancellation, and Refunds
On occasion, an employer may, for whatever reason, decide not to attend a job fair for which they have paid and registered. If that employer "no-shows," that is, does not come to the fair and does not notify the Career Center prior to the event that they are not coming, the full fee for the fair (or fairs) is assessed. In the rare instance that the registration fee is not paid, yet the employer was confirmed to attend the fair, and subsequently "no-shows", that financial obligation remains due and payable to the Career Center upon demand.
CSUN Career Center | Job Fairs 2023