Construction Updates
Friday, Jan. 24
The roof tile installation and several concrete pours, including infill slabs, the pool equipment slab, north exterior seat walls and the trench in the locker room, are complete. Structural upgrades continue.
Friday, Jan. 10
Structural upgrades continue, including level 1 framing installation and plaster wall infill. Roof tile installation has been delayed due to high winds and the south deck grout pour is in progress.
Friday, Jan. 3
Structural upgrades and roof installation continue. Excavation for the new tree irrigation line is in progress and the north exterior concrete pouring has concluded.
Friday, Dec. 13
Structural upgrades and roof installations continue.
Friday, Dec. 27
Roof installation continues, along with structural upgrades. The north exterior site (in front of Subway) rebar installation is complete and will be followed by concrete pouring.
Friday, Dec. 6
Landscape remediation and the demolition of the pool basement slab have been completed. The roof tile installation and interior wall layout are in progress.
Friday, Nov. 27
Fire lane and pool deck concrete pours and high roof skylight installs have been completed. Demolition of the pool basement slab is in progress along with weather protection.
Friday, Nov. 15
Structural upgrades, roof installation and South Patio waterproofing continue.
Friday, Oct. 25
The fire water trench backfill is complete. Structural upgrades, roof installation and prepping the South Patio for waterproofing continue.
Friday, Oct. 18
Structural upgrades, roof waterproofing and fire water trench backfill continue.
Friday, Oct. 11
Structural upgrades and the fire water line installation continue. Waterproofing on the roof and South Patio deck has commenced.
Friday, Sept. 27
The trench for the new fire water line install as well as the interior and exterior demolition are ongoing. The backfill of the water line trench is complete and roof cutouts for skylights are in progress.
Friday, Sept. 20
The exterior and interior demolition are ongoing. The backfill of the first level exterior water main is ongoing and fire line trench has been laid out at the pool deck.
Friday, Sept. 13
The exterior and interior demolition and the trench for the new fire water line install are ongoing.
Friday, Sept. 6
The demolition of level one kitchen and exterior slab is ongoing.
Friday, Aug. 30
South exterior slab demolition and cut and cap ductwork on the interior (level one) completed. Wood framers’ material delivered.
Friday, Aug. 23
Demolition continues on the exterior.
Friday, Aug. 16
The demolition contractor completed demolition of the ductwork and interior walls inside the future Valera NEST.
Friday, Aug. 2
The demolition contractor completed demolition of the ductwork and interior walls inside the future Valera NEST.
Friday, July 26
The demolition contractor completed demolition of the high roof and began demolition inside the future Valera NEST.
Friday, July 19
The contractor set up construction fencing around the Valera NEST project site and installed project signage. The demolition contractor began removing concrete roof shingles.