
Student Assistant Employment Opportunities
- Acquire today’s most coveted job skills and gain practical, hands-on experience.
- Connect with other CSUN students and network with professional staff.
- Be part of a dynamic team of employees committed to hard work, good job performance and fun!
Note: Applicants must be currently enrolled CSUN students for employment eligibility.
Employment Contact Information
USU Information Counter
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday: Closed
Phone: (818) 677-2251
USU Human Resources
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday: Closed
Phone: (818) 677-6027
- Make sure to answer all questions
- If the question does not apply, mark the section “Not Applicable (N/A).”
- If you do not have previous employment experience look at the occupational skills portion of the application as an opportunity to prove you’re the right person for the job.
- Don’t forget to include volunteer experience
- Make sure to read carefully and provide answers to what each section of the application asks for
- The USU communicates with applicants by way of their CSUN email address. Personal email addresses will not be accepted
- In the box labeled “Position Desired,” write your first choice for student union employment
- Do not write “Any”. Due to the volume of applications the Union receives, we will only process those for which a desired position is indicated.
- Make sure you state the position title correctly (i.e. the Union doesn’t have a job titled “Receptionist” but rather “Student Guest Services Assistant”.
- When filling out the prior employment section of the application please start with your present or more recent job or, in absence of paid employment, volunteer experience.
- Find out whether you have work study before handing in your application, including your allocation amount.
- Indicate available work hours based on Fall, Spring or Summer semester availability
- If your class schedule is not yet determined, tell us that as well as when you expect it to be finalized.
- Make sure to sign the bottom of your application stating that all the written information that you shared is true to the best of your knowledge.
- Employees who falsify their application may be subject to immediate termination of employment.
- In addition to a completed application, resumes are strongly encouraged.
- Employers take notice of applications who present a professional application.
USU employment is extremely competitive. We want the best person possible in all of our jobs. We’re looking for intelligent, well-groomed, enthusiastic applicants who have a strong work ethic and are eager to learn critical job skills.
Tips for interviewing include:
- When called for an interview, make a note of the name of the person calling, the title of the position you’re interviewing for, as well as the date, time and location of your interview.
- Review the job description prior to your interview.
- Dress for success.
- Greet your interviewer with a firm handshake; make eye contact.
- Anticipate and prepare for some of the questions you may be asked. (Examples: Why are you interested in this position? What skills and abilities do you possess that relate to this position? How would you handle a situation where a customer was rude to you?).
- Share the skills, abilities, qualities and characteristics you have to offer the USU if hired (i.e. friendly, hard-working, a quick learner, able to work both independently and as a member of a team, etc.) Be prepared to back-up what you tell us with examples.
- Avoid asking questions about compensation; paid time off; studying-on-the-job, etc. (We’re more than happy to share this information once you’re offered a job).
- Make sure to have a hardcopy of your resume as well as an updated list of references with contact information to your interview. Advise those you have listed as reference that they may be contacted.