César Chávez Holiday Closure

Student Recreation Center

University Student Union

University Student Union
18111 Nordhoff Street 
Northridge, CA 91330-8449 

Phone: (818) 677-5434

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It’s Time to Up Your Academic Game at the SRC!

Supporting your physical and academic success journey.

“We should not exercise the body without the joint assistance of the mind; nor exercise the mind without the joint assistance of the body.” — Plato

The Student Recreation Center’s mission over the last ten years has been to encourage lifelong health and wellness for the greater campus community. In pursuit of this goal, we have partnered with the CSUN Office of Institutional Research to take a closer look at the ways in which the SRC has benefited students.

  • First-time freshman benefited from higher semester GPAs after even a single visit to the SRC, with regular visits having the highest positive impact on semester GPAs.
  • Transfer students, even with only occasional use of the SRC facilities, benefited from a higher semester GPA.
  • Students across all categories showed an increased rate of retention after using SRC facilities, this was most evident in those who visited 5-9 times per term.
  • Students from traditionally underserved backgrounds benefit the most from the SRC’s offerings. These services are available on your schedule, and we encourage you to use and enjoy them as often as possible!

We encourage you to learn more about the benefits available to you at the SRC by visiting us in person, or via our virtual and on-demand workshops.

Be sure to tag the SRC Instagram (@csun_src) if you stop by to work out some stress, take a Group Exercise class or participate in one of our SRC fitness challenges. 

Student Recreation Center

University Student Union

University Student Union
18111 Nordhoff Street 
Northridge, CA 91330-8449 

Phone: (818) 677-5434

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Social Media

Instagram | Facebook | YouTube | Flickr

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