
Student Recreation Center

(located near the University Student Union)

18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330

Phone: (818) 677-7678

Send email


  • Monday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thursday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday

    11:00am - 5:00pm


The University Student Union (USU) and the Student Recreation Center (SRC) will hold all items that have been lost or found throughout the entire facility.

If you lost an item, check the building where the item was lost before reporting to the USU front desk.

The USU will not accept items in the lost and found that the campus lost and found does not accept.

Those items are, and not limited to:
Items which would present a bio-hazard, bathing elements, undergarments, bathing suits, toiletries, makeup, torn clothing, animals, trash, dishes including water bottles, items that would not be legal to possess (i.e., weapons, etc.)

These items will be discarded when found.

The USU will keep items in the lost and found for one month only.

Items of value will be transported to the Department of Police Services who maintains the campus lost and found. Visit their website.

Items of value we have identified are: jewelry, keys, watches, wallets, electronics, identification cards, credit/debit cards, and passports.


  1. A Student Member is defined as a student who is enrolled in any units at CSUN and is fee paying or has qualified for a fee waiver.

  2. A continuing student is defined as any student who was enrolled in the previous semester.
  3. A First Time Student is defined as any student enrolled in classes for the first time at the university level. This eligibility is applied only during the summer semester immediately preceding their first semester of fall classes.
  4. A Tseng College Student is defined as any student who is part of Tseng College in the masters, credentials, open U, IEP or non-credit program.
  5. An Administrator, Faculty, or Staff, Member is defined as any person (full-time or part-time) who is currently employed by CSUN or a campus auxiliary.
  6. An Emeriti Faculty Member is defined as any CSUN employee who has either retired or has been honorably discharged from active professional duty, but retains the title of one’s office or position.
  7. An Alumni Association Member is defined as any person who belonged to the Alumni Association between January 26, 2012 and July 1, 2020 and purchased an SRC membership.
  8. An Alumnus Member is defined as a graduate or former student of California State University, Northridge.
  9. A Sponsored Adult Member is defined as a spouse or domestic partner of a current member.
  10. A Dependent Hours participant is defined as a dependent of a current member who is 18 years of age or younger.
  11. A Guest is defined as any person who is sponsored by a current member.
  12. An SRC Programs and Operations Staff Member is defined as current USU or Associated Students (AS) employees whose primary responsibilities are for programs and services in the SRC.  These employees are eligible for free annual SRC memberships.  The membership is in effect as long as the individual remains a USU/AS employee.
  13. USU or AS staff are defined as current USU or AS staff whose primary responsibilities are not within the SRC.  These employees are eligible for annual discounted memberships.  The discounted membership rate is recommended by the SRC Director or designee and approved by the USU Executive Director or designee.
  14. A Visiting Continuing Student is defined as a non-CSUN university student enrolled at a different school during the previous semester. This eligibility is only applied during the summer semester.


The Student Recreation Center (SRC) is a controlled access facility.  Memberships are available to those in the following categories: California State University, Northridge students, administrators, faculty, staff, emeriti faculty, alumni, alumni association members, spouse or domestic partners of members, SRC Programs and Operations staff members, and USU or AS staff members. Memberships are only available to those individuals 18 years of age or older with the exception of currently enrolled CSUN students. 

Continuing students not enrolled in the summer term who wish to utilize the SRC will be required to pay a fee which is equivalent to the SRC student summer fee.  Students who are enrolled as students in the summer term and who pay the USU fee through the Tseng College (Extended Learning) or California State University, Northridge, are eligible for membership in the SRC.

Emeritus faculty members are granted free access to the SRC.

Tseng College, Masters, Certificates, Open University, Intensive English Program (IEP), and non-credit students may utilize the services of the SRC by paying the current student rate.

Applicants must sign and accept an SRC guidelines form and waiver of liability/hold harmless agreement form to be enrolled using the FusionGO Mobile Application and assigned a unique barcode. Applicants with LDAP credentials will be required to register digitally by entering LDAP credentials into the FusionGO Mobile Application. All others will be required to show a valid photo ID which includes birthdate to verify age.

Access to the SRC facility is granted for all categories of membership under the following terms and conditions:

  1. Approved Access. The SRC is a controlled access facility and membership or special access is required to enter. Members will be verified by a barcode reader prior to entering the facility. Non-members will be verified by a guest or spectator pass.
  2. Refusal Right. The SRC has the right to refuse membership to any member or individual who has violated any CSUN, USU or SRC codes of conduct, policies, rules or regulations, or is not in good standing with the University for any reason.
  3. Illegal Access. The following are prohibited:
    1. Attempting to gain access into the SRC with an ID or SRC account other than your own.
    2. Allowing another person to use your ID or SRC account to gain access into the SRC.
    3. Attempting to allow access to anyone through an emergency exit door.
    4. Exiting through emergency exit doors (except in a declared emergency).
  4. Dependent Supervision. A dependent who is under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times in the SRC. Accompanying a dependent is defined as the parent/guardian being present in the same activity area as the dependent and monitoring their activity. SRC Members sponsoring guests or dependents ages 16-18 during Dependent Hours must remain in the SRC at all times during their use.
  5. Non-Member Spectators. A non-member spectator is defined as a person coming to observe an activity in the SRC and is prohibited from participating in any SRC activity. Non-Member Spectators will be admitted into the SRC to observe programs and events when appropriate. Spectators must present a valid photo ID with birthdate, sign a waiver of liability and hold harmless agreement, and are subject to spectator rules and regulations. Non-Member Spectators are not permitted to participate in any activity and should only observe during their visit.
  6. Guests. A guest is defined as a person coming to participate in activity in the SRC for one day. Guests will be admitted into the SRC to utilize the facility on a short-term basis. Guests must present a valid photo ID with birthdate, sign a waiver of liability and hold harmless agreement, and are subject to SRC rules and regulations. 

Expulsion. SRC Staff and the Building Manger have the authority to:

  1. Request an individual to leave the facility and premises because of a violation of facility policies.
  2. Cancel an event and request the individual or the individual’s group to leave the facility and premises because of violation of facility policies.
  3. Repeated violation of SRC regulations may result in a loss of privileges and facility access membership as recommended by the SRC Director or designee and approved by the Executive Director or designee.

Posted Regulations. Facility users must obey all posted regulations and comply with decisions made by the Building Manager and SRC Staff, including identifying oneself when requested.

Personal Image Release. At various times throughout the semester, CSUN/SRC/USU officials will be taking digital images, photographs, and/or videotapes of patrons for educational, promotional, and informational purposes for use in department related printed material and on our Web site. No identifying information will accompany the likeness or images used in publications.


There are no refunds for student memberships paid through California State University, Northridge fees.

There are no refunds for term or annual memberships except in the case of a personal or immediate family medical necessity or a death in the family. A proration will be applied to the original purchase price of the membership. All memberships are non-transferrable.

Programs and Services

There are no refunds for programs or services except in the case of a medical necessity or a death in the family. A proration will be applied to the original purchase price of the service if the refund is granted.

Participants must cancel or reschedule an appointment twenty-four hours prior to the start time of their scheduled appointment, except in the case of an illness, medical necessity, or a death in the family. Failure to cancel within this time frame may result in a forfeited session.

Failure to appear for a scheduled appointment will result in a forfeited session, except in the case of a medical necessity or a death in the family.

Participants are expected to arrive on time for their scheduled appointment. The scheduled appointment end time will not be adjusted for a late arrival.  

Sessions that are purchased must be redeemed within one (1) year of the date of purchase.

Programs and services are non-transferrable.


Refunds for retail items are allowed under the following conditions: All merchandise must be in original packaging and in condition for immediate resale in order to be eligible for a refund. All returns must be accompanied by the original receipt. No refunds will be given after 14 days from the original purchase date. 


Categories of membership are as follows:

  • Non-fees paid student
  • Administrators/faculty/staff
  • Alumni Association
  • Former students enrolled between fall term 2007 until fall term 2011
  • Alumni
  • Sponsored Adult
  • (Dependents)
  • (Family members-non-dependents)

Categories of programs and services include but are not limited to:

  • Intramurals
  • Instructional Series of fee-based Group Exercise classes
  • Personal and group training sessions
  • BodyAge assessments
  • Swim lessons (private and/or semi-private)
  • Pool passes
  • Guest passes
  • Special events
  • Towel service
  • Long-term locker rental

Categories of merchandise include but are not limited to:

  • General goods
  • Apparel
  • Gifts and accessories


Method of refund will occur in the same payment type as the original transaction. If cash refund exceeds $50.00 or exceeds the amount of cash tendered in Point of Sale station for day of refund, then the customer will receive a check by mail. 

In the case of a medical necessity, a doctor’s note will be required.

In the case of a death in the family, documentation will be required.


Student Recreation Center

(located near the University Student Union)

18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330

Phone: (818) 677-7678

Send email


  • Monday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thursday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
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