César Chávez Holiday Closure


Student Recreation Center

(located near the University Student Union)

18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330

Phone: (818) 677-7678

Send email


  • Monday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thursday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday

    11:00am - 5:00pm

Facility Guidelines

The California State University Student Conduct Code governs expectations about student behavior for users of the University Student Union/Student Recreation Center (SRC) at California State University, Northridge. The code addresses university safety, security and facility standards. Use of the facility, and its programs, is a privilege and users shall be good citizens who respect the rights of others. Individuals who engage in unacceptable or irresponsible behavior may have their access to the facility and/or participating in programs may be revoked or modified indefinitely as determined by the Student Recreation Center Director. Users are encouraged to contact SRC staff to report individuals who may be in violation of any guideline, listed below:

In addition to the previously mentioned standards, the following are user responsibilities:

  1. Personal Risk. All users of the SRC must sign a liability waiver before entering the facility. Participation is at the risk of the user.
  2. Staff Requests. To provide a safe and secure environment, all users are required to follow the requests and instructions of SRC employees.
  3. Personal Boundaries. Personal boundaries are the limits and invisible rules one sets for themselves based on their own level of comfort around others. All users must respect the limits and rules of other users based on their personal preferences of how they would like to interact.
  4. Harassment & Discrimination. All users are expected to treat everyone with dignity and respect while using the SRC. Harassment, in any form, and for any reason—whether predicated on age, gender, gender identity, race, religion, or any other basis protected by applicable law is prohibited. Harassment such as, but is not limited to, persistent and unwanted attention, invasion of personal space, catcalling, sexual comments, unwarranted physical contact, violence, intimidation, offensive sexual advances, sexual abuse, and stalking is strictly prohibited.
    In keeping with the University's policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of gender identity and gender expression, the SRC supports and values an individual's right to access and utilize recreation facilities, restrooms, locker rooms, programs, and services in accordance with an individual's gender identity and gender expression.
  5. Disorderly and Unsafe Conduct. Conduct including, but not limited to, destruction of property; vandalism; spitting on the floors, walls or drinking fountains; use of profanity or derogatory language; lewd or indecent behavior; dropping weights; attempting to gain unauthorized access to the facility; or actions that contribute to an unwelcoming or unsafe environment, such as yelling, taunting, talking trash, bullying, threats, pushing, fighting, physical abuse; or withholding or falsifying information are prohibited.
  6. Personal Gain. The SRC may not be used for personal gain, including to but not limited to teaching, coaching, or training others in the facility. Only designated SRC employees may provide training and coaching services.
  7. Solicitation. Solicitation of any kind is not permitted in the SRC.
  8. Personal Items. The SRC is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Backpacks, bags, and other large items must be kept in designated storage areas and secured at all times. Small items such as keys, cell phones, water bottles, and towels are allowed but must not obstruct the use of entrances and exits, walkways, paths, and/or prevent the use of furniture or equipment. Any items left unattended will be removed and can be collected from lost and found at the front desk. Exceptions to this guideline must be approved by the SRC Director or designee.
  9. Clothing. Appropriate clothing must be worn at all times throughout the SRC. Tops covering the chest plate are required. Bottoms covering the buttocks, genitals, and pubic region are required. Clothes with zippers and/or any other feature that may damage equipment are prohibited. Clothing displaying profane or offensive material is prohibited.
  10. Footwear. Unless otherwise specified, appropriate athletic footwear must be worn when engaging in activities or programs inside the facility. Footwear must be closed-toed, closed-heel, non-marking, and free of mud and debris. Individuals who are not wearing shoes or have improper footwear on will not be permitted to participate in specific activity areas. Cleats are not permitted.
  11. Wheeled Devices. Skateboards, Razors, Scooters, Bikes, and all other similar wheeled devices (excluding wheelchairs and other assistive devices) are not permitted in the SRC and must be secured and stored at the designated storage racks outside. All improperly stored items will be removed per university policies.
    Strollers may only be used inside the SRC for the purpose of transporting children to and from the Rec Pool. Strollers may only be parked at the Rec Pool and must not obstruct the use of entrances and exits, walkways, paths, and/or prevent the use of furniture or equipment.
  12. Stairways, Hallways, and Lounges. Running, stretching, or any other fitness activities are prohibited on stairways, in hallways, and lounges.
  13. Outside Equipment. Equipment, other than what is provided by the SRC, is not permitted in the facility with the exception of basketballs, boxing gloves, and yoga mats. Items such as chains, specialty bars, gravity boots and other items deemed unsafe by SRC staff are prohibited. All equipment provided by the SRC must be used for the manufactured intended purpose only. Improper, unsafe, or negligent use of equipment is prohibited.
  14. Food & Beverages. Packaged fitness energy and nutrition products are the only food items permitted in the SRC. Outside food, other than packaged convenience fitness products is only permitted on the Rec and Plaza Pool decks. All trash must be disposed of in the appropriate trash receptacle.
    Beverages must be in a non-breakable bottle with a screw top or lid. No beverages other than water are permitted on the wood floors of the studios and courts.
  15. Picture Taking and Video Recording on Personal devices. Users of the facility may use personal phone devices to take pictures and videos in the SRC, with the exception of locker rooms, pool, and restrooms. Large accessories such as tripods, lighting, or microphones are prohibited. Any image/video determined to be inappropriate, degrading, harassing, misused, or not authorized by the subject(s) captured is also prohibited.
  16. Noise Restrictions. The use of audio devices such as stereos, radios, amplifiers, as well as musical instruments are not permitted in the SRC. All personal audio devices must be used with headphones or ear buds.
  17. Access & Attendants/Aids. If you require assistance in accessing or using any facilities in the SRC, please contact us at 818-677-5434 prior to arriving. For individuals with disabilities who require the use of an aid, the aid is permitted to accompany the member or guest into the facility and assist the member without incurring a fee. While inside the facility, the attendant is not permitted to participate in any personal physical activity outside of providing necessary assistance. All required documentation including applicable registration and a signed waiver must be on file for the attendant. This policy does not apply to any person providing a specific service that is not medically necessary. In the absence of a medically based need, attendants must receive prior approval from the SRC Director or designee to gain access to the facility without incurring a usage fee.
  18. Animals/Pets. Except for service animals that are authorized by the university, animals are not permitted.
  19. Project or Class Related Audio/Visual Recording. Any individual(s) who seeks to film (photograph/video), interview, or conduct class projects in the SRC must contact the Facility Operations Coordinator at 818-677-5478 to fill out the appropriate request form. Taking pictures via cameras, video cameras, and video ready cell phones is strictly prohibited in the pool, locker rooms, and restrooms.
  20. Commercial Filming and Photo Shoots. Those wishing to explore commercial filming and photo shoots should contact the Facility Operations Coordinator at 818-677-5478 to discuss their interests.
  21. Weapons & Firearms. All CSUN policies regarding weapons and firearms apply to the SRC. This includes, but is not limited to firearms or guns, replicas, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, knives, other weapons, or dangerous chemicals. Participants in certain activities may be granted permission to utilize appropriate martial arts weapons as part of a class, practice or competition with prior written approval from the SRC Director or designee.
  22. Alcohol & Drugs. SRC facilities and programs are alcohol, drug and narcotics free. This includes members, their sponsored guests and/or spectators. Members may be held responsible for the conduct of their sponsored guests. Anyone possessing or suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or other substance shall be asked to leave the facility and may have their access revoked or modified indefinitely as determined by the SRC Director or designee.
  23. Smoking & Vaping. CSUN is a smoke-free campus. Smoking and vaping are not permitted inside or outside any facilities, including the field, courtyards, grass areas and parking areas.
  24. Activity Area Guidelines. Area Specific Guidelines: Many areas of the SRC have additional guidelines to which users must adhere. These additional guidelines can be found on this webpage.


Area-Specific Guidelines


Student Recreation Center

(located near the University Student Union)

18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330

Phone: (818) 677-7678

Send email


  • Monday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Tuesday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Wednesday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Thursday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday

    11:00am - 5:00pm
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