Dean's Letter to Students

Dear Nazarian College Students:

As we are now at the end of another enriching semester, I want to take a moment to reflect on the journey we've shared and extend my heartfelt congratulations to each and every one of you. To our graduating seniors, this time marks a significant milestone in your academic journey, and I am excited about the many possibilities in front of you.

Since my last newsletter in April, I have witnessed with great pleasure the active engagement of many of you in various activities, including numerous competitions.

While there are a lot more that you do, below are a few highlights from the past few weeks:

  • LS Trust Marketing led by finance student Laci Sanchez,won the grand prize at the CSUN Jeff Marine Bull Ring Competition.
  • Nearly 30 real estate students recently toured one of Los Angeles' most iconic sports and entertainment venuesSoFi Stadium to learn more about commercial real estate. You can expect more of these hands-on experiences following the generous gift from Harriet and Harvey Bookstein to our real estate centernow called the Bookstein Real Estate Center.
  • Two undergraduate student teams from the Business Honors Program Capstone course secured first place at the prestigious 48th Small Business Institute Annual Conference.
    • In the comprehensive category, team members Kahleho Molapisi, Justin Tolchinsky, Keiana Samoy, Justin Keller and Marisol Zuniga won first place for Project of the Year.
    • In the consulting category, team members Emily Emrani, Fernanda Reyes, Brenda Dzul, Keenon Takaki and Patrik Khan-Babaei won first place for Project of the Year.
    • Two graduate student teams from the Nazarian MBA Program entered consulting projects in the 48thSmall Business Institute Annual Conference.
      • In the graduate consulting/specialized category, team members Ian Martin-Arujo, Katrin Babayan, Jake Dougherty and Fatoumata Goita won first place for Project of the Year.
      • In the graduate feasibility study/comprehensive category, team members Edgar Banuelos, Bhavani Prasad, Taline Sarkisian, Chantal Sood and Diane Tran won second place for Project of the Year.
      • Five students received scholarships from California’s Real Estate and Land Use Institute this semester (23% of all awards throughout the CSU system). Congrats to Briana Rubio, Lakshdeep Sukhija, Vy L. Tran, Trisha Williams and Abdulrahman Fayssal.
      • Emily Emrani, Business Law, was a finalist for the 2024 Outstanding Graduating Senior Award.
      • Fifteen undergraduate students attended the VICA Extraordinary Women in Leadership breakfast event at the Sheraton Universal Hotel.
      • Twenty-five students completed the Roadmap to Exporting program, presented by the District Export Council of Southern California, and received a certificate from the U.S. Department of Commerce, a one-unit credit from CSUN and great showcase in their resume.  
      • Sigma Nu Tau inaugurated its 50th chapter. Dr. Joanne Scillitoe and Nazarian C-STE Staff member Anna Manzo were inducted as faculty advisor and secretary along with four student members: Talin Aivazian, Elizabeth Hernandez, Payton Moreno and Sankalp Pala.
      • The CSUN VITA Clinic served 9,722 taxpayers at 15 locations this year.
        • An impressive 282 students volunteered more than 31,000 hours at the clinic, under the supervision of expert CSUN Nazarian faculty.
        • These students helped local taxpayers claim more than $10.9 million in federal and state tax refunds and more than $3.6 million in federal and state-earned income tax credits while saving the taxpayers more than $2 million in preparation fees.
        • Christopher MendozaJoseph CoulombeGillian WatkinsDominic Garcia and Eric Quinn, competed at the International Business Ethics Case Competition at the University of Massachusetts, Mount Ida campus in Newton, Massachusetts. They won second place in three different categories.

I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on your specific achievements and the valuable lessons you've learned along the way as you prepare to embark on summer break and, for many of you, the next chapter of your lives. Whether you're entering the workforce, pursuing further education, or exploring new opportunities, remember that the skills and knowledge you've gained here will serve as a strong foundation for your future endeavors.

I want to express my deepest gratitude for your contributions to our college community. Your unique perspectives, talents, and passions have enriched our campus in countless ways, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of your journey.

Remember, the best is yet to come, and I have no doubt that each of you will continue to make a positive impact on the world around you.



Chandra Subramaniam, Ph.D.

Dean, Nazarian College of Business and Economics


May 2024

Dear Nazarian College Students:

 Welcome back! I hope you had a great break and are energized and prepared to tackle the remainder of the semester head-on.

 As you dive back into your academic studies, I want to take a moment to emphasize the importance of not only focusing on your studies but also prioritizing your well-being and engagement in campus activities.

While your studies are important, it’s also vital for you to set aside some time to relax and practice self-care between your study sessions. This can be as simple as taking a walk outside or connecting with friends and family.

 In line with this, I would like to congratulate those of you who actively participated in events earlier this year, including Industry Night, Meet the Firms and our Distinguished Speaker Series event featuring Sixth Street’s Marty Chavez.

Attending campus events fosters a sense of community and offers diverse perspectives and experiences outside ofthe classroom. 

I encourage every one of you to continue this spirit of involvement this semester. One such event that I'd like to highlight is our popular Bull Ring competition, which takes place from 3-5 p.m., April 24, at the University Student Union, Grand Salon. Register today to support your peers and learn from the judges who will provide feedback to the five finalist student teams.

I also want to introduce you to a new program called “Roadmap to Exporting.” We live in LA, which has one of the largest ports in the world together with the Long Beach Port. These two ports provide more than 40 percent of the total trade done by the U.S. in imports and exports.

If you are interested in the business of exporting goods or services, this is a program for you. Students who complete the program receive a certificate from the Department of Commerce and a 1-unit credit from CSUN through Tseng College. Students can sign up for the program, which runs every Saturday in April, at this link: XBUS918 Registration Link. I hope to see you there!

And don’t forget to take advantage of free, unlimited access to more than 300 certificate courses, provided to all Nazarian College students as part of the CSUN Nazarian Career Academy. Learn new skills and advance your career by earning a professional certificate on Coursera, a global online learning platform. Visit our website for more information.

Finally, I want to remind you to check out the monitor located by the elevators in the Bookstein Hall lobby. Throughout the year, you will find information about faculty hours, tutoring opportunities, events on campus, and scholarship opportunities, among many other college events and activities.

So, as you navigate the semester's demands, remember to strike a balance. Make the most of your time here by excelling academically while also embracing Nazarian campus life.


 Chandra Subramaniam, Ph.D.


David Nazarian College of Business and Economics

Dear Nazarian College Students:

I hope you are enjoying your Spring semester classes and taking some time to catch up with friends and classmates after your holiday break! This has definitely been an interesting start to a semester – what with a faculty strike and then a torrential downpour and National Weather Service Alerts—what more can happen? Hopefully only good things moving forward.

Some of the good things include connecting outside of the classroom—with friends, campus clubs or other activities. This is an important part of the college experience and can help build networking and leadership skills that are critical in today’s business world.

CSUN Nazarian supports a number of business-related clubs, including the Accounting Association, American Marketing Association, ALPFA and Beta Gamma Sigma, among many others, that provide an opportunity for valuable social contact and organizational experience. I encourage you to visit our website for more information and to get involved.

In addition, the college has several interesting events and activities coming up this semester to help our students make real-world business connections. These include:

  • Meet the Firmsthe largest career fair for accounting, finance and information systems students. More than 60 firms will be at this year’s event, which takes place from 6-9 p.m., Feb. 13, at 15600 Odyssey Dr., Granada Hills. Get more information, including how to register, here.
  •  Industry Night, a bi-annual career fair and networking event where students can engage in conversations with employers about professional opportunities. The event takes place from 3 to 6 p.m., Feb. 14, at CSUN’s Student Union. We expect around 50 employers and more than 500 students to attend. Make sure you are one of them by registering here.
  • Distinguished Speaker Series, a bi-annual event that brings high-level speakers to campus to inspire our students and alumni. On March 12, we will welcome Dr. Marty Chavez, vice chair and partner of Sixth Street Partners. Dr. Chavez is a financial trailblazer and disrupter who turned the Wall Street trading business into a software business and revolutionized the way that capital moves and works. During his remarks, Dr. Chavez will discuss recruiting, internship and career opportunities for CSUN students at his firm. Make sure you register today to attend!
  • CSUN Jeff Marine Bull Ring Competition, an annual competition dedicated to helping students develop their business ideas. Applications are being accepted from now through March 3. All CSUN students are welcome to apply. If you are a budding entrepreneur, I encourage you to apply now!
  • Workforce of the Future: Technical Bootcamp Series, a new set of tech certificates as part of “Career jumpstart” – a program funded by JPMorgan Chase Foundation. The bootcamps are led by tenure-track faculty members and will cover topics and skills that are in exceptionally high demand by employers in every discipline and every industry—data analytics, python, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing and more. Please register at Workforce of the Future: Technical Bootcamp Series. When you click the link, you will see a series of bootcamps and time tables (alternatively, click Learn More). You can register for as many bootcamps as you would like. The first set of four bootcamps starts on Saturday, Feb. 10.

And finally, I want to invite you to apply for a Nazarian College scholarship before the March 15 deadline. The college offers more than 80 scholarships. In addition, there are many more opportunities offered by individual departments and the financial aid and scholarship departments. If you apply for one of these scholarships, you may also be eligible for any of the other scholarships on the college list as well. Learn more about the available scholarships and apply here.

Wishing you continued success throughout the semester!


Chandra Subramaniam, Ph.D.

Dean, Nazarian College of Business and Economics


February 2024

Dear Nazarian College Students:

I hope you are enjoying your fall semester at Nazarian College! For those of you I have not had the pleasure of meeting yet, I am the dean of the college, and I am so pleased to welcome you to our campus.

It’s an exciting time to be at Nazarian College. You are an integral part of a diverse, dynamic community of hard-working students, nationally ranked faculty and dedicated staff. During my five years as dean of the college, we have expanded programs, like the BSBA and MS in Data Analytics in the Systems and Operations Management Department and added new projects—including sought-after data analytics  and professional certifications and micro-credentials available at no cost to students.

Initiatives such as these have captured the attention of many in the education field and our reputation as one of the best business colleges continues to grow. The Wall Street Journal, U.S. News & World ReportMoney Magazine and Diverse: Issues in Higher Education consistently rank Nazarian College and CSUN high on their list of top educational institutions—for our academic excellence as well as our societal contributions.

Beyond the classroom, we offer numerous events and programs that complement your academic curriculum to help you get ready for the world that awaits you outside of Nazarian College. This includes our popular Nazarian Fair, which introduces students to the college’s many resources, and Industry Night, a career fair and networking opportunity. On Oct. 12, Eric Chan, CFO of the LA Clippers, made a great presentation as part of the Distinguished Speaker Series (see CSUN Today article), and our Center for Social and Technology Entrepreneurship provided a couple of great Zoom events: “How to Find Your First Customers” with Eric Rose, CEO of Pinnacle Product Innovation, and tomorrow’s “From Idea to $85M CEO: An Entrepreneur’s Journey” with Ken Floyd of Artissimo Designs.

If you missed these events, don’t despair! We have many more opportunities scheduled from now through the end of the school year during which you can develop networking and leadership skills critical in today’s business world. For example, we have Fast Pitch starting tomorrow and a Destress for Success as you are getting ready for exams on Dec. 11-12, 2023.  Check your email for updates!

That’s all for now. Keep up the good work!


Chandra Subramaniam, Ph.D.

Dean, David Nazarian College of Business and Economics


November 2023

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