Senate Policy & Resolution Lists

If the policy is not in the listings below, please see the Senate Policy Index. Then contact the Faculty Senate Office for a copy. If you are unable to access the documents, please contact the Faculty Senate Office and we will provide each file requested, in an alternate format if needed.

If the policy is not in the listings below, please see the Senate Policy Index. Then contact the Faculty Senate Office for a copy.

707 Written Comments about Lecturers (2024) (.pdf)

Undergraduate Institutional Learning Outcomes (2024) (.pdf)

709.3.2.i Three-Year Evaluation (CBA 15.5) (2024) (.pdf)

672.2.1 Sabbatical Procedures (2024) (.pdf)

703.1.2.e Personnel Action File (2024) (.pdf)

General Education Plan J (2024) (.pdf)

609.2.8 Election Procedures (2024) (.pdf)

Policy on Credit Certificates (2024) (.pdf)

Bachelor's Degree Requirements (Revised) (2024) (.pdf)

Policy Regarding Enrollment of Non-Matriculated Students in CSUN State-Supported and CSUN Self-Supported Special Session Courses (2024) (.pdf)

CSUN Blended Undergraduate/Graduate Degree Program Policy (2024) (.pdf)

Credit for Prior Learning Policy and related policies (2024) (.pdf)

Basic Skills (2024) (.pdf)

Policy on Credit Certificates (2024) (.pdf)

603.9.2 Performance Standards and Monitoring (2024) (.pdf)

612.1 General Obligations (2024) (.pdf)

660 Appeals (2024) (.pdf)

DEI Language in Section 600 (2024) (.pdf)

Preamble to Section 600 & 700 (2024) (.pdf)

612.4.1 College Level Personnel Committee (2024) (.pdf)

672.4 Sabbatical Leave Report (2024) (.pdf)

706.1 Establishment and Approval of Departmental Criteria and Evaluation on Procedures (2023) (.pdf)

622.5.2 Evaluation of Associate Deans (2023) (.pdf)

Majors and Minors Policies (Revised) (.pdf)

Dean's List Policy (Revised) (2023) (.pdf)

Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (Revised) (2023) (.pdf)

Policy on Credit Certificates (2022) (.pdf)

Policy on Discontinuance of Programs (2022) (.pdf)

Policy on Non-Credit Certificates (2022) (.pdf)

Section 645.4 Periodic Review of Tenured Faculty (2022) (.pdf)

Section 612.2.3 - Dual Service (2022) (.pdf)

Section 604.2.12 Professional Responsibility Edits (2022) (.pdf)

Undergraduate Institutional Learning Outcomes (2022) (.pdf)

Section 621.4.2b Lecturer Evaluations (2022) (.pdf)

Classified Status Policy (2022) (.pdf)

Graduate Withdrawal Policy (2022) (.pdf)

Academic Internship Policy (2022) (.pdf)

GE Section C - Student Learning Outcomes (2022) (.pdf)

GE Section B - Student Learning Outcomes (2022) (.pdf)

Section 703.2.3 Personnel File Procedures (2022) (.pdf)

Policy 622ff - Review of Administrators (2022) (.pdf)

Faculty Recruiting Edits 620-621 (2022) (.pdf)

Section 606.1.1.b.1 Authorized Personnel File (2022) (.pdf)

Section 606.1.2 Personnel Action File (2021) (.pdf)

Section 703.1.2.c Authorized Personnel Files (2021) (.pdf)

Section 707 Written Comments About Lecturers (2021) (.pdf)

Section 709.1.2 Establishment of Pools (2021) (.pdf)

Confidentiality of Consultations - Section 607.2.3 (revised 2021) (.pdf) 

Email notification of Class Visit Reports and RTP Decision Letters - Section 612.5.2.c.2.a.iii and Section 635.2.2 (revised 2021)(.pdf)

Feedback from Students - Section 612.5.2.c.4  (revised 2021) (.pdf)

Written Statements - Section 613 (revised 2021)(.pdf)

Documenting Faculty’s Experience - Section 709.1.2 (revised 2021)(.pdf)

Department Guidelines for Lecturers and Timeline for Implementation of Changes - Section 706.1 and 706.2 (revised 2021)(.pdf)

Email Notifications in Section 700 - Section 706.3, Section 714.2 (revised 2021)(.pdf)

Range Elevation - Section 712.2.2.b.2 (revised 2021)(.pdf)

Credit Hour Policy (revised 2021)(.pdf)

Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement Policy (revised 2021)(.pdf)

General Education Plan G (2021)(.pdf) 

Syllabus Policy (revised 2021)(.pdf)

Composition of PP&R/Language in 600 with Faculty By-Laws - Section 612.3 (revised 2021) (.pdf)

Service Credit - Section 641.2.3 (revised 2021) (.pdf)

Policy on Certificates (2021)(.pdf)

Class Visits - Section 706.3 (revised 2021)(.pdf)

Class Visits - Section 612.5.2 (revised 2021) (.pdf)

Voluntary Limits to Service on Personnel, Planning and Review Committee - Section 612.3 (revised 2020)(.pdf)

Consultation Policy - Section 634.1 of the Administrative Manual (revised 2020)(.pdf)

Addition to Section 632.3d Community-Based Service Learning (2020)(.pdf)

Policy Notifying Faculty Members of Receipt of Evaluation Letters (2020)(.pdf)

Full-Time Enrollment (revised 2020) (.pdf)

Community-Based Learning Policy (2020) (.pdf)

Culminating Experiences Policy (revised 2020) (.pdf)

Appointment and Evaluation of Designated Academic-Administrative Employees - Section 622.3.1a (2020) (.pdf)

If the policy is not in the listings below, please see the Senate Policy Index. Then contact the Faculty Senate Office for a copy.

Academic Internship Policy (2022) (.pdf) 

660 Appeals (2024) (.pdf)

Authorized Personnel File - Section 606.1.1.b.1 (2021) (.pdf)

Authorized Personnel Files - Section 703.1.2.c (2021) (.pdf)

Bachelor's Degree Requirements (Revised) (2024) (.pdf)

Basic Skills (2024) (.pdf)

Classified Status Policy (2022) (.pdf)

College Level Personnel Committee - Section 612.4.1 (2024) (.pdf)

Policy on Credit Certificates (2024) (.pdf)

Credit for Prior Learning Policy & related policies (2024) (.pdf)

CSUN Blended Undergraduate/Graduate Degree Program Policy (2024) (.pdf)

Dual Service - Section 612.2.3 (2022) (.pdf)

Dean's List Policy (Revised) (2023) (.pdf)

DEI Language in Section 600 (2024) (.pdf)

609.2.8 Election Procedures (2024) (.pdf)

Establishment and Approval of Departmental Criteria and Evaluation Procedures - Section 706.1 (2023) (.pdf)

Establishment of Pools - Section 709.1.2 (2021) (.pdf)

Evaluation of Associate Deans - Section 622.5.2 (2023) (.pdf)

Faculty Recruiting Edits 620-621 (2022) (.pdf)

General Education Plan J (2024) (.pdf)

General Obligations - Section 612.1 (2024) (.pdf)

GE Section B - Student Learning Outcomes (2022) (.pdf)

GE Section C - Student Learning Outcomes (2022) (.pdf) 

Graduate Withdrawal Policy (2022) (.pdf)

Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (Revised) (2023) (.pdf) 

Lecturer Evaluations - Section 621.4.2b (2022) (.pdf)

Majors and Minors Policy (Revised 2023) (.pdf)

Performance Standards and Monitoring - Section 603.9.2 (2024) (.pdf)

Periodic Review of Tenured Faculty - Section 645.4 (2022) (.pdf)

703.1.2.e Personnel Action File (2024) (.pdf)

Personnel Action File - Section 606.1.2 (2021) (.pdf)

Personnel File Procedures - Section 703.2.3 (2022) (.pdf)

Policy on Non-Credit Certificates (2022) (.pdf)

Policy on Discontinuance of Programs (2022) (.pdf) 

Policy Regarding Enrollment of Non-Matriculated Students in CSUN State-Supported and CSUN Self-Supported Special Session Courses (2024) (.pdf)

Preamble to Section 600 & 700 (2024) (.pdf)

Professional Responsibility Edits - Section 604.2.12 (2022) (.pdf)

Review of Administrators - 622ff (2022) (.pdf)

672.2.1 Sabbatical Procedures (2024) (.pdf)

Sabbatical Leave Report - Section 672.4 (2024) (.pdf)

709.3.2.i Three-Year Evaluation (CBA 15.5) (2024) (.pdf)

Undergraduate Institutional Learning Outcomes (2024) (.pdf)

707 Written Comments about Lecturers (2024) (.pdf)

Written Comments About Lecturers - Section 707 (2021) (.pdf)

CSUN Faculty Senate Resolution, Institutional Support and Advocacy for Undocumented Students

California State University, Northridge Faculty Senate Resolution on Noncompliance to the CSU Interim Time, Place, and Manner Policy (10/10/2024)

Commendation for Dr. Michael Neubauer and Dr. Theresa White (May 2024)

Campus Curricular Solutions to the Implementation AB 928: Student Transfer Achievement Reform Act of 2021 (6/7/2023)

Resolution in Support of Transgender and Nonbinary Equity, Inclusion, and Justice at CSUN (3/30/2023)

AB 1460 Moratorium Resolution (12/15/2022)

Resolution for AB 928 (10/20/2022)

Resolution of Appreciation for Nicole Wilson (9/23/2021)

Resolution Regarding Solidarity with Faculty During the Pandemic (5/6/2021)

Resolution of Recognition for Dr. Jennifer Matos (5/6/2021)

CSUN Faculty Senate Statement Against Anti-Asian Violence, Racism, and Sexism (4/8/2021)

Resolution in Support of Voluntarily Adding Student Supportive Language to Syllabi (2/18/2021)

CSUN Faculty Senate Resolution in Solidarity with the Armenians of CSUN and the Republic of Artsakh (10/22/2020)

CSUN Ethnic Studies Resolution In Opposition to Chancellors Proposed Implementation of AB 1460 (9/24/2020)

CSUN Faculty Statement of Solidarity with Black Lives Matter (6/11/2020)

Resolution in Support of AB1460 (2/20/2020)

Resolution on a Quantitative Reasoning Requirement for Admission to the CSU (12/5/19)

Resolution in Support of the Statewide Academic Senate Resolution on CSU Electronic Core Collection Funding (5/9/19)

Resolution to Recommend Rejection of the General Education Taskforce Report (4/11/19)

Resolution of No Confidence in Chancellor White (2/14/19) 

WASC Senior College and University Commission Resolution (5/17/18)

Course Grade Resolution (5/17/18)

Resolution Honoring Heidi Wolfbauer (5/17/18)

Resolution of the Academic Technology Committee Regarding Teaching and Learning Spaces (3/8/18)

SEC Resolution in Response to EO 1100 (Revised) and EO 1110 (10/26/17)

Reconsideration of the Motion Concerning Executive Order 1100 (revised) and Executive Order 1110 (9/28/17)

Developmental Education Resolution (6/15/17)

Institutional Support of and Protection for Undocumented Students at CSUN (3/9/17)

In Support of Administering Student Evaluations of Faculty Online (3/9/17)

Endorsement of CSUN Associated Students Incorporated's Opposition to Proposed Tuition Increase (2/16/17)

A Resolution Honoring José Luis Vargas (5/12/2016)

Resolution of the Academic Technology Committee Regarding Affordable Learning Solutions (2/18/16)

CSUN Resolution on California State University (CSU) Presidential Searches (11/19/15 pdf)

A Resolution of the Faculty Senate at CSUN Honoring the Memory of Dr. Shane G. Frehlich (10/15/15)

A Resolution of the Faculty Senate at CSUN Honoring Provost Harry Hellenbrand (5/7/15)

Resolution in Support of AS-3197-14: The Need for a Comprehensive CSU Policy on Academic Freedom (4/2/15)

Electronic Submission of Coursework (5/8/14)

Supporting the Creation of a Campus Connections Committee for the VPAC (11/21/13) 

Support of Open Access for Faculty Publications (11/21/13)

Resolution of Appreciation for Steven Stepanek (11/21/13)

Endorsement of a Letter of Support for the Nomination of Provost and Vice President Harry Hellenbrand (11/21/13)

Appointment of a CSU Faculty Trustee to the California State University Board of Trustees (10/17/13)

A Resolution in Honor of Darrick Danta (3/7/2013) 

Resolution of Appreciation for Provost Harry Hellenbrand (9/20/12)

Protest Concerning the Development and Implementation of Mandatory Early Start Programs in Writing (3/8/2012)

Appreciation for Dean Susan Curzon (12/9/2010)

Thanking the EO 1048 Mandatory Early Start Working (12/9/2010)

Supporting a Series of Public Events at CSU, Northridge, to Focus on the Fate of Higher Education in California (12/9/2010)

A Resolution in Honor of Karin Duran (9/23/2010)

Flexible, Forward-Looking Enrollment Planning for individual CSU Campuses (3/18/2010)

March 4th "Day of Action" (2/11/2010)

Restructuring of GE Governance (9/17/2009)

Web Accessibility (11/2/2006)

Proposition 1D (10/5/2006)

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