About Academic Senate of the California State University
Academic Senate of the California State University (ASCSU)
The Academic Senate of the California State University consists of 53 faculty members elected by their colleagues at the 23 individual campuses that make up the California State University system.
- advances the principles of academic freedom and freedom of inquiry to promote academic excellence in the CSU;
- recommends policies to the Board of Trustees and the Chancellor on systemwide academic, professional, and academic personnel matters; and
- serves as the official voice of the faculties of the California State University in matters of systemwide concern.
Current CSUN Statewide Academic Senators
- Adam Swenson, Ph.D., Philosophy (term expires spring 2026)
- Elizabeth Sussman-Dabach, Ph.D., Family and Consumer Sciences (term expires spring 2027)
- Theresa Montaño, Ph.D., Chicano/a Studies (term expires spring 2025)
How Do You Become a CSUN Statewide Academic Senator?
CSUN’s Statewide Academic Senators are elected by the faculty during our annual spring elections. (See Article II, Section 7 of the Faculty Bylaws.) Nominations for these positions may be made by the Senate Executive Committee, by a Senator at a regular Senate meeting, or by petition. All nominations must be received on or before the final due date for nominations based on the Faculty Senate calendar. Petitions for nominations must be received at least 7 days prior to the due date. (See Article II, Section 6.1 of the Faculty Bylaws.)
CSUN Statewide Academic Senators serve three-year terms. The senior-most CSUN Statewide Academic Senator also serves as a member of the Senate Executive Committee.