MIND (digital displays)
Matador Information Network Display (MIND) screens are used to advertise on-campus events and announcements. The MIND screens are found throughout campus in Bayramian Hall, the Matador Bookstore and other high-traffic areas.
Please make sure your files are the correct dimensions (see image below). If files do not meet specified guidelines, you will be asked to resubmit them.
Check the status of your request
All posting requests will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis and are subject to space availability and content appropriateness. Requests must be submitted at least one week prior to the event date and clearly indicate the sponsor organization name.
All poster and video posts will be displayed for two weeks only.
The following submissions will not be accepted.
- Messages of a personal nature
- Messages promoting any political figure or campaign
- Messages from off-campus entities
- Message highlighting campus calendar or Ticket Office events (they automatically post on the calendar portion of the displays)
Once a posting request is approved and displayed, it will appear on MIND screens for a maximum of two weeks. Posting requests may be resubmitted, but they will be placed in a queue.
Event submissions must come from a recognized campus club or organization in order to be featured on the MIND screens. Events must take place on campus or virtual and be open to the entire student population.
Follow the steps below to facilitate the submission process.
- Submit a posting request using the online form. You may upload artwork or video files via the online form, but ensure file attachments meet our requirements.
- Clearly indicate the date, time and location of the event on the artwork you plan to submit.
- Artwork with over 20% copy (text) will NOT be accepted
- Videos will not have sounds and are required to have captions edited into the video. Youtube automated captions do not work on MIND screens.
- Note the end date indicating when the posting should be removed. All posters and videos will not be displayed for more than two weeks directly prior to the event.
- Wait for a confirmation email after submitting your request.
- Expect postings to appear on the requested date or within five days of receipt.
Postings will not be displayed more than two weeks prior to an event and will be featured for a maximum of two weeks. Postings will be removed on the requested end date and may be resubmitted for consideration.
The MIND screens follow a specific layout with four key regions: video, vertical poster, and events list.
The events list is maintained by AS and automatically pulls listings from the campus calendar and Ticket Office.
Submissions for the poster regions must be in JPEG or PDF format. Vertical posters should measure 678 by 855 pixels. Please make sure your artwork is in portrait (vertical) and not landscape.
Video content must be an MPEG-4 video file with an aspect ratio of 16:9. You may also submit your video through a Youtube link.
Please note: Content cannot be longer than 30 seconds and the MIND screens do not play sound.