César Chávez Holiday Closure

Annual Budget

What is the Annual Budget?

The annual allocation process establishes the general Associated Students (AS) budget for the July-June fiscal year. It commences the preceding fall when all prospective budget areas or departments submit requests through a process defined in the AS Constitution.

During winter, the Finance Committee conducts hearings and recommends a budget to the AS President. He or she either approves the budget and forwards it to the senate or returns it with recommendations to the Finance Committee for reconsideration. The committee forwards the reconsidered budget to the senate, where it is reviewed and, as appropriate, approved. 

Questions: For more info or questions, send an email to chairoffinance@csunas.org or asstchairoffinance@csunas.org.

2025 - 2026 Annual Budget Request

2024-2025 Budget

2024-2025 Code On Finance

Annual Budget FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions:

The purpose of annual budget is to support CSUN students in their endeavors to increase the quality of campus life and learning. Annual Budget is a grant to Clubs and organizations which reimburses for money spent on events, speakers, advertisement, and much more.

Official CSUN student clubs and organizations, AS programs and departments.

The list is endless! Here are a few examples of what to request for.

  • Speaker/performance programs, art and publications (regardless of the point of view presented)

  • Advertising and Promotional Costs

  • Use of Facilities (on campus) or equipment (audio-visual)

  • Leadership development programs

  • Tournaments (not for profit/fundraising)

  • Liability insurance for on/off campus events

  • Interpretive Services

  • Speaker fees

Unfortunately AS does not fund student clubs and organizations for the following.

  • Banquets, Parties, Meetings

  • Group class projects that are part of a formal curriculum (these are funded through the IRA Fee)

  • Smaller group or individual projects may be funded through the Student Travel and Academic Research (STAR) Account

  • Payment for CSUN students, faculty or staff outside of Associated Students

  • Off Campus events

  • Events or Services not open to all CSUN students (ticketing is ok)

  • DJs, Decorations, T-shirts, Food, Newsletters, One-time use banners

  • Conference Travel (please use the separate (STAR) request for conference travel)

  • Miscellaneous, Reserves, Contingency Funds

If you aren’t sure if your request is fundable, you can review the AS Code on Finance or email the Chair of Finance.

For a single day event, AS can fund a student club or organization up to $3,000 for a single day event, and up to $9,000 within a fiscal year.

Please check the AS website, under the funding category and select the Annual budget corresponding to the fiscal year. Notification about the annual budget allocations should be online before the end of June; and often as early as mid-May. Funds should be available as of July 1. You will need to have a new Authorized Signature Form on file as of July 1st to have access to your allocation. The form is available in the AS Office (USU suite 100). If you have questions regarding this process, email the Chair of Finance at Chair of Finance.

Annual Budget Archive

Academic Year Budget Documents


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