Campus Advisory – Update 1/14/2025
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Closure

Current Students

This page includes important information for current students including:

  • Locker Information
  • Instrument Loan Information
  • Piano Major Practice Room Information
  • General Use Practice Room Information
  • Student Recital Information
  • Forms (Jury, Recital)

Locker Information

Lockers are issued on a first come, first served basis with priority given to students with large instruments and those enrolled in Music Education Methods classes. Locker availability is limited. While those students with larger instruments may have room in their lockers for music stands backpacks, etc., most of the lockers are primarily for the instruments and will not fit other items.

Locker checkouts take place during the first week of the semester. Schedules will be posted on the Production Office bulletin board (outside CY-116) and on the Instrument Office door (CY166).

You are required to provide your own padlock or combination lock to be issued a locker. Put your lock on your locker immediately after being issued one. Lockers without locks will be reassigned without notice. Only put a lock on locker if you have been assigned one from the Production Office. Locks placed on unassigned lockers will be cut without notice. Lockers are assigned on a semester basis. All locks must be removed on or before the last day of final exams. Any locks remaining will be cut. Any personal instruments left in lockers will be tagged and left at the Police Department.

All locker rooms are on an automatic lock and unlock schedule. Lockers can be accessed Monday-Sunday, between the hours of 7am and 11pm. On University holidays when the campus is closed, the locker rooms will not be accessible.

Please be advised: The Music Department is not responsible for items left in lockers.

Instrument Loan Information

The department has a wide variety of instruments available for students to use. In order to be issued an instrument, you must have an email from an instructor or ensemble director stating what instrument(s) you need and for what purpose. For students enrolled in Woodwind, Brass, String, and Percussion Methods, please have your class schedule out and ready when you come to check out an instrument. No instrument will be issued without either proof of class enrollment or an email from a lesson instructor or ensemble director.

Instruments are issued on a semester-by-semester basis. If you are using an instrument for an ensemble or for lessons and you need to continue using it over the break and into the preceding semester, you will need to get another email from your lesson instructor or ensemble director. Instruments issued for Methods classes may not be issued longer than the semester in which the class is taking place.

Instrument checkouts are specifically scheduled during the first couple of weeks of the semester. Please see the posted schedules on the Instrument Office (CY166) door as well as the bulletin board outside the Main Office (CY116) for schedule. Should the need for an instrument arise throughout the semester, please contact the Production Coordinator/Instrument Technician to schedule a time to be issued an instrument.

Instruments may not be issued for any other purposes than for academic purposes. It is illegal to provide for use, or to use, an instrument belonging to the State of California for anything other than curricula. That is to say, if it’s not for a class or its’ use is not necessary in a course of study in the Music Department, the instrument may not be issued.

Normal wear and tear is expected on all instruments while in use by a student. However, any major damage done to the instrument while in a student’s possession must be repaired by the student. If an instrument is lost while issued to a student, the student is required to replace said instrument with a new or used (must be in acceptable condition) instrument of equal value. All instruments must be returned on or before the last day of final examinations. Failure to return a State-owned instrument on by the agreed upon time will result in a police report being filed. If you require an extension of your contract, you must get an email from your instructor or ensemble director before the deadline for returns.

Piano Major Practice Rooms and Keys

The Music Department has 13 practice rooms designated for piano performance majors to have access. At this time, the only piano students who have to these rooms are Piano Performance Majors: This includes MM/BM Performance Majors, MM Collaborative Majors, and BM Jazz Piano Performance Majors.

A key is required to access the piano major practice rooms. There is one key that opens all of the rooms. In order to receive a key, you must be actively enrolled in piano lessons and provide proof of enrollment to the Production Coordinator. Keys are issued on a semester-by-semester basis. Should a student wish to hold on to their key to have access to the practice rooms over Winter and Summer break, they must have their lesson instructor email me requesting the extension of use of the key.

The practice rooms are available Monday-Sunday, 7am-11pm. On University holidays where the campus is closed, the practice rooms will not be accessible.

There is no set schedule for room use at this time. That said, the following rules must be followed by any student who has access to these rooms:

  1. Rooms cannot be used more than 3 consecutive hours.
  2. Rooms may not be left unattended longer than 10 minutes without having to give up the room.
  3. Personal items may not be left in a room for a period longer than 10 minutes to hold the room.
  4. No food or drink besides water is permitted inside the practice rooms.

There are QR codes inside the rooms on the back of the door, or in CY116 that you can scan to make a request for a tuning or to request any other type of piano repair through our piano technician. Or use this LINK.

If you encounter anyone violating these rules, please contact the Production Coordinator or the Department Chair immediately.

General Use and Area Specific Practice Rooms

The Music Department has general use practice rooms located on the first and second floors of the South side of Cypress Hall. All of these rooms are available on a first come, first served basis. These rooms are available Monday-Sunday, 7am-11pm. On University holidays where the campus is closed, the practice rooms will not be available.

On the first floor, there are a handful of Percussion and Jazz practice rooms that are only accessible via key card. Please contact John Roscigno (Percussion) or Tina Raymond (Jazz) if you require a key card to access these rooms. Key cards are issued to these students for the duration they are enrolled in the program. Key cards must be returned on or before the date of graduation from the University.


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