César Chávez Holiday Closure


Undergraduate Advisor:

Nicole Hovland
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To schedule to meet with our undergradudate advisor, please visit: https://go.oncehub.com/CSUNMusicTheatreAdvisement

Graduate Advisor:

Steve Thachuk
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Music majors have an assigned faculty advisor in their field with whom they meet each semester to plan their course of study. Continuing students are required to meet with their option advisor every semester. All first-time freshmen must meet with the Hub, and first-time transfers are encouraged to meet with Nicole Hovland. Depending on their area of concentration, the faculty advisors are:


Option Degree Faculty Advisor
Directed Studies BA Ric Alviso
Collaborative Piano MM Tali Tadmor
Commercial & Media Composition BM Kyle Simpson
Composition BM/MM Liviu Marinescu
Guitar Performance BM/MM Steven Thachuk
Jazz Studies BM/MM Tina Raymond
Music Education BA John Whitener
Music Industry Studies BA Jeff Izzo
Music Therapy BA Hilary Yip
Percussion Performance BM/MM

John Roscigno

Piano Performance & Pedagogy BM/MM Dmitry Rachmanov
String Performance BM Lorenz Gamma
String Performance MM Diane Roscetti 
Vocal Arts BM/MM Hugo Vera
Wind Performance BM/MM Lawrence Stoffel



Nicole Hovland is available to assist students with general advisement. Questions regarding academic status, selecting a major, changing major, Degree Progress Reports (DPRs), unofficial transcripts, graduation, transfer evaluation, etc. should be directed to her in CY 116. Questions regarding option and courses within the degree option should be directed to the Faculty Advisor. Visit CSUN Music Advisement to set up an appointment with Nicole Hovland.

Find important dates and deadlines.

EOP students, and students on Academic Probation are required to meet with an academic advisor each semester. This office has been established by the College of Arts, Media and Communication to assist all incoming students with academic advisement. General Education advisement and questions involving total program rather than major can be referred to this office. 

Visit the Student Resource Center

If you are coming to CSUN as a first-time freshman, (meaning coming from high school instead of a community college or university) you are required to obtain advisement and be enrolled in classes through the Hub. There will be a registration hold placed on your SOLAR account to prevent enrollment. Advisement will be mandatory with the Hub office for the first two to three semesters. If you need to schedule an appointment with them, you can call them at (818) 677-2900-make sure that you complete the pre-advisement steps found on their website. Visit The Hub website for more information

All prospective Music students must audition regardless of their incoming status. Once you apply to Cal. State Northridge, you will receive a music department audition application link. That link will allow you to select your audition date. Please visit Audition & Placement Page for important dates and audition information from your area. The same information will be included on your audition application for your convenience. If you are accepted and commit to attending CSUN, you will receive information about the theory placement exam and keyboard placement questionnaire. You will also receive information from ensemble directors about auditions for their groups.

All BM Music students are required to take the Musicianship placement exam, or else they will start at level one.

If you are coming to CSUN as a first-time transfer student, (meaning coming from a community college or another university) make sure that you check the Admissions and Records Transfer Information page for transferring requirements. Any questions about your transcripts should be addressed to them at (818) 677-3700. Find more information on international admissions or call (818) 677-3760.

We highly recommend every transfer student schedule an advising appointment once you commit to CSUN. Our Music Advisement office will go over all graduation requirements that you should be aware of as a transfer student as well as university policies, reviewing your DPR (Degree Progress Report), etc. 

All prospective Music students must audition regardless of their incoming status. Once you apply to Cal. State Northridge, you will receive a music department audition application link. That link will allow you to select your audition date. Please visit Audition & Placement Page for important dates and audition information from your area. The same information will be included on your audition application for your convenience. If you are accepted and commit to attending CSUN, you will receive information about the theory placement exam and keyboard placement questionnaire. You will also receive information from ensemble directors about auditions for their groups.

Music students entering CSUN are required to take the Musicianship placement exam and fill out the keyboard questionnaire even if they have taken these courses at community college.


Undergraduate students are allowed to transfer a maximum of 70 units from a community college to count towards their bachelor’s degree. All courses in a community college are considered lower-division courses; hence you cannot fulfill any of your upper-division requirements with them.

If you are planning on transferring some courses, make sure you see an advisor prior to enrolling at the community college to make sure you will be given credit for them. Some courses that are USC/CSU transferable may count for units but not necessarily meet specific major or general education (G.E.) requirements.

Here are some tips for successfully taking and transferring courses:

 1-    Make sure you know which requirements you have left to fulfill towards your degree. For this, you can consult your Degree Progress Report (DPR[1]), see your advisor, or follow your transcripts with your major sheet or 4-year plan.

2-    Make a list of the courses you want to take, i.e. MATH 140, MUS 110A, etc. Make sure to have enough choices in case classes get full or are not offered.

3-    Go to www.assist.org[2] and select both institutions, (CSUN and the junior college you are planning to attend) as well as the major or department of the class you want to take.

a)     Note that this website won’t give you the areas the course can meet; it will only give you equivalency information, i.e.: MUS 121 at LAVC is equivalent to MUS 201 at CSUN.

b)    If a course has “no course articulated” at the community college, then you cannot fulfill this requirement with ANY course taken there. For example, MUS 101 at CSUN has no course articulated with LAVC; this means that LAVC does not offer a course that can meet this requirement.

c)     If you need assistance with this, contact your advisor and schedule an appointment for your first time using assist.org. You can also see your advisor just to make sure you have chosen the right courses.

 4-    After the grades are posted for the courses you took, make sure you submit official transcripts to our Admissions and Records office. You can request the transcripts to be sent from the community college or request transcripts that you can hand deliver to the office (SB lobby). Don’t submit transcripts while the courses are in progress or prior to all of your grades being posted; you will need to submit another set of transcripts later on if you do so. 

5-    Transcripts take about 1-2 months to be evaluated, depending on the load of transcripts the university is doing for that particular semester, so be patient and always submit transcripts as soon as possible.

Calculating your Grade Point Average (GPA) is simple and important. GPA is the average grade points you earned over a period of time (for instance, a semester, within your major, or your entire college career). In every course you will earn a grade except for the few courses you may take on a credit/no credit basis.


Note that all General Education courses and all of your major courses must be taken for a letter grade unless the course is only offered with CR/NC grading. Although CR/NC courses will not damage your GPA, they won’t help it either; they don’t affect it at all.


To start, see the chart below to see the point values assigned to each grade:

Grade Points
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
D- 0.7
F 0.0
WU 0.0


Every course is worth a specific number of units. When you enroll in a class, these units are automatically considered units you have attempted, hence the name “units attempted”. The chart on the left, tells you the number of points you get for each unit. To calculate how many grade points you get for a class, you’d need to take the grade you received (according to the char) in the course and then multiply it by the number of units assigned to that course. This gives you the number of grade points earned for the class.


For example: In a three unit class, you can earn from zero grade points ("F" or 0.0 X 3 units=0 grade points earned) to a maximum of 12 grade points ("A" or 4.0 X 3 units=12 grade points).


Now, simply Add up all the grade points you've earned for a certain period (for instance, for a semester or within the major, or for your entire career) and divide that by the number of units you attempted. That will give you the average grade point you earned for units you attempted.

In order to apply for graduation, a grad check needs to be completed with the Music Department Undergraduate Advisor. All students who have earned at least 90 units need to complete a grad check two semesters prior to their expected graduation date. During the grad check, all requirements will be outlined to plan a realistic course load for the student’s last two semesters or more if needed.

Instructions on how to apply for graduation online will be conducted at the time of your grad check. If you need to apply for graduation and have earned at least 90 units towards your degree, please contact our office at 818-677-3181 or stop by CY 116 to schedule your appointment.

 The fee to apply for graduation is currently $47.00 plus any late fees. Check the graduation application deadlines page to find when the late fees apply. You will submit the fee along with the application to the Undergraduate Degree Services office located in Bayramian Hall 170.

 Since it is best for students to check on a regular basis that their requirements towards graduation are being met, here’s a list of all requirements towards your undergraduate degree.

There are eight requirements that must be satisfied in order to graduate with a Bachelor's degree (View program requirement):


1) Completion of all applicable General Education program requirements.

                  Currently Sections A-F, including all subsections

2) Completion of Title V Requirements.

These include American History, Ideals; the Constitution of the U.S.; and State and Local Government. 

3) Completion of the requirements of the major.

You can see your option requirements here[1].

4) Completion of Total Units Minimums:

B.A. - minimum of 120 units (min. of 40 units of upper division coursework)

B.M. - minimum of 120 units (min. of 40 units of upper division coursework)

5) Completion of Grade Point Average requirements:

Minimum of 2.0 in your cumulative or overall GPA (includes all units attempted towards the degree)

Minimum of 2.0 in CSUN GPA (includes only units attempted at CSUN)

Minimum of 2.0 in major (includes only upper division units in the major)

Minimum of 2.0 in minor (includes only upper division units in minor if applicable)

6) Completion of Residence requirements:

Minimum of 30 units completed in residence at CSUN

a)     At least 24 of the 30 units must be in upper division coursework (300 level and above)

b)    At least 12 of the 30 units must be in the major and

c)     At least 9 of the 30 units must be in GE.

7) Completion of Writing Skills requirements.

            There are two writing requirements:

a)     Lower Division Writing requirement: completion of GE Section A-1.

b)    Upper Division Writing requirement: passing the Upper Division Writing Proficiency Exam. See the WPE dates and deadlines[2] link to find out upcoming test dates and more information about the exam.

8) Formal approval to graduate

File when 90 or more units have been completed and within 2-3 semesters of finishing requirements. See Grad Check above.

In Music Private Lessons, one credit hour is one half-hour of private instruction and a minimum of 4 hours of out of class student work (practice) each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester.

For major ensembles, one credit hour is 3 hours of rehearsal and a minimum of 4 hours of out of class student work for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester

For minor ensembles, one credit hour is 2 hours of rehearsal and a minimum of 4 hours of out of class student work for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester

For Chamber music, one credit hour is a minimum of one half-hour of coaching and a minimum of 4 hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester

For small group instruction, one credit hour is 2 hours of in-class instruction and a minimum of 4 hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester

For labs, one credit hour is 2 hours of in-class instruction and a minimum of 4 hours of out of class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester 

The Program of Study

The program of study is a statement of the academic requirements that students must meet for the Master’s/Doctorate degree. The following University requirements apply to the program:

  1. It must be composed of a minimum of 30 units of 400-, 500- and 600-level work.
  2. None of the courses on the program may have been used for any other degree earned in the past.
  3. A maximum of 9 units of 400-level coursework may be used on a program of study. Please check with the Department for their specific policy on 400-level coursework, which could be fewer than 9 units.
  4. No more than 9 units in combination of transfer work, extension work or work completed prior to earning a baccalaureate degree can be used toward the degree.
  5. No more than 6 units of independent study may be included in the program and all independent study arrangements must have prior approval of the instructor and of the Department Chair.
  6. The program must terminate with a culminating experience which will consist of a Thesis, Graduate Project, Artistic Performance or Comprehensive Examination.
  7. Enrollment is required in the semester that the degree is awarded.

400 Level Coursework For Graduate Students

Graduate students who use 400-level coursework in their program of study will have different academic requirements within those courses. These requirements will be appropriate to one who is enrolled in a graduate program.  The requirements will be take the form of additional assignments (in-class and out-of-class) and/or required additional depth on class assignments that are consistent with graduate coursework.

These additional requirements will be made clear to the student in one of the following manners:

  1. Additional requirements for graduate students stated on the standard class syllabus
  2. A syllabus specifically for graduate students will be issued at the beginning of semester
  3. A MOU between student and instructor detailing the initial requirements at the beginning of semester

Graduate Student Learning Outcomes for these courses will accompany these formats.

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