CSUN Fire Advisory and Resources – Update 1/22/2025

CoAPRT Guidlines

CoAPRT expects all programs to demonstrate that student learning outcomes associated with its 7.0 Series Learning Outcomes are met at a 70% level. Therefore, student achievement will be judged as appropriate when 70% or more of the students being assessed demonstrate that they have accomplished the learning outcome. Evidence reflecting CSUN RTM program academic quality and student achievement is provided below for each of the 7.0 Series Learning Outcomes.

  • Demonstrate entry-level knowledge in the nature and scope of the park, recreation, tourism, and hospitality professions and the historic, scientific, and philosophical foundations of the profession based on evaluation of key class assignments and industry standards (CoAPRT 7.01)
    • Core Confidence Survey: 70% or more of the students meet the 70% threshold (i.e., 2.1 out of 3)
      • Standard 7.01 is most directly aligned with core classes RTM 278, 314, 490. The 'Core Confidence Survey' was administered to each class and 2022 scores showed the following aggregate means for each course specific learning outcome: (scores range from 1 to 3) RTM 278 (2.43; 75% meeting the 70% threshold (n=20); RTM 314 (2.68; 90% meeting the 70% threshold (n=39)); RTM 490 (2.79; 100% meeting the 70% threshold (n=14)). Students are asked to evaluate their confidence on their mastery of knowledge and skills that are part of each core class. Each course objective is formatted as a question describing the content area.
  • Demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and evaluate services, events, and programs that model inclusive practices and that enhance the quality of life for all people through recreation and leisure experiences in a minimum of 3 required assignments in core courses (CoAPRT 7.02).
    • Core Confidence Survey: 70% or more of the students meet the 70% threshold (i.e., 2.1 out of 3)
      • Standard 7.02 is most directly aligned with core classes RTM 202, 204, 403. The 'Core Confidence Survey' was administered to each class and 2022 resulted in the following aggregate means for each course specific learning outcome (scores range from 1 to 3): RTM 202 (2.72; 100% meeting the 70% threshold (n=6); RTM 204 (2.41; 75% meeting the 70% threshold (n=4); RTM 403 (2.23; 38% meeting the 70% threshold (n=8)). Students are asked to evaluate their confidence on their mastery of knowledge and skills that are part of each core class. Each course objective is formatted as a question describing the content area.
    • Internship Supervisor Report: 70% or more of the students meet the 70% threshold (i.e., 2.8 out of 4)
      • 27 students’ final internship evaluations conducted by their agency supervisors were collected in spring and summer 2022. All 27 internship students were rated satisfactory by their respective agency supervisors. In addition, the students on average received positive overall ratings in three assessed areas: 1) professional performance and leadership (3.52/4; 93% meeting the 70% threshold) 2) professional knowledge (3.53/4; 96% meeting the 70% threshold); and 3) professional practice and attitude (3.62/4; 89% meeting the 70% threshold).
  • Demonstrate entry-level knowledge and skills associated with delivery, leadership, and operations management, including skills in emotional intelligence as assessed on outcome measures (CoAPRT 7.03).
    • Core Confidence Survey: 70% or more of the students meet the 70% threshold (i.e., 2.1 out of 3)
      • Standard 7.03 is most directly aligned with core classes RTM 300, 302, 303, and 304. The 'Core Confidence Survey' was administered to each class and 2022 resulted in the following aggregate means (scores range from 1 to 3) for each course specific learning outcome: RTM 300 (2.17; 50% meeting the 70% threshold (n=2)); RTM 302 (2.59; 100% meeting the 70% threshold (n=13); RTM 303 (2.70; 100% meeting the 70% threshold (n=4)); RTM 304 (2.58; 100% meeting the 70% threshold (n=5)). Students are asked to evaluate their confidence on their mastery of knowledge and skills that are part of each core class. Each course objective is formatted as a question describing the content area.
    • Internship Supervisor Report: 70% or more of the students meet the 70% threshold (i.e., 2.8 out of 4)
      • 27 students’ final internship evaluations conducted by their agency supervisors were collected in spring and summer 2022. All 27 internship students were rated satisfactory by their respective agency supervisors. In addition, the students on average received positive overall ratings in three assessed areas: 1) professional performance and leadership (3.52/4; 93% meeting the 70% threshold) 2) professional knowledge (3.53/4; 96% meeting the 70% threshold); and 3) professional practice and attitude (3.62/4; 89% meeting the 70% threshold).
    • Emotional Intelligence Survey: Positive change from pre- and post- survey results
      • Emotional Intelligence Survey (given at start and finish of the program; 25 items adapted from Hunsaker (2001)) was implemented in 2022. The Survey had an aggregate mean of 3.88 (n=19) at the start and 4.14 (n=8) at the finish point (5-point scale with the 5 being the highest score).
  • Application and integration of theoretical knowledge in a practical setting through successful completion of learning outcomes generated for a professional internship (minimum of 400 hours) in preparation for pursuing employment in the parks, recreation, tourism and hospitality industry (CoAPRT 7.04).
    • Core Confidence Survey: (i.e., 3.5 out of 5 for skills/competencies, and 7 out of 10 for overall confidence)
      • 25 internship students in spring and summer 2022 completed the core confidence survey (CCS) for RTM494C (supervisor internship), with a response rate of 89%. Students were asked to indicate their confidence after the internship in meeting the requirements of the different skills/competencies for a supervisory position in recreation, tourism, hospitality, or related organization (1= very unconfident; 5= very confident). Students also indicated their overall confidence after the internship in succeeding as professionals at a supervisory level in recreation, tourism, hospitality or related organizations (1=Not at all confident; 10=Extremely confident). Students’ average confidence in different areas of skills/competencies ranged from 4.4 to 4.8 out of 5, and the average overall confidence was 8.6/10. For each student, an average score was created by averaging the scores for all skills/competence. Results showed all (100%) students met the 70% threshold (i.e., 3.5 or higher) for skills/competencies, and 92% students met the 70% threshold (i.e., 7 or higher) for overall confidence.
    • Internship Supervisor Report: 70% or more of the students meet the 70% threshold (i.e., 2.8 out of 4)
      • 27 students’ final internship evaluations conducted by their agency supervisors were collected in spring and summer 2022. All 27 internship students were rated satisfactory by their respective agency supervisors. In addition, the students on average received positive overall ratings in three assessed areas: 1) professional performance and leadership (3.52/4; 93% meeting the 70% threshold) 2) professional knowledge (3.53/4; 96% meeting the 70% threshold); and 3) professional practice and attitude (3.62/4; 89% meeting the 70% threshold).
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