National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

Dr. Nathan Martin

Department Chair

Phone: (818) 677-4723

Send email

Ropes Course

Student swinging on a rope at two stories high looking down at the height

As we have stepped into the twenty-first century, the recreation, tourism and hospitality industries significantly impact all Americans. Recreation and leisure impacts general health and quality of life concerns. The challenge is to modify life-span life styles in an effort to extend life expectancy as well as improve the quality of life while simultaneously reducing health care and human service costs.

The purpose of the Center for Recreation and Tourism is to act as a vehicle for promoting health, a balanced life style, and overall well-being through a variety of recreation and leisure experiences. The center provides training, education, and research endeavors undertaken by the Department of Recreation and Tourism.

One of the major initiatives of the center is the Adventure Learning program which offers programs in training and installation.

The function of the Center for Recreation and Tourism shall be to manage and direct those activities and initiatives appropriate to the purpose of the Center. The Center shall have following areas of service:
1. research and other scholarly activity;
2. professional publications;
3. continuing education;
4. community service initiatives.

The work of the Center shall cover any area appropriate to the professional interests of the faculty of the Department of Recreation and Tourism Management, and shall include research and publications, special courses, seminars and lectures, meetings, workshops and clinics, as well as other such initiatives that may be appropriate to the purpose of the Center.


Project THRIVE is a free, fun way to promote reliance on yourself, and your companions. THRIVE is funded by the Campus Quality Fee (CQF) grant, is designed to enhance student success.

You’ll work with Recreation and Tourism Management (RTM) faculty and students, and through low- and high-challenge activities. You’ll discover improved confidence and better skills for relying on your teammates, and you’ll show them they can rely on you! 

These challenges will nudge you out of your comfort zone – maybe even motivate you to leap in.

Start Out Strong

Bring your team out for a private 4 to 6 hour program guaranteed to increase performance throughout the semester.

Improve Confidence

Challenges are designed to motivate inner strength be stepping outside one's comfort zone.

Work Together

Programs have components of low and high challenges that can only be completed with collaborations.


Schedule today!

The Center offers the following programs and activities:

A person is hanging on a rope for dear life

Adventure Learning Program

  • Ropes Course
  • Climbing Walls
  • Mobile Initiatives Courses
A line filled with people waiting to get on the Ropes Course while preparing themselves with gear

Recreation Institute

  • Lily Academy of Japan (Since 1997)

For information on any of our programs or to find out how you can make a difference by donating funds or usable items to the Center (all donations are tax deductible), you can contact the Department of Recreation and Tourism Management office, Department Chair Dr. Nathan Martin directly, or Erin Eiholzer Program Coordinator and Hope Rogers Course Manager.

Dr. Nathan Martin

Department Chair

Phone: (818) 677-4723

Send email

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