FAQs for CSUN Students

These FAQs provide answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Human Lactation Curriculum for CSUN students. If you don't find an answer to your question here, feel free to use any of the following resources to get answers to your questions.

  1. Email: Lactation.Education@csun.edu
  2. Schedule a Virtual Zoom Advisement Appointment

General Human Lactation for CSUN Students FAQ’s

  • Place your name on the SOLAR wait list.  For instructions on how to place your name on the SOLAR wait list visit:  https://www.csun.edu/admissions-records/waitlist
  • If you still are unable to get a spot, the next time the course is offered be sure to enroll as soon as your registration appointment allows.
  • We typically offer HSCI 434 during the fall, spring and summer semesters; and HSCI 446 during the spring semester.

  • HSCI 434 – Lactation Education: Prenatal and Perinatal Period (3)
    • Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters
    • This course is a prerequisite to HSCI 446
  • HSCI 446 – Lactation Education: Postpartum Period (3)
    • Spring Semester ONLY
    • Plan accordingly to your anticipated graduation year and term

B.S. in Public Health Students

  • If you are a B.S. in Public Health student, you may complete your academic internship requirement at a community organization that promotes breastfeeding in the community. For a list of sites that promote breastfeeding in the community who are offering B.S in Public Health students an internship, please email lactation.education@csun.edu.
  • For more information about B.S. in Public Health academic internships use the resources below or contact Cathy Rusch, Internship Coordinator at 818-677-3101 or cathy.rusch@csun.edu.
  • Current BSPH internship opportunities: HSCI 494 Internship.
  • BSPH internship Canvas page.

All other Majors

  • Please consult with your academic advisor.

LEAARC approved breastfeeding course For CSUN students FAQs

  • Yes.
    • HSCI 434 provides students with the opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills needed to serve as lactation educators in the community.

To learn more about students success stories visit the Student Success Stories page

To hear students share stories about their experiences taking HSCI 434 watch this video testimonial.

  • A student who successfully completes HSCI 434 receives a certificate of course completion, allowing them to use the designation of a Certificated Prenatal Lactation Educator. 
  • HSCI 434 is recognized by the Lactation Education Accreditation and Approval Review Committee (LEAARC) as basic education (under 90 hours) for breastfeeding educators and counselors.

  • Yes, students who complete HSCI 434 will have completed 45 of the 95 hours of lactation specific education IBLCE exam requirement.

  • CSUN offers individuals the opportunity to complete the lactation specific education IBLCE exam requirements as well as the health sciences course work IBLCE exam requirement.  For a list of courses students can take at CSUN to meet IBLCE exam course work requirements.


  • To enroll in HSCI 434, you must be at least a junior (i.e. completed at least 60 units at either a community college and/or a four year university).
  • To enroll in HSCI 446, you must complete HSCI 434 at CSUN.

  • Beginning Summer 2019, HSCI 434 will be offered in a fully online format.

Minor in Human Lactation FAQs

There are two career paths in the field of human lactation:

  1. lactation educator
  2. lactation consultant. To learn more about each of these career paths, please visit this link to the careers page.

No. CSUN’s Minor in Human Lactation prepares students for a career as a Lactation Educator. To become an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant, individuals must pass the IBLCE exam. Participants who earn a Minor in Human Lactation will have completed one of the three IBLCE exam requirements: 95* hour of lactation specific education requirement, including 5 hours focused on communication skills. For more information on all of the eligibility requirements for the exam to become a IBCLC, please visit this link for CSUN students.

* If you completed HSCI 446 Spring 2021 or before this date you will have completed 90 hours of lactation specific education requirements and need to take an additional 5 hours focused on communication skills to fulfil the 95 lactation specific education requirements.

If you have any questions about the Minor in Human Lactation, or about the steps listed above, we are delighted to assist you. Please email us or schedule a virtual Zoom advisement appointment.

Email: lactation.education@csun.edu

Or book an advisement appointment.

In addition to the required B.S. in FCS with an option and Nutrition and Dietetics Program coursework, students majoring in FCS with an option in Nutrition & Dietetics who would like to also earn a Minor in Human Lactation will need to take:

  • HSCI 170 Emergency Procedures (2)
  • HSCI 434: Lactation Education: Prenatal and Perinatal Period
  • HSCI 446: Lactation Education: Postpartum Period (pre-requisite 434)

Students majoring in in FCS with an option in Nutrition & Dietetics will have likely satisfied the following Minor in Human Lactation program requirements as these are pre-requisites for required coursework in the B.S. in FCS with an option and Nutrition and Dietetics Program:

  • Biol 101/L General Biology and Lab:
    • BIO 215L is pre-requisite for FCS 301, which is required in your major and can be substituted for Bio101/L.
  • Biol 281 Human Physiology
    • Bio 281 is a pre-requisite for FCS 307, which is required in your major.
  • Minor in Human Lactation Nutrition requirement (FCS 207 or HSCI 337)
    • FCS 207 or HSCI 337 is a pre-requisite for FCS 321/L, which is required in your major.

There is a great deal of overlap between required coursework that is part of the B.S in Public Health program and Minor in Human Lactation program. Students majoring in Public health who would like to also earn a Minor in Human Lactation will: want to satisfy the required 12 units of health sciences electives that are part of the B.S. in Public health degree requirements by selecting the following four health sciences electives.

  • FCS 330 Child Growth and Development (3 units)
  • HSCI 337 Nutrition and Health (3 units)
  • HSCI 434: Lactation Education: Prenatal and Perinatal Period (3 units)
  • HSCI 446: Lactation Education: Postpartum Period (pre-requisite 434) (3 units)

    need to take two additional lower division courses:
    • BIOL 211/212 Human Anatomy and Lab (2/1 units)
    • HSCI 170 Emergency Procedures (2 units)

Please note, in order to meet the upper division requirement for the minor in Human Lactation, students who take CADV 150 must take HSCI 337; students who take FCS 207 must take FCS 330 OR students may take HSCI 337 and FCS 330. Keep in mind, the above listed courses are general guidelines. You are encouraged to review the required courses both in the B.S. in Public Health program and the Minor in Human Lactation program, as requirements change from time to time, and seek regular advisement.

Students earning a BS in Nursing at CSUN will have likely satisfied all of the following Minor in Human Lactation requirements as these are part of an Associates in Nursing degree program:

  • Biol 101/L General Biology and Lab
  • Biol 211/212 Human Anatomy and Lab
  • Biol 281 Human Physiology

Students earning a BS in Nursing at CSUN can substitute HSCI 170, a required Minor in Human Lactation course, with NURS 428L Community and Population Nursing and lab, which is a required course in CSUN’s B.S. in Nursing program. Students earning a B.S. in Nursing at CSUN will need to take the following Minor in Human Lactation courses that are not part of the BS Nursing course requirements:

  • HSCI 337 Nutrition and Health
  • HSCI 434: Lactation Education: Prenatal and Perinatal Period
  • HSCI 446: Lactation Education: Postpartum Period (pre-requisite 434)

Keep in mind the above listed are general guidelines. You are encouraged to review the required courses in the B.S. in Nursing program and the Minor in Human Lactation Program, as requirements change from time to time, and seek regular advisement.

The minor in Human Lactation has 8 required courses (24 units):

  1. BIOL 101/L (General Education Section B2 and B3)
  2. BIOL 211/212 Human Anatomy and Lab
  3. BIOL 281 Human Physiology
  4. HSCI 170 (General Education Section E)
  5. HSCI 434: Lactation Education: Prenatal and Perinatal Period
  6. HSCI 446: Lactation Education: Postpartum Period (pre-requisite HSCI 434)
  7. CADV 150 (General Education D1) OR FCS 207 (General Education E)
  8. FCS 330 AND/OR HSCI 337 (General Education B5)


  • In order to complete the 8 upper division unit requirement for the minor, one of the following combinations must be taken:

CADV 150 and HSCI 337

FCS 207 and FCS 330

HSCI 337 and FCS 330

  • Credit not allowed for both HSCI 337 and FCS 207.
  • Only 1 course from Section E will double count.

Keep in mind the above listed are general guidelines. You are encouraged to review the required courses in the B.A. in Africana Studies program and the Minor in Human Lactation Program, as requirements change from time to time, and seek regular advisement.

The minor in Human Lactation has 8 required courses (24 units):

  1. BIOL 101/L (General Education Section B2 and B3)
  2. BIOL 211/212 Human Anatomy and Lab
  3. BIOL 281 Human Physiology
  4. HSCI 170 (General Education Section E)
  5. HSCI 434: Lactation Education: Prenatal and Perinatal Period
  6. HSCI 446: Lactation Education: Postpartum Period (pre-requisite HSCI 434)
  7. CADV 150 (General Education D1) OR FCS 207 (General Education E)
  8. FCS 330 AND/OR HSCI 337 (General Education B5)


  • In order to complete the 8 upper division unit requirement for the minor, one of the following combinations must be taken:

CADV 150 and HSCI 337

FCS 207 and FCS 330

HSCI 337 and FCS 330

  • Credit not allowed for both HSCI 337 and FCS 207.
  • Only 1 course from Section E will double count.

Keep in mind the above listed are general guidelines. You are encouraged to review the required courses in the B.A. in Chicano and Chicana Studies program and the Minor in Human Lactation Program, as requirements change from time to time, and seek regular advisement.

The minor in Human Lactation has 8 required courses (24 units):

  1. BIOL 101/L (General Education Section B2 and B3)
  2. BIOL 211/212 Human Anatomy and Lab
  3. BIOL 281 Human Physiology
  4. HSCI 170 (General Education Section E)
  5. HSCI 434: Lactation Education: Prenatal and Perinatal Period
  6. HSCI 446: Lactation Education: Postpartum Period (pre-requisite HSCI 434)
  7. CADV 150 (General Education D1) OR FCS 207 (General Education E)
  8. FCS 330 AND/OR HSCI 337 (General Education B5)


  • In order to complete the 8 upper division unit requirement for the minor, one of the following combinations must be taken:

CADV 150 and HSCI 337

FCS 207 and FCS 330

HSCI 337 and FCS 330

  • Credit not allowed for both HSCI 337 and FCS 207.
  • Only 1 course from Section E will double count.

Keep in mind the above listed are general guidelines. You are encouraged to review the required courses in the B.A. in Central American Studies program and the Minor in Human Lactation Program, as requirements change from time to time, and seek regular advisement.

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