Traditional Program Pathway


The Traditional Preliminary Single Subject Program at California State University, Northridge is the most flexible of the credential program options. Qualified candidates may enroll in this post-baccalaureate program on a full-time or part-time basis, completing the credential in a minimum of one year or taking three or more semesters to finish the program. Designed for pre-service candidates, the Traditional Single Subject Preliminary Program leads to a credential in a specific subject area for teaching at the middle school and high school levels.


  • Developmentally sequenced program of methods, foundational, and field experience courses
  • Highly qualified faculty with strong practical knowledge of students and schools
  • Outstanding campus facilities, including computer labs
  • Emphasis on working with diverse students in urban schools
  • Culminates with the state-required Teacher Performance Assessment, the edTPA.

How to Apply

Program Courses (37 units)

  • SED 511 Fundamentals of Secondary Education in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3). Required in first semester of enrollment.
  • EPC 420  Educational Psychology of Adolescence (3)
  • SED 525xx  Methods of Teaching Single Subject [Art, English, etc.] (3)—525A, 525D, 525EN, 525MA/MAL, 525MU, 525PE, 525S/SL, 525SS, 525WL
    NOTE: Most SED 525XX offered fall only. Only SED 525EN and SS can be expected in the spring.
  • SED 554/554S  Early Field Experience (4) and Seminar (2)*
  • SED 514  Computers in Instruction (3)
  • AAS/AFRS/ARMN/CHS/ELPS 417  Equity and Diversity in Schools (3)
  • SED 529  Teaching English Learners in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3)
  • SED 521***  Content Area Literacy and Learning in Multiethnic Secondary Schools (3)
  • SPED 420  Designing Equitable Learning Through Universal Design (3)
  • HSCI 466ADO  Health Issues of the Adolescent (1)
  • SED 555/555S  Student Teaching (4) and Field Experience Seminar (2)**

*Pre-requisites for SED 554/554S: Admission to the Single Subject Credential Program; clearance by the Credential Office. Pre- or co-requisite classes for SED 554: SED 511, EPC 420, and SED 525xx. SED 554 Candidates complete a series of structured activities during one class period and consultation/observation time daily at an assigned public middle school or high school for the school’s semester or track during the fall or spring semester, as well as the preliminary Teaching Performance Assessment (FRED).

** Pre-requisites for SED 555/555S: SED 511, EPC 420, SED 525xx, SED 554/S. Pre- or co-requisite for SED 555: SED 529, SED 521, SPED 420, AAS/AFRS/ARMN/CHS/ELPS 417. SED 555 Candidates teach two class periods daily at a public middle school or high school, and they are at the school a third period daily for the school’s semester or track during the fall or spring semester. Candidates complete the Teaching Performance Assessment (edTPA) and the Individual Development Plan in SED 555/555S.

*** SED 529 is a pre- or co-requisite for SED 521.

Some fulltime candidates may be eligible to complete the program in a single year, for example by enrolling in the first 6 courses listed above in the fall semester and the last 5 courses in the spring semester. Most candidates complete the program in three or four semesters. 

Sample 1: Three-Semester Program

Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3

SED 511



SED 514

SED 529

SPED 420


SED 521

SED 555&555S

EPC 420

SED 554&554S


Sample 2: Two-Year Program

Semester 1 Semester 2 Summer Semester 3 Semester 4

SED 511

SED 529

SED 514

SED 521


EPC 420



SPED 420

SED 555&555S

(part-time tuition)

(part-time tuition)


SED 554&554S


Sample 3: Two-Year Program

Semester 1 Semester 2 Semester 3 Semester 4

SED 511

SED 529


SED 555&555S

EPC 420

SED 514

SPED 420

(part-time tuition)


SED 521

SED 554&554S






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