The edTPA at a Glance

The edTPA is a roughly one-week unit (~5 lessons) that you plan and teach in your second student-teaching experience or later Internship semester. It is supported in SED 555S.  You complete three Tasks:

  1. Planning—You submit a lesson plan for each day of the unit, including assessments. You describe your rationale for the plans’ design and how it meets the needs of your particular students. The plans must have a central focus (see reverse).
  2. Instructing—You submit about 15 minutes of video (usually 2 clips) of your teaching during the unit and you describe your strategies for student engagement, building understanding and creating a supportive environment.
  3. Assessing—You assess students (with a test, essay, performance, quiz, creative project…) and analyze the performance of the whole class, subgroups, and 3 focus students (whose work you submit). You describe the feedback you gave students afterwards. You explain your next steps for instruction based on these assessment results.

Your Teaching Event is scored by 1, 2, or 3 nationally trained scorers who are experts in your subject. Scorers use a set of 15 rubrics, each one evaluating a particular aspect of teaching. Scorers rate your performance on each rubric on a 1 – 5 point scale. To pass, you must reach a minimum total score (41 in most subjects).

The Feedback-Receiving edTPA (FRED) at a Glance

The FRED is a mini-version of the edTPA, completed during your early field experience, support in SED 554S. It is identical to the edTPA except it involves only ONE or TWO lessons. 
The FRED is not scored. Instead, your Seminar Instructor and peers will provide feedback and guidance for your future edTPA.  

What will it cost me?

The edTPA has two kinds of fees*:

  • Submitting the first attempt at the edTPA to Pearson for scoring will cost you $300.
  • If your edTPA does not pass, you may submit new attempts for scoring at $100 per “Task” (up to $300 for a full re-attempt).

* which are set by Pearson and subject to change at any time.


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