César Chávez Holiday Closure


If you're a student who is a part of the California Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) or Greater Avenues for Independence (GAIN) programs, our faculty and staff across the campus are here to provide any information you need. We're dedicated to your success!

Plan a visit

The CalWORKs/GAIN Liaison provides support and assistance, so that you may meet compliance requirements with the Los Angeles County Department of Social Services. Your CalWORKs/Gain campus liaison, Andrew Griffith, is available to meet with you to answer questions and assist with paperwork. To schedule an appointment, please send an email to andrew.griffith@csun.edu. Make sure your subject line is "Request for GAIN Program appointment".

Before your scheduled visit, please complete the following steps:

  • Contact your case worker for a GN 6005 or GN 6006 form or another agency document that'll serve as an appropriate appointment referral.
  • Contact your major's department to request an advisement appointment.
  • Print out your current class schedule and bring a copy along with your student ID, to your scheduled appointment.


The following information will assist you in filling out the various forms associated with the CalWORKs/GAIN initiative at CSUN. Please review the instructions for each form carefully.

Student information form

This form is to be used by the CalWORKs/GAIN participant when referred to the CalWORKs/GAIN liaison staff by the Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) CalWORKs/GAIN caseworker/director at the referring community college program. Please follow the steps below:

  • Download the Student information form
  • Complete the student demographic section of the form and take it to your initial contact meeting with the CSUN CalWORKs/GAIN liaison, Andrew Griffith.
  • If you are unsure about a response, leave it blank and discuss it with Andrew Griffith during your initial meeting.
  • Sign the form and date it in the presence of the CSUN intake staff.
  • Take your CSUN student ID to the first meeting.

Book request form

This form is to be used by the CalWORKs/GAIN participant to request a reimbursement for books, fees, and supplies related to your program at CSUN. Please follow the steps below:

  • Download the Book request form
  • Complete the top portion, and indicate the term of the request (e.g., fall 2017).
  • Fill out the top portion of the form.
  • Read the instructions and complete the remaining section of the form.
  • Sign the form and date it in the presence of the CSUN CalWORKs/GAIN liaison.
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