César Chávez Holiday Closure

Long-Term Strategic Priorities

In support of the University Mission and the President’s Priorities, the Division of Student Affairs will focus its human and material resources to promote accomplishment in the following six long-term strategic priorities (in alphabetical order).

  1. Business, Operational Practices, and Facilities
    Grounded in the philosophy of continuous quality improvement and guided by assessment data, Student Affairs units will offer programs, services, and facilities that are student/client centered, effective and efficient, sustainable, collaborative in nature, and responsive to organizational and legal constraints.
  2. Enrollment Management, Retention, and Advocacy
    Affirming our belief that each student admitted to Cal State Northridge has the potential and the full opportunity to succeed, and guided by assessment data, Student Affairs units will offer programs, services, and facilities that build a relationship between the student and the university, enhance student capacity for academic and personal achievement, and assert student needs and expectations to others who contribute to student persistence to graduation.
  3. Maximizing Financial Resources
    Student Affairs units will strive to supplement their general fund budgets through participation in division-based fundraising activity, solicitation of program sponsorships, implementation of fee for service options, grants and contracts, foundations, and other means as may become available.
  4. Staff Development and Well-Being
    The capacity of the Division of Student Affairs to contribute to student and University success is directly linked to the capacity of the staff to perform at a high standard. Therefore, Student Affairs is committed to creating a work environment based upon clear and reasonable expectations, in which performance evaluation is constructive and developmental, that provides opportunity for continuing development of skills and abilities, that recognizes and expresses appreciation for the contributions of individuals and groups, and that encourages and facilitates physical, emotional, interpersonal, career, and spiritual well-being.
  5. Student Learning and Development
    Student Affairs departments will establish learning outcomes for their programs and services. These outcomes will, when appropriate, complement the outcomes established for General Education and contribute to student achievement of the University outcomes desired for CSUN graduates. Assessment of learning outcomes will occur and the results used to guide program and service planning and budget decisions.

Common Learning Theme 1: Becoming One's Own Person

  • Outcome 1:The student will make life choices that are congruent with his/her abilities, values, and beliefs.
    • Capability 1: Able to identify and apply values and beliefs.
    • Capability 2: Able to identify and demonstrate skills and abilities.
  • Outcome 2:The student will understand how his/her experience and history has shaped his/her values and beliefs (gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, geographic, etc.)
    • Capability: Ability to identify and integrate culture(s) into self concept.
  • Outcome 3:The student will act without undue influence from others.
    • Capability 1: Ability to assert Self/Independence.
    • Capability 2: Sees themselves as a unique individual.
  • Outcome 4:The student has the ability to consider and evaluate multiple viewpoints and is able to modify those based on new knowledge and experiences.
    • Capability: Ability to recognize, evaluate, and incorporate others’ viewpoints.

Common Learning Theme 2: Achieving Capacity for Mutually Supportive Relationships

  • Outcome 1:The student will recognize the value of interpersonal relationships.
    • Capability: Other focused.
  • Outcome 2: The student will use effective interpersonal communication skills.
    • Capability 1: Listening with empathy.
    • Capability 2: Conveying thoughts, feeling and information.
    • Capability 3: Showing respect.
    • Capability 4: Expressing and receiving support.
  • Outcome 3:The student will appropriately use e-technology in communicating with others.
    • Capability 1: Effective electronic communications.

Common Learning Theme 3: Demonstrating Social and Civic Responsibility

  • Outcome 1:A CSUN student will engage with and effectively function in a diverse society.
    • Capability 1: Knowledge of an attitude toward diversity.
    • Capability 2: Engaging diversity.
  • Outcome 2:A CSUN student will contribute to the well-being and benefit of others.
    • Capability 1: Knowledge of and attitude toward altruism.
    • Capability 2: Promoting altruistic behavior.
  • Outcome 3:A CSUN student will participate in the governance and function (operation) of a community.
    • Capability 1: Knowledge of and attitude toward civic engagement.
    • Capability 2: Demonstrating civic engagement.

Common Learning Theme 4: Utilizing Effective Thinking

  • Outcome 1:The student's way of thinking will evolve.
    • Capability: Multiple ways of thinking.
  • Outcome 2:The student can effectively articulate his/her thoughts and feelings.
    • Capability: Effective articulation.

Common Learning Theme 5: Applying Knowledge and Practical Competence

  • Outcome 1:The student will work effectively in teams.
    • Capability 1: Contributing to team functioning.
    • Capability 2: Task accomplishment.
    • Capability 3: Valuing other team members.
  • Outcome 2:The student will adapt to and influence continuous change.
    • Capability 1: Idea acceptance: open to change.
    • Capability 2: Developing and implementing new methods.
    • Capability 3: Persuasive communication.
  • Outcome 3:The student will be able to navigate complex circumstances and transfer knowledge to new situations and contexts.
    • Capability 1: Analyzing and responding to situations.
    • Capability 2: Approach to context.
    • Capability 3: Using information or guidance.

6. Technology Advancement

Student Affairs will utilize technology to improve access to information, facilitate access to business processes from anywhere at any time, create opportunities for program and service delivery, and to engage students in learning opportunities.

Nov. 2006
Rev. Sept 2021

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