Niels Henrik Abel (1802 to 1829)
Niels Henrik Abel was a Norwegian mathematician - a pioneer in the development of several branches of modern mathematics.
Abel Scholarship
The Abel Scholarship is an annual award in the amount of $2,000 to be given to a sophomore or junior mathematics major at CSUN based on academic merit. Students may self nominate or be nominated by a faculty member. Each applicant must submit a short biographical statement and an unofficial transcript as well provide two letters of recommendations from faculty members in the Mathematics Department. The application deadline is Wednesday, April 23, 2025, 11:59pm. Download the application form here.
Abel Scholarship Endowment
The Abel Scholarship was established by professor Magnhild Lien, faculty member and former chair of the Mathematics Department at California State University. In December 2005 she pledged to pay $500 per year for five years toward scholarships for math majors. She named the scholarship the Abel Scholarship and in her words this is why: “I have named the scholarship after the Norwegian mathematician, Niels Henrik Abel since he was the first mathematician I ever heard of. When I was a young girl my parents brought me to Frolands Verk, a small village close to where we lived so that I could see the monument built in honor of Abel. I don’t know what prompted this visit on my parents’ part, but it did make an impression on me.” Professor Lien encouraged math faculty and emeritus faculty to contribute to the Abel Scholarship Fund. By the generous support from emeritus faculty Helen Coulson and others, the Fund has grown significantly and in spring 2011 the Abel Scholarship Endowment was established. If you wish to donate to the Endowment, you may do so online or make a check out to the CSUN Foundation - Abel Scholarship Endowment and mail to CSUN Foundation, 18111 Nordhoff St, Northridge, CA 91330-8388. If you have any questions in regard to making your tax-deductible contribution please contact the Director of Development for the College of Science and Mathematics.
Donors to the Abel Scholarship Fund/Endowment
Please consider donating to this Fund. See donation form here.
Abel Scholarship Recipients
- Mann Mavani, 2024
- Ana Cachu, 2023
- Christian Villalobos, 2022
- Gulnaz Shalgumbayeva, 2020
- Mark Yi, 2019
- Daniel Rud, 2018
- Isnayni Hadi, 2017
- Zackaria Movahedi, 2016
- Miriam Ramirez, 2015
- Sangman Lee, 2015
- Lindsey Justice, 2014
- Raemeon Cowan, 2013
- Katherine Marroquin, 2012
- Andrew Duhancioglu, 2011
- Johanna Garcia, 2010
- William Sherman, 2009
- Tracey Low, 2008
- Robert Hammell, 2007
- Cynthia Flores, 2006
DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS: Efrem Ostrow Memorial Scholarship
Frequency of Award
Award Amount
The award amount is $2,500 in 2025. Amounts will be determined on an annual basis by the Award Committee in the Department of Mathematics.
To provide annual scholarships for undergraduates or graduate students who demonstrate the promise of achievement in mathematics.
Award Background
Born in Chicago, Illinois, Efrem Herbert Ostrow, Ph.D., graduated from the University of Chicago (UC) in 1943 at the age of 19. As World War II was raging at the time, he joined the Manhattan Project in Los Alamos, New Mexico and the National Atomic Research Facility. Dr. Ostrow was part of a team whose discoveries led to major advances in physics, engineering, nuclear energy and medicine. In 1960 he returned to the UC, earning his doctorate in mathematics. Subsequently Dr. Ostrow joined the CSUN faculty where he spent 25 years teaching mathematics to undergraduate and graduate students. Retiring in 1989, Dr. Ostrow and his wife, Christa, moved to Santa Barbara, California. He enjoyed retirement and served as a docent at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art. Dr. Ostrow died in 2015, two days before his 92nd birthday. In keeping with his devotion to good works and community, he bequeathed a significant gift to the CSUN Foundation, which was used to create a permanent endowment in his memory. The Efrem Ostrow Memorial Scholarship Fund grants scholarships to distinguished scholars who show promise in the field of mathematics.
Please consider donating to this Fund. See donation form here.
Candidates should be undergraduate or graduate students in the Department of Mathematics. Preference will be given to distinguished students who show promise in the discipline.
- Undergraduate students must have successfully completed at least Math 320 or 326.
- Graduate students must have successfully completed Math 450A and 462 (or equivalent at another institution).
- The applicant must have partnered with a faculty mentor of the applicant’s choosing from the Mathematics Department, who will draw up a research proposal in mathematics for the student to work on under the faculty mentor’s guidance. The proposed project should be accomplished in six weeks of full-time effort during the following summer, or comparable effort in part-time over the following fall or spring term.
Other Criteria
The authorized committee will select the recipients based on the following:
- satisfaction of all minimum requirements,
- appropriateness of the proposed research project for the applicant’s mathematical background, and
- letter of recommendation of the mentor faculty member.
If a recipient of this scholarship is also receiving financial aid (including loans), then the financial aid award may be adjusted. Students may speak to a counselor in the Financial Aid & Scholarship Department during walk-in hours for a detailed overview about their individual situation.
Application Materials
The applicant must send an email prior to the deadline as follows:
- Send to:
- Subject should read: Efrem Ostrow Memorial Scholarship - Application
- The body of the email should contain the following information, in separate lines:
- Full name
- CSUN student ID number
- Current mailing address
- Current email address
- Current phone number
- Name of faculty mentor
- In parallel, the applicant’s faculty mentor must send a letter of recommendation on behalf of the applicant directly to the Mathematics Department (by email to, committing to work with the applicant, providing a description and an approximate timeline for the research project, and giving a brief assessment of the applicant’s ability to work on the project.
Application Deadline
Wednesday, April 23, 2025 at 11:59pm
Selection Process
The Award Committee in the Department of Mathematics will review the applications and decide on the award recipient.
Award Notification
The Department Chair or designee will send an award letter to each recipient and arrange for the certificate to be sent or hand-delivered at the Graduate Reception that occurs around the time of spring Commencement.
DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS: F. Lynwood Wren Scholarship
Frequency of Award
Award Amount
To support a mathematics major with junior or senior standing and with a strong interest in teaching.
Award Background
This award is named in memory of Frank Lynwood Wren, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics. Born in Tennessee in 1894, Dr. Wren earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1915 from the University of the South in Tennessee, a Master of Arts in 1925 from Peabody College in Nashville (now known as the Peabody College of Education and Human Development at Vanderbilt University) and a doctorate in 1930 from the University of Chicago. He started at CSUN (then San Fernando Valley State College) in 1959 after serving as Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at the George Peabody College. During his tenure at CSUN, which lasted for 17 years until his death in 1976, he was involved in preparing secondary mathematics teachers at the university and international levels. He was also a founding member of the University Club and President of Phi Kappa Phi.
Dr. Wren was also a highly respected author of academic articles and textbooks. In 1965, while a Professor of Mathematics at the California State Polytechnic College on the San Luis Obispo campus, he published the textbook Basic Mathematical Concepts, for elementary school teachers. He co-authored a revision of the standard textbook used at the time, The Teaching of Secondary Mathematics-Fourth Edition. In addition, Dr. Wren served as president of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), the world's largest mathematics education organization.
Dr. Wren’s lifelong passion was teaching, which was instilled in him as a college sophomore when he tutored an underclassman. At that point he decided that teaching was “an area in which a great amount of good can be done.” This Award honors Dr. Wren and his commitment to scholarship and teaching and their relationship to education.
Candidates should be enrolled junior or senior mathematics majors.
Other Criteria
If the recipient of this scholarship is also receiving financial aid (including loans), then the financial aid award may be adjusted. Students may speak to a financial aid counselor during walk-in hours for a detailed overview about their individual situation.
Application Material
The applicant must send an email prior to the deadline as follows:
- Send to:
- Subject should read: Lynwood Wren Scholarship - Application
- The body of the email should contain the following information, in separate lines:
- Full name
- CSUN student ID number
- Current mailing address
- Current email address
- Current phone number
- Names of two faculty who can provide reference about the applicant’s academic performance and commitment to teaching.
Application Deadline
Wednesday, April 23, 2025 at 11:59pm
Selection Process
The Award Committee in the Department of Mathematics will request reference letters from faculty on each applicant, review the applications, and select the recipients.
Award Notification
The Department Chair or designee sends a letter to the recipient(s) to announce the scholarship and arranges for the certificate to be sent or handed in person at the Departmental Awards Ceremony, which occurs near spring commencement and at which the recipient shall be announced and honored.
Frequency of Award
Award Amount
To support an undergraduate student majoring in mathematics with excellent performance and demonstrated financial need.
Award Background
Peter Thommen grew up in Northridge and started attending CSUN in Fall 1972 with a major in mathematics. In his junior year, he participated in the CSU International Program and spent a year at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, for his junior year. He was a tutor in the CSUN Minority Engineering Program as a senior. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics in June 1976. Peter has enjoyed a successful career as a software engineer in the defense industry in Southern California for over forty-three years. He would like to help a deserving undergraduate mathematics student with this scholarship.
Eligible candidates must be undergraduate math majors. They must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 and demonstrate financial need.
Other Criteria
If the recipient of this scholarship is also receiving financial aid (including loans), then the financial aid award may be adjusted. Students may speak to a financial aid counselor during walk-in hours for a detailed overview about their individual situation.
Application Materials
The applicant must send an email prior to the deadline as follows:
- Send to:
- Subject should read: Thommen Scholarship Scholarship - Application
- The body of the email should contain the following information, in separate lines:
- Full name
- CSUN student ID number
- Current mailing address
- Current email address
- Current phone number
- Names and contact details of two references who can attest to the applicant’s performance in mathematics
- A short statement (not more than 250 words) describing your achievements in mathematics and your financial need
Application Deadline
Wednesday, April 23, 2025 at 11:59pm
Selection Process
The Chair of the Department of Mathematics will appoint a Scholarship Selection Committee consisting of no less than three (3) faculty members who will review the applications and decide on the award recipient.
Award Notification
The Department Chair or designee will send award letters to the recipients to announce the Scholarship and arrange for the certificate to be sent or handed in person at the Departmental Awards Ceremony, which occurs near spring commencement and at which the recipient shall be announced and honored.
Award Disbursement
Recipient will not receive their monetary award until 1) a thank you letter to the donor has been submitted to the College’s Director of Development and 2) they have agreed to meet with the scholarship donor or designee, as possible.