Mathematics Tutoring Center
The Mathematics Tutoring Center is open!
All students taking a mathematics course at CSUN have access to the Mathematics Tutoring Center Canvas site to see the exact schedule for each course, departmental and university resources, and other information.
We offer in-person tutoring in Live Oak (LO) 1319 and Bayramian Hall (BH) 400, and online tutoring on ZOOM, as well. No appointment needed, just drop in, and we help you out!
Tutoring hours on campus:
- Monday: 10-5pm
- Tuesday: 10-5pm
- Wednesday: 10-5pm
- Thursday: 10-5pm
We provide tutoring for Math 91B, 91C, 91S, 102, 103, 105, 106, 131, 140BUS, 140SCI, 141, 150A/B, 210, 211, 250, 255A, 262, 280, 310, 320, 340, 351, 360, 450A, and 482
Tutoring hours at the SPOT in Housing (Housing residents only):
- Sunday: 7-11pm
- Monday 6-11pm
- Tuesday 7-11pm
- Wednesday: 7-10pm
Tutoring hours on ZOOM (check the Canvas site for the ZOOM links and schedule):
- Sunday-Tuesday: 7-10pm