Alumni & Giving
The Department of Mathematics prepares students for a wide range of career paths, ranging from academia to the insurance industry, ranging through engineering, climatology, medicine, law, and business. Our students are capable of assuming leadership roles in a changing, knowledge-based, multicultural society. We thank you for your interest in the department.
To direct your donation to the Department of Mathematics:
- Select the "College of Science & Mathematics" from the Drop-down menu "Direct my gift to;"
- Fill in the "Special instructions" that the donation should be directed towards the "Department of Mathematics; add any other special instructions you would like regarding the contribution.
- If your employer has a "Matching Funds" program, please fill out the information regarding that.
- Enter your payment information.
Make a Gift to Specific Endowments and Funds
Provides annual scholarship awards for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in Math. Preference given to distinguished students who show promise in math.
Math scholarships and the recipient must be an upper classman selected by the head of the math department.
Provides scholarship needs of the mathematics department.
Provides funding for the Mathematics Tutoring Center. Funding will be used to help cover the cost of student tutor stipends and other supplies related to the peer mentoring program.
Provides funding to the mathematics department including scholarships, academic support, department support, hospitality, honorariums, student assistants, etc.