Tenure-Track Faculty

See below our tenure-track faculty. You can see the list of lecturers here.

Headshot of Bernardo Abrego

Bernardo Abrego

Professor of Mathematics
Office: LO1303B
E-Mail: bernardo.abrego@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-5868
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: My research interest is in Combinatorics, Discrete and Computational Geometry, Graph Theory

Alexander Alekseenko

Alexander Alekseenko
Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN130
E-Mail: alexander.alekseenko@csun.edu
Phone: 818-677-2645
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: My research interest is in Numerical Analysis for Partial Differential Equations, Numerical General Relativity, Inverse Problems, Optimization.

Headshot of Balbas

Jorge Balbas
Professor of Mathematics
Office: LO1301F
E-Mail: jorge.balbas@csun.edu
Phone: 818-677-7797
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: My research interest is in Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis. In particular,I am interested in the design and implementation of efficient numerical algorithms for solving hyperbolic conservation laws and related time dependent problems. Examples and applications include shallow water flows --channel and coastal flows, gas dynamics, and magnetohydrodynamics.

Alberto Candel - retired
Professor of Mathematics
E-Mail: alberto.candel@csun.edu
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: My research interest is in geometry, low dimensional topology, dynamical systems and ergodic theory.

Rabia Djellouli

Rabia Djellouli
Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN121
E-Mail: rabia.djellouli@csun.edu
Phone: 818-677-5867
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Wave Propagation Phenomena (Scattering & Guidance), Computational Mechanics, System Identification and Finite Element Model Updating, Scientific Computing, Numerical Analysis, Biomathematics and Biomedical Engineering.

Headshot of Domagni

Franҫois Domagni
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN120 
E-Mail: kouakou-francois.domagni@csun.edu
Phone: 818-677-7816
Faculty Profile


Research Interests: My research interest spans the field of design and analysis of experiments as well as the Bayesian inference on the volatility of the jump-diffusion stochastic process. I work on optimal design theory, saturated and supersaturated designs.

Headshot of D'Orsogna

Maria R D'Orsogna
Professor of Mathematics
Office: LO1303D
E-Mail: dorsogna@csun.edu
Phone: 818-677-2781
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: My research interests include particle swarming, transport phenomena in biology, viral entry and mathematical modeling of crime and sociological behavior. I am also an environmental activist.

Headshot of Dye

John Dye
Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN431
E-Mail: john.dye@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-2233
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: My research interest is in Complexity Theory, Combinatorial Games and Exact Median Complexity.

Headshot of Evans

Kellie Evans
Professor of Mathematics
Office: LO1301C
E-Mail: kellie.m.evans@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-2705
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: My research interests are secondary teacher preparation, cellular automata and experimental mathematics. I am interested in using interactive and visual approaches to teaching, learning, and studying mathematics at all levels. My goals are to assist undergraduates and prospective and current teachers in leveraging widely available (free) dynamic software to make learning, teaching, and doing math at all levels accessible and equitable so more people can benefit from the certainty of math in our uncertain world. 

Headshot of Fernandez

Silvia Fernandez
Professor of Mathematics, Associate Chair
Office: LO1303F
E-Mail: silvia.fernandez@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-6445
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: My research work is on Discrete Geometry, Combinatorics, and Graph Theory. In the last few years I have been particularly interested on optimization problems for finite sets of points in the plane, including for example the minimum crossing number, the minimum number of directions, and the maximum number of copies of a pattern. I also work with generalizations of this type of problems to topological graphs.

Terry Fuller
Professor of Mathematics
Office: LO1301G
E-Mail: terry.fuller@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-7789
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: My research interest is in Geometric Topology, 4-Dimensional Manifolds.

Xiaolong Han

Xiaolong Han
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN429
E-Mail: xiaolong.han@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-2710
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: Analysis (microlocal, semiclassical, harmonic, geometric, etc.) and its applications to partial differential equations and geometry.

Turbo Ho

Meng-Che (Turbo) Ho

Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN129
E-Mail: mengche.ho@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-7907
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: Group Theory and Mathematical Logic, with an emphasis on complexity notions with a computability-theoretic or combinatorial flavor in finitely-generated group

Daniel Katz
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN435
E-Mail: daniel.katz@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-2712
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: My research interest is in Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics, Mostly Concerning Finite Fields, Polynomials, and Character Sums, Often Applicable to Information Theory.

Jing Li

Jing Li
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: LO1303C
E-Mail: jing.li@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-7799
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: My research interest is in mathematical modeling of biological phenomena using such mathematical techniques as differential equations (ODE's, PDE's, and DDE's). Recently I have also been applying techniques from game theory to problems from mathematical epidemiology.

Headshot of Jason Lo

Jason Lo
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN433
E-Mail: jason.lo@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-3212
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: Algebraic geometry.

Majid Mojirsheibani
Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN122
E-Mail: majid.mojirsheibani@csun.edu
Phone: 818-677-7814
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: Nonparametric estimation and inference; Probabilistic classification and pattern recognition; Missing data; Bootstrap and other resampling methods.

Michael Neubauer

Michael Neubauer
Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN424
E-Mail: michael.neubauer@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-3111
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: My research interests include linear algebra, statistical design theory, and apportionment theory.

Ali Pakzad

Ali Pakzad

Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN427
E-Mail: ali.pakzad@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-7790
Faculty Profile

Research Interests:  Numerical analysis, Navier-Stokes Equations, Turbulence, Data-driven modeling.

Research description: My research combines numerical analysis, computational experiment, and rigorous mathematical analysis to understand nonlinear problems with a focus on fluid dynamics and turbulence.  I have developed both the theoretical and numerical basis for the equations of motion, tested them computationally in realistic settings, and proved theorems that guide practical choices for the models. I am also branching out to the area of data-driven modeling and Machine Learning. 

Headshot of Panferov

Vladislav Panferov
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN131
E-mail: vladislav.panferov@csun.edu
Phone: 818-677-2326
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: applied mathematics, partial differential equations, kinetic theory and statistical physics, mathematical biology.

Jacek Polewczak
Professor of Mathematics
Office: LO1310E
E-mail: jacek.polewczak@csun.edu
Phone: 818-677-7812
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: mathematical problems in the kinetic theory of gasses, statistical mechanics of fluids, chemically reacting fluids.

Ali Sharadqah

Ali Sharadqah
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN123
E-Mail: ali.alsharadqah@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-2703
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: I. Statistics: Errors-In-Variables (EIV) Models, Statistical Inference, Geometric Estimation, and Computational Statistics.
II. The applications of Projective Geometry onto computer vision and 3D reconstruction: Fundamental Matrix and Homography computations and Rotation Matrix estimation.

Carol Shubin

Carol Shubin
Professor of Mathematics
Office: LO1303A
E-Mail: carol.shubin@csun.edu
Phone: 818-677-7813
Faculty Profile

Chad Sprouse
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: LO1303E
E-Mail: chad.sprouse@csun.edu
Faculty Profile

Headshot of Stevenson

Katherine Stevenson

Professor of Mathematics, Department Chair
Office: LO1303G/LO1300
E-Mail: katherine.stevenson@csun.edu
Phone: 818-677-6446
Faculty Profile

Research Interests:

My research interest is in arithmetic geometry and mathematics education. In algebraic geometry I study inverse Galois problems in the context of function fields of curves defined over fields of positive characteristic. That subject uses techniques from commutative algebra, number theory, group theory, representation theory, and topology. I am also very active in curricular innovations at CSUN and beyond with particular focus on transition points like high school to university or undergraduate to graduate.

Csaba Toth
Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN434
E-Mail: csaba.toth@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-2826
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorial and Computational Geometry, Graph Theory, and Theoretical Computer Science.

Emmanuel Yomba

Emmanuel Yomba
Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN124
E-Mail: emmanuel.yomba@csun.edu
Phone: 818-677-2711
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: Mathematical Physics. Study of Integrability conditions for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (NLPDEs), Qualitative Approaches and Construction of Analytical Approaches for Solving NLPDEs and statistical physics, mathematical biology.

Headshot of Adriano Zambom

Adriano Zambom
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Office: SN126
E-Mail: adriano.zambom@csun.edu
Phone: (818)677-2701
Faculty Profile

Research Interests: My main research interests are in nonparametric statistics, regression, hypothesis testing, and variable selection. I am also interested in machine learning methods such as clustering and classification, statistical optimization problems, functional data, and time series.

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