Campus Advisory – Update 1/14/2025

Funded Research Grants

Faculty in the College of Science and Mathematics actively pursue external funding to support their research and the research experiences of both undergraduate and graduate students.  Each year, the College receives numerous major grants totaling several million dollars.  These funds directly impact student learning and make possible many of the extraordinary opportunities students have to participate in research in their chosen major.

Nicholas Kioussis and Igor Beloborodov (Physics & Astronomy) have received $155,775 from The Regents of University of California, in continuing support of a project entitled  "NSF Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Translational Applications of Nanoscale Multiferroic Systems TANMS."

Gilberto Flores (Biology) and Dena Herman (Family Consumer Sciences) have received $49,822 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project entitled “BUILD@CSUN Pilot Project: Dietary effects on the functional diversity of the gut microbiome in children.”

Rheem Medh (Biology) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Role of E4BP4 in Glucocorticoid-evoked Lymphocyte Apoptosis."

Robert Carpenter (Biology) has received $668,034 from the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, in support of a project entitled "CORAL: Coral Reef Airborne Laboratory."

Peter Edmunds (Biology) has received $113,439 from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Long Term Ecological Research: Coral Reefs in Moorea French Polynesia."

Robert Carpenter (Biology) has received $110,336 from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in continuing support of a project entitled  "LTER: Long-Term Dynamics of a Coral Reef Ecosystem."

Virginia Vandergon (Biology), Matthew d’Alessio (Geological Science), and Norman Herr (Secondary Education)  have received $45,000 from UC Regents, in continuing support of a project entitled  "San Fernando Valley Science Project NCLB 12.”

Donna Sheng, Gang Lu, and Nicholas Kioussis (Physics & Astonomy) have received $298,660 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "MRI: Acquisition of Computer Cluster for Data-Driven Discovery in Materials Research and Education."

Daniel Katz (Mathematics) has received $150,000 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RUI: External Combinatorics of Patterns, Correlation, and Structure."

Simon Garrett (Chemistry & Biochemistry) has received $181,107 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RUI: Synthesis of Sulfur Containing Amino Acids in Astrophysical Ices."

Jorge Balbas (Mathematics) has received $214,894 from UCLA, in support of a project entitled "Associate Director-Visiting Researcher (Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics."

Virginia Oberholzer-Vandergon (Biology), Norman Herr (Secondary Education),and Matthew d'Alessio (Geological Sciences) have received $24,000 from UC Regents, in continuing support of a project entitled  "San Fernando Valley Science Project."

Thomas Minehan (Chemistry & Biochemistry) has received $286,748 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RUI: Functionalized bis (morindone-C, O-glycosides) for the molecular recognition of DNA in the major groove."

Dayanthie Weeraratne (Geological Sciences) has received $9,000 from the National Science Foundation, as supplemental support of a project entitled "CAREER: Geodynamic Study of Earth's Mantle Asthenosphere and Core Formation."

Yohannes Shiferaw (Physics & Astronomy) has received $181,250 from Northwestern University, in support of a project entitled "Atrial arrythmias and Ca2+ waves in HF: simulation and experimental studies."

Gang Lu (Physics & Astronomy) has received $593,823 from the Department of Defense, in support of a project entitled "Multiscale Modeling of Aging Mechanisms in Energy Storage Materials."

Maria Helena Noronha (Mathematics) has received $434,121 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RE-C^2: Research Experiences in Community Colleges."

Paula Fischhaber (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has received $102,000 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Recruitment of End-Processing Factors in DSB Repair."

Majid Mojirsheibani (Mathemathics) has received $40,000 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled  "RUI: Classification, regression, and density estimation with missing variables."

Jeanne Robertson (Biology) has received $15,000 from the National Geographic Society, in support of a project entitled "Documenting Speciation in Action: Does Female Mate Choice Lead to Speciation in Red-eyed Treefrogs."

Matthew d'Alessio (Geological Sciences) has received $10,000 from UC Riverside, as supplemental support of a project entitled "Framework for High School Science in California."

MariaElena Zavala (Biology) has received $723,833 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Option II MBRS RISE at CSUN: Developing a Model for Student Success."

Paula Fischhaber (Chemistry & Biochemistry) has received $14,900 from the National Institutes of Health, as supplemental support of a project entitled "Recruitment of End-Processing Factors in DSB Repair."

Gang Lu (Physics & Astronomy) has received $200,000 from the Brown University, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Stress-Controlled Catalysis via Engineered Nanostructures."

Rachel Mackelprang (Biology) has received $281,947 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, in support of a project entitled "Life in the Ancient Permafrost: A model for exobiology."

Gary Chapman and Debi Prasad Choudhary (Physics & Astronomy) have received $28,132 from the University of Colorado, in support of a project entitled "Solar Spectral Irradiance: Lyman Alpha, Magnesium II, and Sigma K Proxies (SSIAMESe)."

Gang Lu, Nicholas Kioussis, and Donna Sheng (Physics & Astronomy) have received $476,000 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled  "PREM- Computational Research and Education for Emergent Materials."

Matthew d'Alessio (Geological Sciences), Virginia Vandergon Oberholzer(Biology), and Norman Herr (Secondary Education) have received $16,000 from UC Riverside, in support of a project entitled "Framework for High School Science in California."

MariaElena Zavala (Biology) has received $509,256 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project entitled "MARC U-STAR at CSUN: Preparing Scientists Hollistically."

Ray Hong (Biology) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Elucidating the function of the Lipid-Binding Protein OBI-1 in Pristionchus pacificus Nematode Chemosensation."

Jennifer Vey (Chemistry & Biochemistry) has received $141,561 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Engineering isobutylamine N-hydroxylase for applications in antibiotic biosynthesis."

Kathleen Marsaglia (Geological Science) has received $11,400 from GNS Science, in support of a project entitled "Clastic provenance studies in New Zealand."

Richard Heermance (Geological Science) has received $10,000 from the Southern California Earthquake Center at University Southern California, in support of a project entitled "Collaborative Proposal- New Applications of cosmogenic burial dating (10Be, 26Al, and 36Cl) on late Pleistocene fan surfaces to constrain long-term San Andreas fault slip rates." 

Maria-Rita D'Orsogna (Mathematics) has received $115,675 from the University of Southern California, as supplemental support of a project entitled "Scalable, Stochastic and Spatiotemporal Game Theory for Real-World Human Adversarial Behavior."

Daniel B. Curtis (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has received $2,000 from the California Air Resources Board, in support of a project entitled "Funding for 32nd Informal Symposium on Kinetics ad Photochemical Processes in the Atmosphere."

Kathleen Marsaglia (Geological Sciences) has received $12,000 from the Consortium for Ocean Leadership, in support of a project entitled "The sedimentary/volcaniclastic record of subduction initiation and magmatic arc development at IODP Site U1438."

Robinson Cecil (Geological Science) has received $42,198 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RUI/Collaborative: Evaluating the influence of crustal deformation on episodic magmatism: southern coast mountains  of batholith, British Columbia."

Michael Summers (Biology) has received $207,637 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RUI: Determination and Functional Analysis of the Cyanobacterial Lipid Droplet Proteome."

Gang Lu (Physics) has received $125,000 from the Office of Naval Research, in support of a project entitled "Large Scale Modeling of Electron Dynamics and Excitations in Functional and Structural Materials."

Miroslav Peric (Physics & Astronomy) has received $108,750 from the National Institute of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Interaction Between Alzheimer's Beta-Amyloid Peptide and Phospholipid Bilayers."

Debi Prasad Choudhary (Physics & Astronomy) has received $91,583 from the National  Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "Three Dimensional thermal and magnetic structure of sunspots."

Maria-Rita D'Orsogna (Mathematics) has received $126,726 from the US Army, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Warfighter Neuroendocrinology: modeling stress response, PTSD, and TBI."

Richard Heermance (Geological Sciences) has received $66,287 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled  "RUI/Collaborative Research: Plio-Quarternary history of basin evolution, climate change, and fold growthin the Qaidam Basin-Investigating wind-enhanced climate-tectonic feedback relationships."

Igor Beloborodov  (Physics) has received $50,000 from the U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation, in support of a project entitled "Magneto-electric coupling in composite multiferroics."

Donna Sheng (Physics & Astronomy) has received $110,000 from the U.S. Department of Energy, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Novel Fractional Quantum Hall and Quantum Spin Hall Effects in Interacting Systems."

Nicholas Kioussis (Physics & Astronomy) has received $29,250 from the University of Iowa, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Identification of Defect Candidates and their Effects on Carrier Lifetimes and Dark Currents in the InAs/InAsSb Strained-Layer Superlattices for Infrared Detectors."

Dayanthie Weeraratne (Geological Sciences) has received $111,619 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled  "CAREER: Geodynamic Study of the Earth's Mantle Asthenosphere and Core Formatiion."

Peter Edmunds  (Biology) has received $113,308 from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Long-Term Ecological Research: Coral Reefs in Moorea, French Polynesia."

Robert Carpenter (Biology) has received $110,452 from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in continuing support of a project entitled  "LTER: Long-Term Dynamics of a Coral Reef Ecosystem."

Kathleen Marsaglia (Geological Sciences) has received $25,810 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "Expediting the Identification, Analysis, and Interpretation of Paleogene Volcaniclastic Facies at IODP Site U1438, Expedition 351."

Cheryl Van Buskirk (Biology) has received $145,000 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Analysis of EGFR-dependent sleep in C. elegans."

Mark Steele (Biology) has received $238,380 from the UC Santa Barbara, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Reproductive output, growth, and food-chain support of fishes on the Wheeler J. North Artificial Reef, 2014-2015."

Cindy Malone (Biology) has received $584,282 from the CSUN-UCLA Bridges to Stem Cell Research, in continuing support of a project entitled  "CSUN - UCLA Bridges to Stem Cell Search."

Nicholas Kioussis (Physics & Astronomy) has received $107,117 from the US Army, in support of a project entitled "Identification of Surface Defect Candidates and their passivation in Strained-Layer Type-II Superlattices for Infrared Detectors."

Nicholas Kioussis (Physics & Astronomy) has received $349,889 from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Electronic Structure of semiconductor detector surfaces and contact interfaces: Optimization of signal to noise ratio."


Maria Elena De Bellard (Biology) has received $414,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Role of Slit Molecules in Neural Crest Delamination."

Majid Mojirshebani (Mathematics) has received $40,000 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RUI: Classification, regression, and density estimation with missing variables."

Paula Fischhaber (Chemistry and BIochemistry) has received $102,000 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Recruitment of End-Processing Factors in DSB Repair."

Alexander Alekseenko (Mathematics) has received $120,000 from the High Performance Technologies, Incorporated, in support of a project entitled "Development of Fast Deterministic Physically Accurate Solvers for Kinetic Collision Integral for Applications of Near Space Flight and Control Devices."

Thomas Minehan (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Synthesis and DNA Binding Affinity Evaluation of Novel Gilvocarcin-C-Glucosides."

Mark Steele and Maria Adreani (Biology) has received $310,220 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "Collaborative Research: RUI: Impacts of size-selective mortality on sex-changing fishes."

Donna Sheng (Physics & Astronomy) has received $240,000 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RUI: Theoretical (Numerical) Investigations of Novel Quantum Phases and Transitions in Strongly Interacting Systems."

Gary Chapman and Debi Prasad Choudhary (Physics & Astronomy) have received $493,852 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "MRI: Development of a Solar Photometric Instrument: Cartesian Full Disk Telescope-3."

Maria Elena Zavala (Biology) has received $723,842 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Option II MBRS Rise at CSUN: Developing a Model for Student Success."

Csaba Toth (Mathematics) has received $180,709 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "AF: Small: Collaborative Research: Reconfiguration Algorithms."

Virginia Vandergon (Biology), Kellie Evans (Mathematics), Brian Foley and Norman Herr (Secondary Education) have received $797,355 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "The California State University, Northridge Noyce Scholarship Phase II Program."

Maria-Rita D’Orsogna (Mathematics) has received $54,477 from the Army Research Office, in support of a project entitled "Warfighter neuroendocrinology: modeling stress response, PTSD, and TBI."

Jessica Vey (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has received $131,050 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Engineering isobutylamine N-hydroxylase for applications in antibiotic biosynthesis."

Silvia Fernandez (Mathematics) has received $130,000 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled " RUI: Crossing numbers for topological drawings of the complete graph, rotation schemes, and interior triple systems."

Mark Steele (Biology) has received $238,380 from UC Santa Barbara, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Reproductive output, growth, and food-chain support of fishes on the Wheeler J. North Artificial Reef, 2014-2015."

Ray Hong (Biology) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Elucidating the function of the Lipid-Binding Protein OBI-1 in Pristionchus pacificus Nematode Chemosensation.

Michael Summers (Biology) has received $207,612 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RUI: Determination and Functional Analysis of the Cyanobacterial Lipid Droplet Proteome.

Robert Carpenter and Peter Edmunds (Biology) have received $1,892,911 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "Collaborative Research: Ocean Acidification and Coral Reefs: Scale Dependence and Adaptive Capacity."

Maria Elena Zavala (Biology) has received $421,512 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "MARC USTAR at California State University, Northridge."

Silvia Fernandez (Mathematics) has received $35,000 from the Simons Foundation, in support of a project entitled "Crossing Numbers of Topological Drawings of Complete Graphs."

Peter Edmunds (Biology) has received $14,909 from the National Science Foundation, as supplemental support of a project entitled "Collaborative Research: RUI-Ecology and Functional Biology of Octocoral Communities."

Joseph Hajdu (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, as supplemental support of a project entitled "Phospholipid dynamics and lipolysis in membrane models."

Maria De Bellard (Biology) has received $107,014 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Mechanisms of cytoskeleton dynamics during neural crest cell chemoattraction."

Gang Lu, Nicholas Kioussis, and Donna Sheng (Physics & Astronomy) have received $476,000 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled "PREM-Computational Research and Education for Emergent Materials."

Kathleen Marsaglia (Geological Sciences) has received $38,489 from the Consortium for Ocean Leadership, in support of a project entitled "Participation on IODP Expedition 351."

Radha Ranganathan (Science & Mathematics) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Interface Quality Effects in Phospholipase Membrane Enzymology."

Maria Rita D’Orsogna (Science & Mathematics) has received $47,223 from the Office of Naval Research, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Scalable, Stochastic and Spatiotemporal Game Theory for Real-World Human Adversarial Behavioral."

Vicki Pedone, Werner Horn, and Cristina Cadavid,  (Science and Mathematics) have received $249,128 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled "STEPS (Students Targeting Engineering and Physical Science) at California State University."

Igor Beloborodov (Physics) has received $81,000 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled "New Frontier in Materials Science: Artificial Nanosolids."

 Richard Heermance (Geological Sciences) has received $76,089 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RUI/Collaborative Research: Plio-Quaternary history of basin evolution, climate change, and fold growth in the Qaidam Basin-investigating wind-enhanced climate-tectonic feedback relationships."

Peter Edmunds (Biology) has received $469,686 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RUI-LTREB Renewal: Three decades of coral reef community dynamics in St. John, USVI: 2014-2019."

Robinson Cecil (Geological Sciences) has received $20, 543 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RUI: Collaborative: Evaluating the influence of crustal deformation on episodic magmatism: southern coast mountains of batholith, British Colombia."

David Bermudes (Biology) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Tumor-targeting Salmonella Expressing Apoptosis-inducing Cytotoxic Proteins."

Miraslov Peric (Physics and Astronomy) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Interaction Between Alzheimer’s Beta-Amyloid Peptide and Phospholipid Bilayers."

Joshua Schwartz (Geological Sciences) has received $213,807 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "CAREER: Investigating Controls on Arc Flare-ups and the Growth of Lower Continental Crust."

Donna Sheng (Physics and Astronomy) has received $110,000 from the Department of Energy, in continuing support of a project entitled "Novel Fractional Quantum Hall and Quantum Spin Hall Effects in Interacting Systems."

Cheryl Van Buskirk (Biology) has received $14,500 from the National Institutes of Health, as supplemental support of a project entitled "Analysis of EGFR-dependent sleep in C. elegans."

Jheem Medh (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project entitled "An Investigation of the mechanisms by which down-regulation of lipoprotein lipase increases insulin sensitivity in muscle cells."

Jessica Vey (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has received $35,000 from the Research Corporation, in support of a project entitled "Enabling rational design of biodesulfurization: biochemical and structural characterization of dibenzothiophene monooxygenase."

Csaba Toth (Mathematics) has received $15,000 from UCLA, in support of a project entitled "Fellowship at the Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM)."

Cheryl Van Buskirk (Biology) has received $130,500 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Analysis of EGFR-dependent sleep in C. elegans."

Gang Lu and Nicholas Kiousssis (Physics and Astronomy) have received $269,958 from the Department of Defense, in support of a project entitled "Acquisition of a High Performance Computer Cluster for Materials Research and Education."

Dayanthie Weeraratne (Geological Sciences) has received $84,988 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled "CAREER: Geodynamic Study of the Earth’s Mantle Asthenosphere and Core Formation."

Gang Lu (Physics and Astronomy) has received $166,667 from Brown University, in continuing support of a project entitled "Stress-Controlled via Engineered Nanostructures."

Jeanne Robertson (Biology) has received $6,000 from the Santa Monica Mountains Fund, in support of a project entitled "Landscape Genetics of the Island Fence Lizard (Sceloporus occientalis becki) on Santa Cruz Island; the role of habitat complexity and climate on genetic connectivity of populations across the island."

Virginia Vandergon (Biology), Matthew d'Alessio (Geological Sciences), Norman Herr (Secondary Education) have received $41,484 from the University of California Regents, in continuing support of a project entitled  "San Fernando Valley Science Project – NCLB 10."

Nicholas Kioussis (Physics & Astronomy) has received $140,000 from the University of California, Los Angeles, in continuing support of a project entitled "NSF Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Translational Applications of Nanoscale Multiferroic Systems TANMS."

Igor Beloborodov (Physics & Astronomy) has received $59,999 from the University of California, Los Angeles, in continuing support of a project entitled "NSF Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Translational Applications of Nanoscale Multiferroic Systems TANMS."

Maria-Rita D’Orsogna (Mathematics) has received $68,702 from the University of Southern California, as supplemental support of a project entitled "Scalable, Stochastic and Spatiotemporal Game Theory for Real-World Human Adversarial Behavior."

Peter Edmunds (Biology) has received $110,896 from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in continuing support of a project entitled "Long-Term Ecological Research: Coral Reefs in Moorea, French Polynesia."

Robert Carpenter (Biology) has received $112,848 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled "LTER: Long-Term Dynamics of a Coral Reef Ecosystem."

Nicholas Kioussis (Physics & Astronomy) has received $350,000 from the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, in continuing support of a project entitled "Electronic structure of semiconductor detector surfaces and contact interfaces: Optimization of signal to noise ratio."

Chhandak Basu (Biology) has received $70,013 from Fort Valley State University, in support of a project entitled "Developing a Sustainable Bioenergy System: Paulownia production for Fuel, Chemicals and Materials."

Thomas Minehan (Chemistry & Biochemistry) has received $65,000 from the American Chemical Society/Petroleum Research Fund, in support of a project entitled "Intramolecular cycloaddition reactions of electron-rich alkynes: New methods for the synthesis of optically active building blocks for organic synthesis."

Doug Yule (Geological Sciences) has received $20,000 from the University of Southern California, in support of a project entitled "Paleoseismology and slip rate of the Garnet Hill Fault at Whitewater Hill."

Steve Dudgeon (Biology) has received $45,743 from the University of Pennsylvania, in continuing support of a project entitled "LTREB: Experimental Tests of Alternative States on Rocky Intertidal Shores."

Kathleen Marsaglia (Geological Sciences) has received $2,000 from GNS Science, in support of a project entitled "Support for MSc Student Project 2013-2014: Clastic Provenance Fingerprinting in Taranaki Basin, NZ."

Richard Heermance (Geological Sciences) has received $21,354 from Cotton, Shires and Associates, Inc., in support of a project entitled "10be Exposure Dating of Moraines Near WatherhousePeak, Sierra Nevada."

Rheem Medh (Biology) has received $104,944 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Role of E4BP4 in Glucocorticoid-Evoked Lymphocyte Apoptosis."

Yann Schrodi (Chemistry & Biochemistry) has received $104,944 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "New Olefin Metathesis Catalysts Based on Innocuous and Abundant Metals."

Casey terHorst (Biology) has received $297,852 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "Collaborative Research: Trait Evolution and the Stability of Ecological Communities."

Maria-Rita D’Orsogna (Mathematics) has received $15,000 from the University of California, Los Angeles, in support of a project entitled "Materials for a Sustainable Energy Future."

Virginia Vandergon (Biology), Matthew d’Alessio (Geological Sciences), and Norman Herr (Secondary Education) have received $25,130 from the UC Regents, in continuing support of a project entitled "San Fernando Valley Science Project – CSMP."

David Klein (Mathematics) Cristina Cadavid (Physics & Astronomy), and Brian Foley (Secondary Education) have received $26,245 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, in continuing support of a project entitled "Mathematical and Geospatial Pathways to Climate Change Education."

Michael Summers (Biology) has received $171,008 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Regulation of akinete differentiation in Nostoc punctiforme."

B.A. Sethuraman (Mathematics) has received $249,975 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "CIF: Small: RUI: Mathematical Problems in Space- Time Block Codes for MIMO Systems."

Paula Fischhaber (Chemistry & Biochemistry) has received $99,595 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Recruitment of Rad 10 in Double-Strand Break Repair."

Nick Kioussis (Physics & Astronomy) has received $16,031 from Inston, Inc., in support of a project entitled "Electric-Field-Controlled Nonvolatile Magnetic Memory Devices."

Robinson Cecil and Kathleen Marsaglia (Geological Sciences) have received $185,000 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "Collaborative Research: Elucidating the Geologic Record of Late Paleozoic Subduction Initiation Along the Southwestern Margin of Laurentia, Southern California and Sonora, Mexico."

Peter Edmunds (Biology) has received $646,154 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled, "Collaborative Research: RUI –Ecology and Functional Biology of Octocoral Communities."

Yohannes Shiferaw (Physics & Astronomy) has received $294,851 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Multi-Scale Modeling of Calcium Mediating Triggered Activity in the Heart."

Maria Elena Zavala (Biology) has received $541,757 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "MARC USTAR at California State University, Northridge," and $698,518 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Option II MBRS RISE at CSUN: Developing a Model for Student Success."

Dayanthie Weeraratne (Geological Sciences) has received $8,600 from the National Science Foundation, as supplemental support of a project entitled "CAREER: Geodynamic Study of the Earth’s Mantle Asthenosphere and Core Formation."

Jerry Stinner (College of Science & Mathematics) has received $35,000 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)."

Cindy Malone (Biology) has received $1,734,317 from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM), in continuing support of a project entitled"CSUN – UCLA Bridges to Stem Cell Research."

Ernest Kwok (Biology) has received $139,925 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled"Characterization of Novel Subcellular Structures in Arabidopsis Thaliana."

Jessica Vey (Chemistry & Biochemistry) has received $145,000 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project entitled "Engineering Isobutylamine N-hydroxylase for Applications in Antibiotic Biosynthesis."

Ray Hong (Biology) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project entitled "Elucidating the function of the Lipid-Binding Protein OBI-1 in Pristionchus pacificus Nematode Chemosensation."

Donna Sheng (Physics and Astronomy) has received $110,000 from the Department of Energy, in support of a project entitled "Novel Fractional Quantum Hall and Quantum Spin HallEffects in Interacting Systems."

Damian Christian (Physics & Astronomy) has received $5,021 from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, as supplemental support of a project entitled "Performing Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Icy Compositions Relevant to Solar System Bodies."

Igor Beloborodov (Physics & Astronomy) has received $81,000 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled "NewFrontier in Materials Science: Artificial Nanosolids."

Gang Lu, Nicholas Kioussis, and Donna Sheng (Physics & Astronomy) have received $476,000 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled "PREM – Computational Research and Education for Emergent Materials."

Radha Ranganathan (Physics & Astronomy) has received $7,069 from the National Institutes of Health, as supplemental support of a project entitled "Interface Quality Effects in Phospholipase Membrane Enzymology."

Gary Chapman and Dora Preminger (Physics and Astronomy) have received $79,039 from NASA, in continuing support of a project entitled "Photometric Observations and Analysis in Support of SORCE/TIM and GLORY/TIM."

Thomas Minehan (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has received $104,944 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled,  "Synthesis and DNA Binding Affinity Evaluation of Novel Gilvocarcin-C-Glucosides."

Miroslav Peric (Physics and Astronomy) has received $7,069 from the National Institutes of Health, as supplemental support of a project entitled "Interaction Between Alzheimer’s Beta-Amyloid Peptide and Phospholipid Bilayers."

Jheem Medh (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has received $7,069 from the National Institutes of Health, as supplemental support of a project entitled "An Investigation of the Mechanisms by which Down-Regulation of Lipoprotein

Maria Elena de Bellard (Biology) has received $6,966 from the National Institutes of Health, as supplemental support of a project entitled "Mechanisms of Cytoskeleton Dynamics During Neural Crest Cell Chemoattraction." Increases Insulin Sensitivity in Muscle Cells."

Gang Lu (Physics & Astronomy) has received $58,433 from the Office of Naval Research, as supplemental support of a project entitled "First- Principles Based Multiscale Modeling of Structure, Energetics and Mobility of Defects in Metals."

Jerry Stinner (Science & Mathematics) has received $42,000 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)."

Donna Sheng (Physics & Astronomy) has received $75,000 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled "Theoretical (numerical) Investigations of Novel Quantum-Phases and Transitions in Strongly Interacting Systems."

Joseph Hajdu (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has received $7,069 from the National Institutes of Health, as supplemental support of a project entitled "Phospholipid Dynamics and Lipolysis in Membrane Models."

Vicki Pedone (Geological Sciences) Werner Horn (Mathematics), and Cristina Cadavid (Physics & Astronomy) have received $244,263 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled "STEPS (Students Targeting Engineering and Physical Science) at California State University, Northridge."

Janet Kubler and Steve Dudgeon (Biology) has received $690,641 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RUI: Ocean Acidification: Scope for Resilience to Ocean Acidification in Macroalgae."

Joseph Hajdu (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has received $97,875 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Phospholipid dynamics and lipolysis in membrane models."

Maria de Bellard (Biology) has received $96,455 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Mechanisms of cytoskeleton dynamics during neural crest cell chemoattraction."

Radha Ranganathan (Physics & Astronomy) has received $97,875 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Interface Quality Effects in Phospholipase Membrane Enzymology."

Gang Lu (Physics & Astronomy) has received $445,749 from the Army Research Office, in support of a project entitled "Toward Computational Design of High-Efficiency Photovoltaics from First-Principles."

Kathleen Marsaglia (Geological Sciences) has received $105,720 from the Consortium for Ocean Leadership, in support of a project entitled "Smear-slide Reference Set and Atlas for IODP Shipboard Sedimentologists Phase II: Biogenic and Other Authigenic Components."

Peter Edmunds (Biology) has received $89,865 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RUI-LTREB Long-Term Coral Reef Community Dynamics in St. John, USVI: 1987-2019."

Helena Noronha (Mathematics )has received $817,149 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "CSU Alliance for Preparing Undergraduates through Mentoring towards PhDs."

John D. Yule (Geological Sciences) has received $83,625 from the United States Geological Survey, in support of a project entitled "Mega-trenching to Determine a Lengthy Record of San Gorgonio Pass Fault Zone Ruptures: Possible Super Earthquakes on the Southern San Andreas Fault System."

Miroslav Peric (Physics & Astronomy) has received $97,875 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Interaction between Alzheimer’s Beta-Amyloid Peptide and Phospholipid Bilayers."

Jheem Medh (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has received $97,875 from the National Institute of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Aninvestigation of the mechanisms by which down-regulation of lipoprotein lipase increases insulin sensitivity in muscle cells."

Peter Edmunds (Biology) has received $6,955 from the National Science Foundation, as supplemental support of a project entitled "RUI: Long-Term Coral Reef Community Dynamics in the U.S. Virgin Islands: 1987-2019."

Nicholas Kioussis (Physics & Astronomy) has received $39,000 from the Department of Defense, in continuing support of a project entitled "Identification of Defect Candidates and their Effects on Carrier Lifetimes and Dark Currents in InAs/InAsSb Strained- Layer Superlattices for Infrared Detectors."

Cindy Malone (Biology) has received $3,452 from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in support of a project entitled "Microbial Viability in Extreme Environments."

Robert Carpenter (Biology) has received $112,896 from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in continuing support of a project entitled "LTER: Long-Term Dynamics of a Coral Reef Ecosystem."

Peter Edmunds (Biology) has received $110,879 from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in continuing support of a project entitled "Long Term Ecological Research: Coral Reefs in Moorea, French Polynesia."

Gang Lu (Physics & Astronomy) has received $200,000 from Brown University in continuing support of a project entitled “Stress-Controlled Catalysis via Engineered Nanostructures.”

Gerry Simila (Geological Science), Virginia Vandergon (Biology), and Norman Herr (Secondary Education) have received $39,484 from the The Regents of the University of California, in continuing support of a project entitled "San Fernando Valley Science Project (CSMP)."

Damian Christian (Physics & Astronomy) has received $4,017 from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in continuing support of a project entitled "Performing Thermal Conductivity Measurements of Icy Compositions Relevant to Solar System Bodies."


Deqing Ren (Physics & Astronomy) has received $61,438 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled "CAREER: A Portable Solar Adaptive Optics System for High-Resolution Imaging Investigations."

Paula Schiffman (Biology) has received $2,000 from the Santa Monica Mountains Fund, in continuing support of a project entitled "A Comparison of Arthropod Assemblages Among Native, Invaded, and Restored Coastal Sage Scrub Habitats."

Doug Yule (Geological Sciences) has received $20,000 from the University of Southern California, in support of a project entitled "Frequency, Timing and Size of San Gorgonio Pass Fault Zone Ruptures: Local Source or Through-going San Andreas Events?"

Nicholas Kioussis and Igor Beloborodov (Physics & Astronomy), and George Youssef (Mechanical Engineering) have received $290,000 from the University of California Los Angeles, in support of a project entitled "NSF Nanosystems Engineering Research Center for Translational Applications of Nanoscale Multiferroic Systems TANMS."

Gang Lu (Physics & Astronomy) has received $74,914 from the Office of Naval Research in continuing support of a project entitled “First-Principles Based Multiscale Modeling of Structure, Energetics, and Mobility of Defects in Metals.”

Gary Chapman (Physics & Astronomy) has received $52,000 from NASA, in continuing support of a project entitled "Observations and Analysis of Solar Total and Spectral Irradiance Variability."

Gerry Simila (Geological Sciences), Virginia Vandergon (Biology), and Norman Herr (Secondary Education) have received $25,130 from The Regents of the University of California, in continuing support of a project entitled "San Fernando Valley Science Project (CSMP)."

Steve Dudgeon (Biology) has received $47,196 from the University of Pennsylvania, in continuing support of a project entitled "LTREB: Experimental tests of alternative states on rocky intertidal shores."

Peter Edmunds (Biology) has received $49,931 from the National ScienceFoundation, as supplemental support of a project entitled "RUI: Ocean Acidification-Category 1- The effects of ocean acidification on the organismic biology and community ecology of corals, calcified algae, and coral reefs."

Nicholas Kioussis (Physics & Astronomy) has received $9.750 from the University of Iowa, in support of a project entitled "Identification of Defect Candidates and their Effects on Carrier Lifetimes and Dark Currents in InAs/InAsSb Strained-Layer Superlattices for Infrared Detectors.

Maria Elena Zavala (Biology) has received $723,860 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Option II MBRS RISE at CSUN: Developing a Model for Student Success."

Igor Beloborodov (Physics & Astronomy) has received $81,000 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "New Frontier in Materials Science: Artificial Nanosolids."

Rheem Medh (Biology) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Role of E4BP4 in Glucocorticoid-Evoked Lymphocyte Apoptosis."

Mark Schilling (Mathematics) has received $36,665 from the California Department of Toxic Substance Control, in support of a project entitled "Statistical Support for DTSC’s Chemical Soil Background Study."

Gerald Simila (Geological Sciences) has received $5,875 from CSU San Luis Obispo, in continuing support of a project entitled  "CSU science teacher and researcher (STAR): Strengthening K-12 science teaching in California."

Paula Fischhaber (Chemistry & BioChemistry) has received $104,544 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support, and $4,126 in supplemental support of a project entitled "Recruitment of Rad 10 in Double-strand Break Repair."

Larry Allen (Biology) has received $10,000 from the Sea Grant Program, in support of a project entitled "A Fisheries Independent Assessment of Spawning Biomass of Barred Sand Bass (Paralabrax nebulifer) on the Major Spawning Aggregation off Southern California."

Gagik Melikyan (Chemistry & BioChemistry) has received $160,000 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled  "RUI: Novel Radical and Ionic Reactions in Cobalt-Alkyne Series."

David Klein (Mathematics), A. Cristina Cadavid (Physics & Astronomy), and Brian Foley (Secondary Education) have received $154,102 from NASA, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Mathematical and Geospatial Pathways to Climate Change Education."

Kathie Marsaglia (Geological Sciences) has received $2,000 from GNS Science, in support of a project entitled "Support for MSc student project: Classic provenance fingerprinting in Taranaki Basin, NZ."

Michael Summers (Biology) has received $175,874 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Regulation of akinete differentiation in Nostoc punctiforme."

Donna Sheng (Physics & Astronomy) has received $75,000 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled "Theoretical (numerical) investigations of novel quantum-phases and transitions in strongly interacting systems."

A. Cristina Cadavid, (Physics & Astronomy), M. Helena Noronha(Mathematics), Karla Pelletier (CECS Student Service Center), and Kathie Marsaglia (Geological Sciences) have received $486,000 from CSU Sacramento, in continuing support of a project entitled "CSUN’s LSAMP Bridge to the Doctorate."

Karin Crowhurst (Chemistry & BioChemistry) has received $143,550 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Investigating protein dynamics in NT-4/5 and TrkB receptor interactions."

Richard Heermance (Geological Sciences) has received $18,000 from the University of Southern California, in support of a project entitled "Mid-Late Pleistocene Slip rate through the San Gorgonio Pass from Cosmogenic Dating of the Heights Fanglomerate."

Yann Schrodi (Chemistry & Biochemistry) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "New Olefin Metathesis Catalysts Based on Innocuous and Abundant Metals."

Lisa Banner (Biology has received $435,003 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project entitled "Analysis of Neuropoietic Cytokines and their Receptors in Diabetic Neuropathy."

Yohannes Shiferaw (Physics & Astronomy) has received $309,915 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled,  "Multi-scale Modeling of Calcium Mediated Triggered Activity in the Heart."

Jorge Balbas (Mathematics) has received $14,000 from IPAM-UCLA, in support of a project entitled, "Computational Methods in High-Energy Density Plasmas."

Vladislav Panferov (Mathematics) has received $14,000 from IPAM-UCLA, in support of a project entitled "Computational Methods in High-Energy Density Plasmas."

Maria Elena Zavala (Biology) has received $606,130 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "MARC USTAR at California State University, Northridge."

Ernest Kwok (Biology) has received $138,250 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Characterization of novel subcellular structures in Arabidopsis thaliana."

Gary Chapman and Dora Preminger (Physics & Astronomy) have received $77,936 from NASA, in continuing support of a project entitled "Photometric Observations and Analysis in Support of SORCE/TIM and GLORY/TIM."

Thomas Minehan (Chemistry & BioChemistry) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Synthesis and DNA binding affinity evaluation of novel gilvocarcin-C-glucosides."

Gang Lu, Nicholas Kioussis, and Donna Sheng ( Physics & Astronomy) have received $476,000 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "PREM – Computational Research and Education for Emergent Materials."

Joshua Schwartz (Geological Sciences) has received $97,726 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "Collaborative Research: Investigation of a Late Jurassic Paired Magmatic Belt (Blue Mountains, NE Oregon): Evaluation of Magmatic Growth During Contractional Orogeny."

Radha Ranganathan (Physics & Astronomy) has received $108,749 from the National Institutes of Heath, in continuing support of a project entitled "Interface Quality Effects in Phospholipase Membrane Enzymology."

Maria-Rita D’Orsogna (Mathematics) has received $55,400 from the University of Southern California, as supplemental support of a project entitled "Scalable, Stochastic and Spatiotemporal Game Theory for Real-World Human Adversarial Behavior."

Kathleen Marsaglia (Geological Sciences) has received $8,750 from the National Science Foundation, as supplemental support of a project entitled "Collaborative Research: Expedition 317 Objective Research – Linking Sediment Provenance to Supply and Lithofacies Formation on the Canterbury Margin."

Joseph Hajdu (Chemistry & BioChemistry) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Phospholipid dynamics and lipolysis in membrane models."

Gang Lu (Physics & Astronomy) has received $299,076 from UC Regents in support of a project entitled ‘Development Method to Predict Phase Separation and Charge Transport in Bulk Heterojuncion Conjugated Polymer Solar Cells.”

Dayanthie Weeraratne (Geological Sciences) has received $251,900 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "CAREER: Geodynamic Study of Earth’s Mantle Asthenosphere and Core Formation."

Maria Elena de Bellard (Biology) has received $105,880 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Mechanisms of cytoskeleton dynamics during neural crest cell chemoattraction."

Miroslav Peric (Physics & Astronomy) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in support of a project entitled "Interaction between Alzheimer’s beta-Amyloid Peptide and Phospholipid Bilayers."

Karin Crowhurst (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has received $436,051 from the National Science Foundation, in support of a project entitled "RUI: NMR investigation of the role of protein dynamics in the selections between RGS and Galpha signaling proteins."

Damian Christian (Physics & Astronomy) has received $59,800 from the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, in support of a project entitled "High Resolution Imaging & Spectroscopy of the Chandra Comet Survey II."

Peter Edmunds (Biology) has received $88,990 from the National Science Foundation, in continuing support of a project entitled "RUI: Long-Term Coral Reef Community Dynamics in the US Virgin Islands: 1987-2019."

Gang Lu (Physics & Astronomy) has received $418,727 from the Army Research Office, in support of a project entitled "A new computational tool for understanding light-matter interactions."

Dong-ning Sheng (Physics & Astronomy) has received $110,000 from the Department of Energy, in continuing support of a project entitled,  "Novel Charge and Spin Fractional Quantum Hall Effects and New Emerging Quantum Phases in Interacting and Spin-Orbit Coupling Electronic Materials."

Jheem Medh (Chemistry and Biochemistry) has received $108,750 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "An investigation of the mechanisms by which down-regulation of lipoprotein lipase increases insulin sensitivity in muscle cells."

Mary-Pat Stein (Biology) has received $143,550 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Recruitment and fusion of ER vesicles to the Legionella-containing vacuole."

Ray Hong (Biology) has received $143,550 from the National Institutes of Health, in continuing support of a project entitled "Molecular Characterization of Insect Pheromone Chemosensory Mutants in Nematodes (SCORE)."

Gerry Simila (Geological Science) has received $4,699 from UC Regents, in support of a project entitled "San Fernando Valley Science Project (NCLB 8A)."

Mark Steele (Biology) has received $443,841 from the California Coastal Commission, in continuing support of a project entitled "Reproductive output, growth, and food-chain support of fishes on the Wheeler J. North Artificial Reef."

Gang Lu (Physics & Astronomy) has received $74,958 from the Office of Naval Research, in continuing support of a project entitled,  "First-Principles Based Multiscale Modeling of Structure, Energetics and Mobility of Defects in Metals."

Maria-Rita D’Orsogna (Mathematics) has received $55,400 from the University of Southern California, in continuing support of a project entitled  "Scalable, Stochastic and Spatiotemporal Game Theory for Real-World Human Adversarial Behavior."

Gerry Simila (Geological Science), Virginia Vandergon (Biology), and Norman Herr (Secondary Education) have received $48,573 from UC Regents, in continuing support of a project entitled  "San Fernando Valley Science Project (NCLB 8)."

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