Administration, Pre-Award, and Research Integrity

Valera Hall 275

18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8232

Phone: (818) 677-2901
Fax: (818) 677-4691

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Animal Care & Use

For questions about a specific protocol, please email

Federal regulations require all research involving the use of animal subjects undergo a review by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to ensure that animals are handled in an ethical manner and not exposed to unnecessary risk. The IACUC is regulated by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) through its Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) and must apply all pertinent federal and state regulations to animal subjects research and classroom protocols.

Researchers who wish to use animal subjects must complete a protocol form and submit it to RSP. Blank protocol forms may be downloaded from this site. Although the IACUC meets only semi-annually, protocols are reviewed throughout the year and may be submitted at any time for review. Protocol forms for all proposed research projects should be submitted to RSP by emailing the completed form to .

Please note: all personnel associated with a research project that involves animals must have current CITI Animal Subjects Research training and certification before the project will be approved or renewed. Instructions for completing this training are available below.

In the case of funded research projects, failure to obtain prior approval for research could result in cancellation of current and future funding. Non-approved research conducted by individuals associated with the University (student, faculty, etc.) exposes the researchers as well as the University to legal action.

The complete set of IACUC forms is available on Box. Please download the form you need using the links below.

Completed forms should be emailed to

Create a new account at using the “Register” button in the top right corner, or log in if you already have an account. 

In the Select Your Organization screen, enter “Northridge” in the search box and California State University, Northridge should come up.  Agree to the terms and services, affirm that you are associated with CSUN, and you should be able to continue to the next step in the process. 

Important: Please use your CSUN email address as your primary email address, and as your Institutional Email Address in Step 6 of the form.  CITI will also allow you to set up a secondary email address if you wish.

When you are asked which type of course you'd like to take, choose the “Laboratory Animal Research” option on the first screen. Then, select at least one of the following options:

  • All investigators conducting research that use lab animals, and faculty teaching courses that involve live animals, should choose the module on "Working with the IACUC."
  • Additionally, investigators and teaching faculty who work with mice or rats should choose the module on "Minimizing Pain and Distress."
  • CSUN-affiliated members of the IACUC should choose "IACUC Members;" non-affiliated members, including alumni, should choose "IACUC Community Member."

Once you’ve completed curriculum selection, you should be redirected to the "Main Menu/My Courses" dashboard where you can access your selected course. Note that all applicable training must be completed before approval will be granted on any animal subjects protocol.

Committee Members
Benedict Yaspelkis III, Chair Kinesiology
Christina Campbell Anthropology
Jeanne Robertson Biology
Robert Espinoza Biology
Tim Karels Biology
Mark Steele Biology
Colette Caggiano Community Member
Leah Greer Campus Veterinarian
Sam Vasquez Non-scientist

Administration, Pre-Award, and Research Integrity

Valera Hall 275

18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8232

Phone: (818) 677-2901
Fax: (818) 677-4691

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