Sherrie Hixon

Director of Strategic Research Initiatives

Valera Hall 275
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8232

Phone: (818) 677-7348

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Jessica Gonzalez

Project Analyst

Valera Hall 275
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8232

Phone: (818) 677-3151

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In 2016, the Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) office implemented the Cayuse Research Suite to streamline proposal development and award processes. All proposals for extramural funding begin with a record in Cayuse SP. Faculty and administrators use their CSUN credentials to log in. 


Cayuse SP is the electronic system of record for all sponsored programs proposals. Electronic records are accessible to PIs, Department Chairs, DFOs, College Deans, and CSUN research administration staff.

Note: Student investigators should request Cayuse access using this form

These instructions will lead faculty through the steps to create a proposal record in SP: 

Step-by-Step Instructions for Principal Investigators (PDF)

Administrators who need to approve proposal records in Cayuse, please follow these instructions: 

Step-by-Step Instructions for Department Approval (PDF)

Step-by-Step Instructions for Reports (PDF)

Cayuse 424 is a system-to-system interface for preparing and submitting most federal grant proposals. our RSP Grant Coordinator will guide you through budget and proposal development in 424. 

Cayuse IRB allows researchers to submit protocols for the protection of Human Subjects electronically. This User Guide will guide investigators through the steps to create an initial protocol. Read more under Human Subjects/IRB

For internal technical support, contact Sherrie Hixon.

Sherrie Hixon

Director of Strategic Research Initiatives

Valera Hall 275
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8232

Phone: (818) 677-7348

Send email

Jessica Gonzalez

Project Analyst

Valera Hall 275
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8232

Phone: (818) 677-3151

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