Edgar Lopez

Research Development Officer

Valera Hall 275
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8232

Phone: (818) 677-6776

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Pivot-RP is a database containing active funding opportunities for all disciplines and project types. It includes a wide variety of funding sources, including US Federal and State government, private foundations, and corporate sponsors from one search tool. Use Pivot-RP to find collaborators and identify new funding opportunities for your research, scholarship, and creative activities.

Anyone with CSUN credentials can create a personal account that will allow you to:

  • Sign up to receive customized funding alerts
  • Save and return to funding searches
  • Track individual funding opportunities
  • Share funding opportunities with others
  • Maintain your public profile

To create an account:

  • Navigate to the Pivot-RP website
  • Click on Create Account
  • Choose "use institutional credentials" and select our institution from the pull-down menu
  • Complete the required fields and use your CSUN email address
  • Validate your account using the link provided in a Pivot-RP email

Pivot-RP offers a number of short video tutorials on their dedicated YouTube channel. We recommend starting with these topics:

Pivot-RP will use the information you provide in your profile to customize your funding alerts. We recommend you populate your profile using any or all of the following resources for best results:

  • Link a URL for your personal webpage or publications page (e.g., Google Scholar)
  • Upload your CV file
  • Connect your ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)
  • Connect you ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier)
  • Upload your publication file (.ris or .bib)
  • List your Grant Award IDs
  • List your Patent Numbers

In development.

A representative from RSP will provide consultations by request for faculty, departments, colleges, or centers and institutes. Please send an email to research@csun.edu and provide the following information:

  • List of individuals you want to include in the consultation
  • Best days and times to schedule the consultation

Edgar Lopez

Research Development Officer

Valera Hall 275
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8232

Phone: (818) 677-6776

Send email

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