Centers & Institutes
A Campus Center & Institute (CCI) is a formally approved interdisciplinary and/or collaborative unit that:
- is organized around a scholarly, creative, research, education, and/or public service activity that combines the interests and expertise of individuals, departments, or administrative units, and may draw on expertise of others external to the campus; and
- may offer services to constituents beyond the campus community, e.g., individuals as well as private and public entities. While CCIs by their nature and location serve the campus community, their focus may not be exclusively internal.
View Centers & Institutes Directory
Purpose & Functions
Centers and Institutes do not confer degrees or offer for-credit academic degree instruction, except in the role of offering support to units with such authority. Activities of CCIs will vary and may include:
- Providing opportunities for professional development for faculty and staff through teaching, research, scholarly and creative activities, and public service.
- Fostering and facilitating interdisciplinary efforts among disciplines, departments and across colleges.
- Providing a clearinghouse for information of interest to professionals, and conducting workshops and conferences for continuing education.
- Enhancing the curriculum by facilitating and supplementing the academic experience of students.
- Other functions as stated in the organizational document (i.e., “Charter”), and approved following the process described in section E below.
The full text of the policy governing the Organization and Administration of Campus Centers and Institutes is available here.
Charter Process
All charters to follow required format (see Charter Template).
At least 45 days prior to a charter's expiration, Directors must submit the following documents with the request to re-charter:
- A new original copy of the center charter using the current Charter Template, signed by the center Director and appropriate administrator (i.e., College Dean)
- A revenue and expense report for the entire period of the last charter using the 5-yr Financial Template
- A brief memo that includes the following:
- A brief statement indicating how the activities of the Center/Institute align with the Road Map to the Future's Strategic Directions
- A list of years in which no annual report was filed
- A list of grants and contracts applied for and secured for entire period of the last charter
- A list of published research and/or working papers and reports submitted for the entire period of the last charter
- If serving clients, a report detailing numbers and effectiveness for entire period of the last charter
- If a performance or production center, a report on creative work for the entire period of the last charter
Forward the re-charter request documents to Sherrie Hixon. Requests to renew will then be coordinated for review at Provost's Council.
Provost's Council can make recommendations based on the request to 1) re-charter; 2) deny re-charter; or 3) re-charter for a probationary period.