Protocol Submission Process
Cayuse Protocol Development
All new protocol applications must be submitted electronically using Cayuse IRB. Faculty will login using their CSUN credentials. Student researchers must request access to Cayuse IRB by completing this form. Students should allow three business days for access to be granted.
Please note: Firefox and Chrome are the recommended browsers for the Cayuse platform.
Attachments and Additional Documents
In addition to describing your study procedures in the Cayuse protocol, you may be required to additional documents. Templates for commonly used forms such as consent forms, Bill of Rights, and permission letters are available on Box (note: Portal login required). Further information about consenting requirements is available in the next section.
Additional items that need to be reviewed by the Committee and should be attached in your Cayuse protocol may include:
- All data collection instruments, survey items, etc. (including both original and previously validated measures)
- Lists of interview or focus group questions or themes
- Descriptions and/or photos of novel equipment
- All recruitment material (e.g. fliers, newspaper/craigslist ads, recruitment emails/letters, social network recruitment postings or advertisements)
After Submitting Your Protocol
Your protocol will be reviewed and classified as exempt, expedited, or requiring full committee review at the next committee meeting (see Meeting Dates and Deadlines). IRB staff will conduct a pre-review to ensure the protocol is complete and internally consistent; if discrepancies or missing information are found, you may be asked to make specific changes at the pre-review stage. Once a protocol has passed pre-review, exempt and expedited protocols will be assigned to a CPHS committee member to review, and full review protocols will be assigned to the next full board meeting.
Once your initial review has been completed, you will receive an alert from Cayuse notifying you that comments to your protocol are available within the system, and the protocol will be returned to you for editing. You can use the commenting feature in Cayuse to reply directly to your reviewer, or simply make the requested changes. When you are finished editing your protocol, simply resubmit and certify the protocol, and it will be automatically reassigned to your reviewer. A protocol may go several rounds of revision before receiving approval, as additional information can be elicited during the revision process.