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Additional Employment

This page provides an overview of employment policies for California State University (CSU) employees, detailing guidelines for CSU employment, additional employment, outside employment, and specific regulations for both exempt and non-exempt employees. It covers time-base limitations, pay rates, overtime requirements, and conflict of interest guidelines.

  • CSU Employment is any appointment that is compensated through the CSU payroll.
  • CSU payroll is processed through the State’s Controllers office in Sacramento California. Employees of the California State University system are employees of the State of California, or state employees.

Additional employment refers to any CSU (any of the 23 campuses) employment that is in addition to the employee’s primary appointment. Additional employment limitations are based on time-base, not salary. A maximum of 125% time-base (50 hours per week total) is allowed for all CSU combined employment. The salary rate for additional employment may be the same as the rate for the primary appointment; however, a different salary rate is permitted if appropriate for the work performed and if allowed by the funding source (e.g., private corporation contract).
Important Note: In the case of a federal grant or contract, the rate of pay for the additional employment must be the same as the CSU base rate of pay for the primary assignment.

Outside Employment refers to any employment not compensated through the CSU payroll. Employment directly compensated by a CSU foundation or other CSU auxiliary that is not compensated through the CSU payroll is considered outside employment. Employment that is compensated through the CSU payroll and is reimbursed by a foundation, other auxiliary, or other funding source is considered CSU employment. CSU employees may, consistent with MOUs and with campus policies governing outside activities and employment, be employed outside the CSU system. However, conflicts of interest are not permitted.

Refer to the Conflict of Interest Guidelines:

CSU Administration General Counsel

  • When determining the 125% additional employment under the CSU Additional Employment Policy, all CSU employment and all CSU foundation and other CSU auxiliary employment are considered together. Therefore, if the primary appointment equals 100% (1.0 FTE or 40 hours/week), then all additional CSU employment – whether compensated thru the CSU payroll or not – may not exceed 25% time base or an additional 10 hours per week.

Represented or non-represented non-faculty employees, including those in the Management Personnel Plan, who are in positions exempt from the overtime provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) do not receive additional compensation for work considered part of their primary work assignments in excess of 40 hours in a week. An exempt employee may accept additional employment equivalent to twenty-five percent (25%) above a 1.00 full-time time-base if the additional appointment is unrelated to the primary work assignment.

Non-exempt employees are employees who are subject to the regulations of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), which requires payment of overtime at time and one-half the regular pay rate for hours worked over forty (40) in a work week.

In the event a manager is considering an additional employment opportunity for a non-exempt employee, the following options are available:

  1. Exclude the non-exempt employee from the additional employment appointment; or
  2. Reduce the time-base of the primary position so the primary and additional appointments in total do not exceed a 100% time-base; or
  3. Pay the employee appropriate overtime in accordance with FLSA.

  • Overtime: is required to be paid for hours worked in excess of 40 in a workweek regardless of assignment. Whether the employee receives an additional employment assignment on a regular or sporadic basis that is/is not substantially different from the primary assignment, the employee is to be paid overtime.
  • In accordance with CSU collective bargaining agreements, overtime for non-exempt employees is to be paid for hours worked in excess of 40 in a week.

If the employee holds a non-exempt position in their primary appointment and is hired into an exempt additional employment position, the employee must be considered non-exempt for pay purposes, and their overtime provision must be applied. Additional employment for employees in non-exempt positions should be infrequent.

  • Overtime is required hours worked in excess of 40 in a week if the employee receives an additional employment assignment on a regular or sporadic basis that is not substantially different from the current assignment.
  • Overtime is not required to be paid for hours worked in excess of 40 in a week if the employee receives an additional employment assignment on an occasional or sporadic basis that is substantially different from the current assignment. Under this circumstance, the department should establish a concurrent appointment in the additional assignment classification and pay for the work performed at the appropriate pay rate.
  • To ensure compliance with the CSU Additional Employment 125% maximum time base policy, departments must submit a request to hire non-faculty employees into an additional appointment to Human Resources for review, along with a description of the appointment, at least one week prior to the desired start date of the appointment.

Additional employment is also referred to as concurrent employment.

For additional information:

CSU Additional Employment Policy

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Payroll Administration

Find your assigned payroll technician by searching your dept ID, or dept name.

HR Payroll Roster Contact Listing.pdf

Valera Hall 165
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8229

Phone: (818) 677-2101

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