César Chávez Holiday Closure

Student Employment Eligibility Report

The Student Employment Eligibility Audit report captures student employees’ academic enrollment and employment eligibility information.  The intent of the report is to provide departments with the ability to review and audit employment eligibility for students with active employment records and to assist with coordinating work schedules for students with multiple jobs across campus.  The report captures basic information pertaining to the students’ department, job, academic load, eligible for employment based on academic load, and an indication of whether the students have one or multiple jobs on campus.

The report can be run on an as-needed basis but should be run at least once a month and prior to the beginning of a new pay period.  Review the report to ensure that all students listed are eligible for continued employment*.  In cases where students are not eligible for employment, discuss employment guidelines with the student and process applicable terminations in a timely manner.   For students who have multiple jobs on campus, the employing departments should work together to review and determine the best work schedule for the student and the department.  Further, the department(s) and students should work jointly to ensure that the total hours worked in all jobs combined do not exceed the 20-hour per week limit during the academic semester.  Note that the workweek begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday and the 20-hour maximum applies to the workweek regardless if the days cross pay periods.  Each department is responsible for administering and monitoring their student employment to ensure compliance with employment and pay guidelines.  Please refer to the Student Assistant/Federal Work Study Compensation Plan at http://www.csun.edu/careers/student-assistant-compensation-plan for additional information regarding allowable hours.

* It is important to monitor student employment eligibility even during add/drop periods at the beginning of the semester (August/September and January/February) and clearly communicate employment guidelines and expectations with the students.  Departments should not schedule work for their students until the students have officially enrolled in the required number of units. 

Access to the report is included in the setup for Time & Attendance Timekeepers, Approvers, and Student Hire module users.  Access to the contents of the report is based on the user’s security.  Users will only be able to view students within their security access and students from other departments only if the student holds multiple jobs and at least one job falls within the user’s security.


Please note the following items on the Sample Report:

  • Student Number 1 is an undergraduate student who does not meet the minimum enrollment requirement to be eligible to work as a student employee.  Further, this student also has multiple jobs as noted with the “Multiple Jobs” indicator of Y for Yes.
  • Student Number 2 is an undergraduate student taking 14 units and is eligible to work, however, he/she has multiple jobs on campus so the work schedule for this student should be coordinated with the employing departments.
  • Student Number 3 is not enrolled and is not eligible to work as a student employee.
  • Student Number 4 is a graduate student who does not meet the minimum enrollment requirement to be eligible to work as a student employee.

How to run the report

Navigate to the CSUN Portal to access the Student Employment Eligibility Report

  • Select HR > Time & AttendanceTime Management Reports > Student Employment Eligibility Audit
  • Click SEARCH to select an existing Run Control ID.  If this is the first time the user is running this report, go to Step 2 and Step 3 to create a Run Control ID.  The same Run Control ID can be reused to rerun the report.

[Skip this step if you already have a Run Control ID]

To create a new Run Control ID.  Select the “Add a New Value” tab.


 [Skip this step if you already have a Run Control ID]

Enter a Run Control ID value.  For example, type “Report” and select Add.


On the following page, enter the applicable criteria and select SAVE and then RUN.  

In this example, students’ employment records as of 05/01/23 for the Spring 2023 academic enrollment period have been selected.



  • Employment Status As of Date: The system will default this field to the current date.  This field does not need to be changed unless you need to run the report to capture student employees as of a prior date.

  • Academic Term:  Use the drop-down to select the current academic term.  Note that students’ enrollment status will reflect their status as of the current date and is based on information maintained by Student Administration.  Enrollment changes made during the day may not be reflected until the following business day.

  • Select Students Not Eligible for Employment Only:  Select this option to capture student employees who are not or no longer eligible for employment based on their academic enrollment status.  Students who are not eligible for employment should be terminated immediately.  Recommendation: Click/Select this option.

  • Select Students with Multiple Jobs Only:  Select this option to capture students who have multiple appointments across campus.  Students are allowed to work a maximum of 20 hours per week in all jobs combined.  Recommendation: Click/Select this option.

Note:  Deselecting the “Select Students Not Eligible for Employment Only” and “Select Students with Multiple Jobs Only” options will retrieve all student employees for whom you have access.  This would be helpful if you need to see a complete listing of your student employees, regardless of their employment eligibility and multiple job status.

On the Process Scheduler Request page, ensure that TYPE = WEB and FORMAT = PDF, click OK


Click the Process Monitor link.


Click the REFRESH button.  Once RUN STATUS and DISTRIBUTION STATUS show Success and Posted, the report is ready.


Select the ACTIONS link > View Log/Trace


Under File List, select the CSV or PDF output files.  

Reports with CSV extensions are EXCEL compatible outputs.
Reports with PDF extensions are pre-formatted reports.  


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HR Ops Roster Contact Listing.pdf

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Northridge, CA 91330-8229

Phone: (818) 677-2101

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