Frequently Asked Questions and Facility Guidelines

Frequently Asked Questions
All current CSUN students are able to use the Oasis. CSUN Faculty, Staff and Alumni have varying levels of access to the facility. In order to access the Oasis, each member will need to register at the Oasis or SRC.
At the USU beneath the USU Computer Lab and next to the Plaza Pool.
The Oasis is open during the fall, spring and summer sessions (closed during winter). Please see the Oasis hours page for full hours.
The Oasis is a department of the University Student Union (USU). USU professional staff and student employees manage the day-to-day operations of most of the Oasis facility and programs. Klotz Student Health Center provides massage, acupuncture and aromatherapy services at the Oasis. The USU Board of Directors, comprised mostly of students, ultimately provide direction for and approve the budget of the Oasis and USU.
Condor is the Oasis Wellness Center manager.
(818) 677-7374
The Oasis includes about 6,000 square feet of indoor space and 10,000 square feet outdoors.
Free Services
Digital Library, Guided Meditations, Massage Chairs, Nap Pods, Relaxation Chairs, Wellness Coaching (Students Only)
Appointments for Free Services can be made online through the SRC Rec & Wellness Portal. Services are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Paid Services
Paid Services are not available at this time.
Services at the Oasis Wellness Center are administered in collaboration with the Klotz Student Health Center.
There are a variety of lounges and contemplation spaces for students to use toward attaining their wellness goals.
Student job openings will be posted on the USU website.
Gender Inclusive Restroom FAQs
There are genuine implications when restrooms are labeled for women or men only. Trans and Gender non-conforming people can encounter hostility, discrimination and harassment in restrooms. Providing access to a non-gendered restroom can reduce or eliminate this situation.
Just be respectful of all others in the facility. Everyone has the right to wash their hands, comb their hair, do their makeup or just use the bathroom in peace.
Children are welcome when accompanied by an adult. Parents or guardians with children of a different gender can encounter misunderstanding when accessing gender-specific bathrooms. This potential is eliminated with a Gender Inclusive Restroom.
Anyone who requires assistance will be able to use this facility. People with disabilities or others who have personal attendants of a different gender can run into problems when accessing gendered bathrooms. A Gender Inclusive Restroom provides a more welcoming and comfortable situation for two people of different genders.
Actually there is less of a chance for a long waiting time. Everyone has waited outside an occupied restroom while the restroom for the gender we don’t identify with was empty. Gender Inclusive Restrooms are more efficient, allowing you to avoid that unnecessary wait.
Facility Guidelines
Equipment Checkout
- Equipment can only be checked out from and returned to the reception desk in the Oasis Wellness Center.
- Equipment checkout is available from the Oasis Wellness Center opening time until 15 minutes prior to closing.
- Equipment is checked out on a first-come first-served basis and may not be reserved.
- Students can only check out the quantity of equipment appropriate for one participant.
- Students with outstanding equipment holds will not be permitted to checkout additional items.
- Equipment that is checked out from the reception desk must remain exclusively in the Oasis Wellness Center.
Member Liability
- Equipment must only be used for its intended purpose.
- The Oasis Wellness Center is not liable for any injury caused by misuse of equipment.
- Students are liable for replacement cost of equipment that is not returned and for replacement cost of equipment that is returned damaged beyond what is expected from typical use.
- Students may not loan checked out equipment to others for use. A student’s privilege to checkout equipment may be suspended if this occurs.
A Gender Inclusive Restroom is a safe and welcoming place for people of all gender identities and expressions. If you are uncomfortable using a Gender Inclusive Restroom, please feel free to use any of the nearby gender specific restrooms conveniently located around campus.
- Day-Use Lockers.
- Day use is defined as using the locker during times in which you are present in the Oasis Wellness Center and involved in activities. Lockers are not to be used for day storage when you are not present in the Oasis Wellness Center. Personal items must be removed after your activity time in the Oasis Wellness Center.
- All day-use lockers are available for free and are subject to availability.
- Students are expected to provide their own locks for day-use lockers. However, a limited supply will be available for checkout and also for purchase at the reception desk.
- At closing time, locks will be cut and personal items remaining in day-use lockers will be removed and placed in the lost and found, which is located at the reception desk. Items will then be retained per the USU lost and found guidelines.
- The Oasis Wellness Center is not responsible for replacing locks that are cut or any items that are lost.
- Cleanliness. The Oasis Wellness Center staff is committed to maintaining cleanliness in its restrooms. Do not leave trash or personal items in the restroom area. Please report any concerns to a staff member immediately.
- Cell Phone, Handheld Device, Recording Device, Camera Use. Cell phone device use is prohibited in the restroom. Cell phone and messaging devices may be used only in the entry courtyard.
- Restroom Etiquette
- For your protection use a high quality lock on day use lockers.
- Demonstrate respect for others by cleaning up area after use.
- Keep sink areas clean.
- Close lockers after use.
- Reservations. Relaxation Room nap pod use is on a first-come first-served basis and must be reserved in-person at the reception desk.
- Reservation Check-in. Students must check-in at the reception desk to reserve a nap pod prior to entering the Relaxation room.
- Nap Pod Availability. Relaxation Room nap pods are available from 15 minutes after the Oasis Wellness Center opening time until 15 minutes prior to closing.
- Personal Belongings. Students are required to put all personal belongings into a designated locker in the reception area prior to entering the Relaxation Room and using a nap pod. Personal belongings, other than personal listening devices, are not permitted inside the Relaxation room.
In order to minimize disruption to other students using the nap pods, the following etiquette should be considered:
- Noise Level Expectations. In consideration of others, all noise is prohibited inside the Relaxation Room.
- Cellphone conversations are prohibited. Please silence your cellphone.
- Personal listening devices must be silenced and earbuds must be worn. The music level on your personal device must be low enough to not be heard by others.
- Shoes. If you choose to remove your shoes, please store them at the base of the nap pod.
- Nap Pod Cleaning. After use, wipe down the entire leather surface of the nap pod using the sanitizing wipes provided.
Participation in the Oasis Wellness Center, as part of the University Student Union and California State University, Northridge, is governed by the Student Conduct Code and all other University safety, security and facility standards. Use of the Oasis Wellness Center facility is a privilege and participants are expected to be good citizens and respect the rights of others. Individuals who engage in unacceptable or irresponsible behavior may have their access revoked or modified indefinitely as determined by the Student Recreation Center Director. Users are encouraged to contact Oasis staff to report individuals who may be in violation of any guideline listed below.
In addition to the previously mentioned standards, the following are user responsibilities:
1. Personal Risk. All users of the facility must sign a liability waiver before entering the facility. Participation is at the risk of the user.
2. Staff Requests. To provide a safe and secure environment, all users are required to follow the requests and instructions of Oasis Wellness Center employees.
3. Personal Boundaries. Personal boundaries are the limits and invisible rules one sets for themselves based on their own level of comfort around others. All users must respect the limits and rules of other users based on their personal preferences of how they would like to interact.
4. Harassment & Discrimination. All users are expected to treat everyone with dignity and respect while using the facility. Harassment, in any form, and for any reason—whether predicated on age, gender, gender identity, race, religion or any other basis protected by applicable law is prohibited. Harassment such as, but not limited to, persistent and unwanted attention, invasion of personal space, catcalling, sexual comments, unwarranted physical contact, violence, intimidation, offensive sexual advances, sexual abuse and stalking is strictly prohibited.
In keeping with the University’s policy of nondiscrimination on the basis of gender identity and/or gender expression, the Oasis Wellness Center supports and values an individual’s right to access and utilize recreation facilities, restrooms, locker rooms, programs and services in accordance with an individual’s gender identity and gender expression.
5. Disorderly and Unsafe Conduct. Conduct including, but not limited to, destruction of property; vandalism; spitting on the floors, walls or drinking fountains; use of profanity or derogatory language; lewd or indecent behavior; dropping weights; attempting to gain unauthorized access to the facility; or actions that contribute to an unwelcoming or unsafe environment, such as yelling, taunting, talking trash, bullying, threats, pushing, fighting, physical abuse; or withholding or falsifying information are prohibited.
6. Personal Gain. The facility may not be used for teaching/coaching/training for personal gain. Only designated employees may provide training and other coaching services.
7. Solicitation. Solicitation of any kind is not permitted in the facility.
8. Personal Items. The Oasis Wellness Center is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Backpacks, bags and other large items must be kept in designated storage areas and secured at all times. Any items left unattended will be removed and can be collected from lost and found at the front desk. Exceptions to this guideline must be approved by the SRC Director or designee.
9. Clothing. Appropriate clothing must be worn at all times throughout the Oasis Wellness Center. Tops covering the chest plate are required. Bottoms covering the buttocks, genitals and pubic region are required. Clothes with zippers and/or any other feature that may damage equipment are prohibited. Clothing displaying profane or offensive material is prohibited.
10. Footwear. Unless otherwise specified, appropriate footwear must be worn when engaging in activities or programs inside the facility. When using massage chairs, a clean pair of socks must be worn at all times.
11. Wheeled Devices. Skateboards, Razors, scooters, bikes and all other similar wheeled devices (excluding wheelchairs and other assistive devices) are not permitted in the facility and must be secured and stored at the designated storage racks outside. All improperly stored items will be removed per university policies.
12. Noise Restrictions. Conversation and noise level should be kept to a minimum. Phones, tablets and other electronics should be kept in silent mode or headphones/earbuds must be worn. Talking on cellphones and devices inside the facility is not permitted.
13. Food & Beverages. Food is only permitted in the outdoor spaces. Trash must be disposed of in the appropriate trash receptacle. Beverages must be in a non-breakable bottle with a screw top or lid.
14. Picture Taking and Video Recording on Personal devices. Users of the facility may use personal phone devices to take pictures and videos in the facility, with the exception of Nap Pod room, locker rooms and restrooms. Large accessories such as tripods, lighting or microphones are prohibited. Any image/video determined to be inappropriate, degrading, harassing, misused or not authorized by the subject(s) captured is also prohibited.
15. Access & Attendants/Aids. If you require assistance in accessing or using any facilities in the Oasis Wellness Center, please contact us at 818-677-7373 prior to arriving. For individuals with disabilities who require the use of an aid, the aid is permitted to accompany the member or guest into the facility and assist the member without incurring a fee. While inside the facility, the attendant is not permitted to participate in any services or amenities. All required documentation including applicable registration and a signed waiver must be on file for the attendant. This does not apply to any person providing a specific service that is not medically necessary. In the absence of a medically based need, attendants must receive prior approval from the SRC Director or designee to gain access to the facility without incurring a usage fee.
16. Animals/Pets. Except for service animals that are authorized by the university, animals are not permitted.
17. Rejuvenation and Treatment Rooms. All rooms are single occupancy unless the room has been reserved for a professional treatment/service offered by an Oasis Wellness Center or designated provider/practitioner.
18. Outdoor Fountain. Water features in the outdoor spaces do not circulate potable/drinkable water and therefore users should refrain from touching or drinking the water.
19. Fireplace. Adjusting and/or turning on or off the fireplace is not permitted. Please contact an Oasis employee should you need assistance. Placing objects (i.e., wood, trash, food) inside the fireplace is not permitted.
20. Labyrinth. As a courtesy to all users, the posted Labyrinth guidelines should be followed at all times.
21. Furniture. Please do not move furniture from the area it is located.
22. Wellness Services. To access wellness services offered in the facility (e.g., nap pod, massage chair, healing tones, VR meditation, etc.), users must have a confirmed appointment in our reservation system. Appointments can be made online through the USU Rec & Wellness Portal or in-person at the front desk as early as five days in advance. Appointments are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Those wishing to reserve consecutive appointments, must check in with the front desk to determine availability.
23. Project or Class Related Audio/Visual Recording. Any individual(s) who seeks to film (photograph/video), interview, or conduct class projects in the facility must contact the Oasis Wellness Center Manager at 818-677-7374 to fill out the appropriate request form. Taking pictures via cameras, video cameras, and video ready cell phones is strictly prohibited in the pool, locker rooms and restrooms.
24. Commercial Filming and Photo Shoots. Those wishing to explore commercial filming and photo shoots should contact the Oasis Wellness Center Manager at 818-677-7374 to discuss their interests.
25. Weapons & Firearms. All CSUN policies regarding weapons and firearms apply to the SRC. This includes, but is not limited to firearms or guns, replicas, ammunition, explosives, fireworks, knives, other weapons or dangerous chemicals. Participants in certain activities may be granted permission to utilize appropriate martial arts weapons as part of a class, practice or competition with prior written approval from the SRC Director or designee.
26. Alcohol & Drugs. SRC facilities and programs are alcohol, drug and narcotics free. This includes members, their sponsored guests and/or spectators. Members may be held responsible for the conduct of their sponsored guests. Anyone possessing or suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or other substance shall be asked to leave the facility and may have their access revoked or modified indefinitely as determined by the SRC Director or designee.
27. Smoking & Vaping. CSUN is a smoke-free campus. Smoking and vaping are not permitted inside or outside any facilities, including the field, courtyards, grass areas and parking areas.
- A Student Member is defined as a student who is enrolled at CSUN, is taking units and pays a fee for those units, or has qualified for a fee waiver.
- A Tseng College Student is defined as any student who is part of Tseng College in the masters, credentials, open U, non-credit program, or Intensive English Program (IEP).
The Oasis is a controlled access facility, available to all students.
Tseng College (Masters, Certificates, Open University, Intensive English Program (IEP), and non-credit students) may utilize the services of the Oasis by paying a fee.
Applicants must sign and accept the SRC and Oasis guidelines form and waiver of liability/hold harmless agreement form to be enrolled using the CSUN Student Recreation Center application and assigned a unique barcode ID. Applicants will be required to register digitally by entering LDAP credentials into the CSUN Student Recreation Center application.
All summer memberships at the SRC will include access to the Oasis. If a person who is eligible for a summer SRC membership wants to access the Oasis only, they may purchase a summer membership to the Oasis for a fee and will only have access to that facility. Students who are enrolled in the summer term and who pay the USU fee through the Tseng College (Extended Learning) or California State University, Northridge, are eligible for membership at the Oasis.
Access to the Oasis facility is granted for all categories of membership under the following terms and conditions:
- Approved Access. The Oasis is a controlled access facility and membership, or special access is required to enter. Members will be verified by scanning their barcode ID at a barcode reader prior to entering the facility.
- Refusal Right. The Oasis has the right to refuse membership to any member or individual who has violated any CSUN, USU or Oasis codes of conduct, policies, rules or regulations, or is not in good standing with the University for any reason.
- Illegal Access. The following are prohibited:
- Attempting to gain access into the Oasis with an ID or Oasis account other than your own.
- Allowing another person to use your ID or Oasis account to gain access into the Oasis.
- Attempting to allow access to anyone through an emergency exit door.
- Exiting through emergency exit doors (except in a declared emergency).
Expulsion. The Oasis Staff and the Building Manger have the authority to:
- Request an individual to leave the facility and premises because of a violation of facility policies.
- Cancel an event and request the individual or the individual’s group to leave the facility and premises because of violation of facility policies
- Repeated violation of the Oasis regulations may result in a loss of privileges and facility membership as recommended by the SRC Director or designee and approved by the Executive Director or designee.
Posted Regulations. Facility users must obey all posted regulations and comply with decisions made by the Building Manager and the Oasis staff, including identifying oneself when requested.
Personal Image Release. At various times throughout the semester, CSUN/SRC/USU officials will be taking digital images, photographs, and/or videotapes of patrons for educational, promotional, and informational purposes for use in department related printed material and on our web site. No identifying information will accompany the likeness or images used in publications.