Careers in Business Law
The Business Law option is valuable preparation for careers in a variety of fields, including governmentally regulated industries, for example banking, insurance, securities and real estate. It is also useful for careers in risk management, contract administration, public affairs, finance, management, legal and judicial support services and employment relations. It is well suited for students who plan careers in industries that are highly regulated, for example banking, insurance, securities, health care and real estate. It is useful for entrepreneurs. It is focused on the legal applications of business decisions, and so is useful in a variety of careers.
Careers in Real Estate
While the Real Estate option is designed for students with career interests in the various functional fields of real estate—brokerage, appraisal, finance, investment, development and asset management, as well as service areas such as escrow and title insurance—the skills with which students in the option will become familiar are applicable in virtually all business fields.

Why the Business Law Program?
The Department of Business Law offers a course of study leading to a B.S. Degree in Business Administration with an option in Business Law. This program prepares students to analyze complex problems, think critically and communicate effectively while learning the legal principles pertinent to making business decisions.

Why the Real Estate Program?
The option in Real Estate covers both theoretical and practical aspects of real estate and provides an academic foundation for careers in real estate. Students completing the option in Real Estate will have satisfied most of the educational requirements for the California real estate broker’s license and the real estate appraiser’s license.

Certificate in Real Estate
The Certificate in Real Estate is designed to prepare the individual who already holds a bachelor’s degree in a field other than Real Estate for entry into careers in real estate sales, brokerage, investment, management, appraisal, or mortgage banking. Our mission is to equip students with the academic knowledge, problem solving, analytical and professional skills in real estate necessary to achieve their personal and professional goals.

Why Minor in Business Ethics?
The Business Ethics minor allows students the opportunity to pursue studies in business ethics and corporate social responsibility and to integrate these studies into their careers.