Michael Ryan

Senior Director of Development

California State University, Northridge Foundation
18111 Nordhoff St, Northridge, CA 91330-8296

Phone: (818) 667-4196

Make a gift or pledge by calling the number above.

Make checks payable to CSUN Foundation and add specific details to your memo and send to address above.

Kathryn Sorrells Fellowship

Kathryn Sorrells Endowment for Social Justice

Annual distribution from the Kathryn Sorrells Endowment for Social Justice will
support opportunities for social justice education and activism for students and
faculty in the Department of Communication Studies. The endowment hopes to
enhance the commitment to social justice as a vital dimension of the Department’s
mission to educate students for a multicultural world.

Possible Areas of Support:

  • Annual student scholarship
  • Student and faculty travel to conferences or related events (with emphasis on SJ research)
  • Guest speakers/workshop leaders
  • Social justice outreach to the community
  • Research and faculty support for SJ
  • Academic support for undergrad and grad students
  • Other expenses (as approved by department chair)

Scholarship Requirements

Awarded to an outstanding undergraduate or graduate student in Communication
Studies who is actively engaged in research, community-based work or activism
focused on issues of social justice. Applicants are required to submit a 300-word
essay describing her/his/their work related to social justice and their/his/her
vision for creating a more social just and equitable world.
Requirement: Applicants must be a continuing sophomore or junior or a
continuing graduate student when applying; 2.) 3.0 GPA or better; 3.) Submit 300-
word essay; 4.) Preference given to applicants who are working collaboratively with
mentors and allies to create social change.
$1000 award

Goal: The purpose of the scholarship is to support students’ social justice research,
community engagement and activism.

Michael Ryan

Senior Director of Development

California State University, Northridge Foundation
18111 Nordhoff St, Northridge, CA 91330-8296

Phone: (818) 667-4196

Make a gift or pledge by calling the number above.

Make checks payable to CSUN Foundation and add specific details to your memo and send to address above.

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