Aronstam Library
Welcome to the Richard Aronstam Memorial Library! We are located on the second floor of Manzanita Hall 240. The Aronstam Library was established through a generous donation to the Department by Mrs. Elsie Aronstam. The Library is dedicated to her husband, Richard, who served as a Professor in the Department from 1961 until his death in 1969. The Aronstam Library is the heart of the Communication Studies Department, serving as a vibrant gathering space for students and faculty and a venue for departmental events, and public lectures.
The library functions as a main resource center for Communication Studies majors, offering a comfortable space to study and access to computers and printers for student use, as well as free tutoring and peer coaching.
The Aronstam Library is supported by an Aronstam Endowment, also set up by Elsie Aronstam, to support student scholarly activities that will enrich their lives in and beyond the University.
Aronstam Library's Hours:
Monday through Thursday 8 AM to 5 PM

Peer Coaches Drop-in Hours :
Monday: 11:30 am -12:30pm
Wednesday: 11am - 12pm
Thursday 10am - 11am