CSUN Communication Association

Mission Statement

The mission of the Communication Association is to connect students in the Communication Studies department academically, professionally, and socially. 

Academically, we want to help members understand how the major is organized, and connect their academic work to their lives outside the classroom. This gives students an opportunity to tailor their focus and plan for life after graduation, including understanding graduate level work if they are interested in furthering their studies.

Professionally, we want to give students an opportunity to meet with alumni, people with expertise in Communication Studies, and others with relevant professional experience to facilitate networking with them on possible careers paths from the major. We encourage existing members to call on their professional relationships to conduct an event.

Socially, we hope to foster an environment that creates community and produces lasting relationships, whether they be for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.

What the CA has to Offer

  • Leadership Skills
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Campus Involvement
  • Public Speaking Workshops
  • Community Service
  • Academic Workshops
  • Guest Speaker Events
  • Public Relations Experience

How to be an Active CA Member

  • Attend CA Events
  • Acquire an Officer Position
  • Help with Fundraising
  • Ask for Updates
  • Volunteer
  • Share Your Ideas!

The COMS Association has been a great way to establish connections with students and other faculty while I have been at CSUN. The events help to create a real sense of community in the Communication Studies Department.
~John Kephart, CA Advisor

I’m very thankful for the moments I've shared with the CSUN Communication Association as a general member. Not only did I get the opportunity to improve my speech giving skills, but I also met a ton of wonderful and intellectual people.
~Nina Kotelyan, General Member

The most rewarding parts about being in the Communication Association were the sensational vibes and positive energy that bounced from one contagious smile to another.
~Adrian Amor, CA Alumni

The Communication Association is not just an organization, but a family that works together to make the CSUN Coms major a home to all majors. I joined the CA and don't regret it ever since.
~Melissa Aldawoodi, General Member

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