Academic Programs
The Department offers a wide variety of courses and Programs in the fields of foreign languages, literatures and cultures. They are designed for those students who intend to major or minor in languages other than English; for students who seek a broad liberal arts education in preparation for a variety of professions; and for students whose careers will be furthered by the knowledge of another language and culture. In addition to the Majors, Minors and Graduate Degree, the Department offers a number of courses in Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Hebrew, Latin, and Korean.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate fluency in listening, speaking, reading and writing in the target language.
- Demonstrate ability to reason and present sound arguments in both oral and written discourse.
- Demonstrate critical thinking in the analysis of traditions, cultures, and civilizations.
- Understand the nature of language, its function, structure, and interactional (social) purposes.
- Analyze and clearly articulate interpretations of literary texts.