The Department offers a wide variety of courses and Programs in the fields of foreign languages, literatures and cultures. They are designed for those students who intend to major or minor in languages other than English; for students who seek a broad liberal arts education in preparation for a variety of professions; and for students whose careers will be furthered by the knowledge of another language and culture. In addition to the Majors, Minors and Graduate Degree, the Department offers a number of courses in Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Hebrew, Latin, and Korean.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate fluency in listening, speaking, reading and writing in the target language.
- Demonstrate ability to reason and present sound arguments in both oral and written discourse.
- Demonstrate critical thinking in the analysis of traditions, cultures, and civilizations.
- Understand the nature of language, its function, structure, and interactional (social) purposes.
- Analyze and clearly articulate interpretations of literary texts.
Students must possess elementary competency in Armenian equivalent to ARMN 102 prior to enrolling in coursework at the 200-level or above. The total number of units in the minor is a minimum of 18. Depending on the student’s existing language competency, a total of 24 units may be required. Students should consult with the undergraduate advisor regarding the demonstration of existing language competency.
Language and Linguistics (6 units)
ARMN 201 Intermediate Armenian I (3)
ARMN 202 Intermediate Armenian II (3)
Civilization and Culture (12 units)
ARMN 380 Contemporary Issues in Armenia and the Diaspora (3)
or ARMN 360 Changing Roles of Armenian Women (3)
ARMN 440 Armenian American Child (3)
Total Units in the Minor: 18
Program Description
The minor in Modern China Studies is an interdisciplinary program for undergraduate students. It comprises a minimum of 18 units and a maximum of 20 units, selected from core and elective courses. The program aims at yielding students with a solid, wide-ranging knowledge of China from which to develop a fair and balanced understanding of Chinese culture and society. Central to the multidisciplinary curriculum is to meet the needs and wants of students from diversified academic backgrounds—including humanities, business, social and behavioral sciences, arts, media or communication—namely their intellectual curiosities and career pursuits. Students who opt for Modern China Studies as their minor will have a basic knowledge of Chinese language (one language course is required for the minor) and Chinese culture, plus a solid understanding of modern Chinese society. Students who complete the minor are well prepared to be a part of a global workforce. In particular, these students are ready to pursue various study-abroad programs available at CSUN, including the prestigious Chinese Government Council scholarship that offers one-year’s study in China’s top universities (with tuition and living costs fully covered by the scholarship), the Peace Corps or the US-China Strong Foundation. The courses in the minor are expected to be readily integrated with the students’ General Education, major or minor. Students who select the Modern China Studies minor are unlikely to be confronted with delays in meeting their graduation requirements.
Academic Advisement
Students are required to plan their courses for the minor with the counsel of the designated Modern China Studies faculty advisor, who can be found in the Modern and Classical Languages and Literatures department. Call (818) 677-3467 for an appointment or to find office hours.
Program Requirements
Students pursuing the Modern China Studies minor must complete four core courses. One is the gateway course FLIT 151: Introduction to Modern Chinese Culture and Literature; the second is selected from one of the Chinese Language courses; the other two courses are selected from the category of Chinese Culture, History, Society and Business. Students are also required to select two additional courses as electives.
Core Courses (12-13 units)
Students must take the following courses for a minimum of 12 units and a maximum of 13 units (depending on the 3- or 4-unit language course selected). Those with accomplished language skills may be granted with a waiver, provided that sufficient proof of linguistic proficiency is yielded. In that case, an additional 3-unit elective must be taken in its place.
Gateway Course (3 units)
FLIT 151 Introduction to Modern Chinese Culture and Literature (3)
Chinese Language (3-4 units)
Choose one of the following courses:
CHIN 101 Elementary Mandarin Chinese I (4)
CHIN 102 Elementary Mandarin Chinese II (4)
CHIN 201 Intermediate Mandarin Chinese I (3)
CHIN 202 Intermediate Mandarin Chinese II (3)
Chinese Culture, History, Society and Business (6 units)
Choose two of the following upper division courses:
ART 413 History of Chinese Art (3)
CHIN 312 Business Chinese (3)
CTVA 415C International Cinema (China) (3)
FLIT 325 Social Issues in Modern China (3)
GEOG 324 China (3)
HIST 490 Emperors, Philosophers, and Rebels: Imperial China to 1600 (3)
HIST 491A Making and Breaking Empires in Early Modern China (3)
HIST 491B Revolution and Reform in China (3)
PHIL 344 Chinese Philosophy (3)
POLS 435A Government and Politics of China (3)
RS 390 Buddhism (3)
RS 426 Religions of China: Taoism (3)
SOC 333 Chinese Society (3)
Elective Courses (6-7 units)
Students must take 6-7 units selected from the elective courses below. At least one of the electives must be an upper division course. Students may not double count courses taken above.
Lower Division Courses
CHIN 101 Elementary Mandarin Chinese I (4)
CHIN 102 Elementary Mandarin Chinese II (4)
CHIN 201 Intermediate Mandarin Chinese I (3)
CHIN 202 Intermediate Mandarin Chinese II (3)
Upper Division Courses
ART 413 History of Chinese Art (3)
CHIN 312 Business Chinese (3)
CTVA 415C International Cinema (China) (3)
FLIT 325 Social Issues in Modern China (3)
GEOG 324 China (3)
HIST 490 Emperors, Philosophers, and Rebels: Imperial China to 1600 (3)
HIST 491A Making and Breaking Empires in Early Modern China (3)
HIST 491B Revolution and Reform in China (3)
PHIL 344 Chinese Philosophy (3)
POLS 435A Government and Politics of China (3)
RS 390 Buddhism (3)
RS 426 Religions of China: Taoism (3)
SOC 333 Chinese Society (3)
Total Units in the Minor: 18-20
Program Description
A minor in Classical Greek and Roman Civilization is of interest and value to students who are studying Anthropology, Art History, Drama, English, History, Humanities, Philosophy, Political Science, Religious Studies or Communication Studies. A student who decides to minor in Classical Greek and Roman Civilization is required to meet with an advisor or the coordinator to plan her or his program. All courses in this program are conducted in English; a knowledge of Latin and Greek is not required. Students interested in a Special Major (B.A.) in Classical Greek and Roman Civilization should consult this Catalog under Special Major.
Program Requirements
Lower Division Required Courses (9 units)
- ART 110 World Arts: The Western Tradition (3)
- FLIT 150 Gateways to Western Civilization: Greece and Rome (3)
- PHIL 201 Ancient Philosophy (3)
Upper Division Required Courses (18 units)
Select three courses (9 units) from each of the following categories for a total of 18 units.
Literature and Religion
Select two from the following:
- CLAS 315 Greek and Roman Mythology (3)
- FLIT 423 The Greek and Roman Epic in Translation (3) (Cross-listed with ENGL 423)
- FLIT 424 Drama of Greece and Rome (3) (Cross-listed with ENGL 424)
Select one from the following:
- FLIT 480 Greek and Roman Literature in Translation (3) (Cross-listed with ENGL 480)
- TH 422 Theatre and Drama of Greece and Rome (3)
Art History, History and Philosophy
- ART 420 History of Greek Art and Architecture (3)*
- ART 421 History of Roman Art and Architecture (3)*
- HIST 410 The Ancient Greek World (3)*
- HIST 411 The Roman World (3)*
- HIST 497A Proseminar in Ancient History (3)*
- PHIL 401 Advanced Ancient Philosophy (3)*
*All asterisked courses have prerequisites that may be waived by the instructor for students in this program.
Total Units in the Minor: 27
Other Recommended Courses
The following recommended but not required courses will contribute to a better understanding of classical Greece and Rome.
- HIST 150 Western Civilization to 1500 (3)
- HIST 303 Themes in Western Civilization Before 1500 (3)
- POLS 411 Greek, Roman, and Medieval Political Theory (3)
Program Description
The French minor is designed for students who wish to prepare for a career in teaching or for one in which a background in French language and culture is essential. By completing the Minor, the student is prepared to pursue a career where French is required or can be helpful for the job. Students with a French minor can teach lower French classes in High school if they teach another language. It can be helpful also for students who are seeking jobs at companies like Air France, top hotels or international organizations where some French language level is required.
Program Requirements
General Minor
Language and Linguistics (9-10 units)
Select three courses from the following:
- FREN 102 Elementary French II (4)
- FREN 200 Beginning French Conversation (3)
- FREN 204 Review of French Grammar (3)
- FREN 208 Intermediate French Reading and Writing (3)
Culture and Civilization (9 units)
Select three courses from the following:
- FREN 305 French Pronunciation and Diction (3)
- FREN 306 Advanced Composition (3)
- FREN 315A Masterpieces of French Literature (3)
- FREN 315B Masterpieces of French Literature II (3)
- FREN 380 French Civilization (3)
- FREN 381 The Contemporary French World (3)
Total Units in the General Minor: 18-19
Minor in French for Business Majors
Lower Division Required Courses (9 units)
- FREN 200 Beginning French Conversation (3)
- FREN 204 Review of French Grammar (3)
- FREN 208 Intermediate French Reading and Writing (3)
Upper Division Required Courses (15 units)
- FREN 300 Advanced French Conversation (3)
- FREN 306 Advanced Composition (3)
- FREN 312 Readings in French for Business (3)
- FREN 313 Beginning Commercial Correspondence (3)
- FREN 381 The Contemporary French World (3)
Total Units in the Minor for Business Majors: 24
Program Description
The minor in Italian offers students the opportunity to attain an advanced level of proficiency in the Italian language along with an in-depth study of the culture that has shaped Italian society, both past and present. Students with previous studies in Italian should consult the advisor for advanced placement and course selections to complete the minor. Those students interested in pursuing careers to teach in elementary or secondary education also should consult with the advisor in order to plan their program of studies.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
- Demonstrate an advanced level competence in understanding, speaking, reading and writing in Italian.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the fundamental historical and cultural events that shaped present-day Italy.
- Analyze and articulate interpretations of literary works.
Program Requirements
Language and Linguistics (9-10 units)
Select three courses from the following:
- ITAL 102 Elementary Italian II (4)
- ITAL 201 Intermediate Italian I (3)
- ITAL 202 Intermediate Italian II (3)
- ITAL 204 Intermediate Italian Grammar and Composition (3)
- ITAL 290 Intermediate Reading and Conversation (3)
- ITAL 300 Advanced Conversational Italian (3)
- ITAL 305 Structure of the Italian Language (3)
- ITAL 306 Translation and Style (3)
Culture and Civilization (9 units)
Select three courses from the following:
- FLIT 330 Italian Civilization from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance (3)
- FLIT 331 Literary Masterpieces of Italian Humanism and Renaissance Literature (3)
- FLIT 371 Modern Italian Culture (3)
- FLIT 381 Aspects of the Italian-American Experience in Cinema, Literature, Philosophy and Music (3)
- ITAL 315 Masterpieces of Italian Literature (3)
- ITAL 335 Italian Literature of the Middle Ages (3)
- ITAL 360 Italian Literature of the 19th Century (3)
Total Units in the Minor: 18-19
Program Description
The minor in Japanese is designed to provide students with language training and an understanding of Japanese society and culture as revealed through the study of the language and literature. Students with previous studies in Japanese should consult the advisor for advanced placement and course selections to complete the minor. Successful completion of the minor in Japanese will be noted on the student’s official CSUN transcript.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to:
- Demonstrate fluency in the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in Japanese.
- Demonstrate ability to reason and present sound arguments using the Japanese language.
- Analyze and clearly articulate interpretations of literary texts.
- Demonstrate knowledge of Japanese culture and tradition.
Program Requirements
Prerequisites for the Minor
- JAPN 101 Elementary Japanese I (4)
- JAPN 102 Elementary Japanese II (4)
Lower Division Required Courses (8 units)
- JAPN 201 Intermediate Japanese I (4)
- JAPN 202 Intermediate Japanese II (4)
Lower Division Elective Course (3 units)
Select one course from the following:
- FLIT 250 Traditional Culture of Japan (3)
- JAPN 105 Kanji I (3)
- JAPN 204 Kanji II (3)
- JAPN 205 Kanji III (3)
Upper Division Required Courses (9 units)
Select three courses from the following:
- FLIT 370 Modern Japanese Culture (3)
- FLIT 402 Japanese Literature (3)
- JAPN 300 Advanced Japanese Conversation (3)
- JAPN 304 Advanced Grammar and Composition (3)
- JAPN 305 Language and Culture in Japanese (3)
- JAPN 306 Advanced Reading and Composition (3)
Total Units in the Minor: 20
The Russian Studies minor is available to students in all majors. With 20 units in Russian grammar, conversation, civilization and history, the minor provides a well-rounded, holistic study of the Russian language and culture. The Russian Studies minor is an ideal complement to any field in which knowledge of the Russian language and culture enriches academic depth and expands career options: some such fields are business, economics, journalism, linguistics, music, engineering, history, and political science.
Program Requirements
Lower Division Required Courses (11 units)
Any 3-6 units may be used for GE Comparative Cultural Studies.
RUSS 101 Elementary Russian I (4)
RUSS 102 Elementary Russian II (4)
Choose one of the following:
These 200-level courses should be taken after consultation with an advisor.
RUSS 200 Beginning Russian Conversation (3)
RUSS 201 Intermediate Russian (3)
RUSS 202 Intermediate Russian Reading (3)
Upper Division Required Courses (9 units)
Choose three courses in one of the tracks. Courses from both tracks can be combined. These courses should be taken after consultation with an advisor.
Russian Language Track
Courses are taught in Russian or English.
RUSS 310 Composition and Conversation I (3)
RUSS 407 Russian for Business, Travel, and Recreation (3)
RUSS 495A-Z Selected Topics in Russian Literature and Culture (3-3)
RUSS 496A-Z Experimental Topics in Russian Literature (3)
Russian Culture Track
Courses are taught in English.
FLIT 380 Cultural Development of Modern Russia and Eastern Europe (3)
FLIT 485 Masterpieces of Russian Literature (3)
HIST 449 Russia to 1917 (3)
HIST 450 Russia Since 1917 (3)
RUSS 380 Russian Civilization (3)
RUSS 390 Russian Folklore: Slavic Myths and Traditions (3)
RUSS 495A-Z Selected Topics in Russian Literature and Culture (3-3)
RUSS 496A-Z Experimental Topics in Russian Literature (3)
Total Units in the Minor: 20
Program Description
The Minor in Spanish provides students with language training and an understanding of Hispanic society and culture as revealed through the study of the language, literature, and civilization. It prepares students to enter graduate programs requiring knowledge of the Spanish language and culture, including area studies, teaching, business, law, translation & interpretation. It also helps students aspiring to careers in international business, law, publishing, public administration, community service, and communication and the media. Students with previous studies in Spanish should consult the advisor for advanced placement and course selections to complete the Minor. Successful completion of the Minor in Spanish will appear on the student’s official CSUN transcript.
Program Requirements
Language and Linguistics (12 units)
- SPAN 220A Intermediate Spanish I (3)
- SPAN 220B Intermediate Spanish II (3)
- SPAN 306 Advanced Composition (3)
or SPAN 401 Language and Culture (3) - SPAN 425 Spanish Phonetics (3)
or SPAN 400 Structure of the Spanish Language (3)
Culture and Civilization (6 units)
Select two courses from the following:
- FLIT 260 Life and Thought in Modern Spain (3)
- FLIT 321 Business Culture in Europe (3)
- FLIT 322 Business Culture in Latin America (3)
- FLIT 383 Hispanic Civilization and Culture: Middle Ages to Golden Ages (3)
- FLIT 384 Modern Hispanic Culture Peninsular (3)
- SPAN 315A Literature of Spain I (3)
- SPAN 315B Literature of Spain II (3)
- SPAN 363 Literature of Latin America I (3)
- SPAN 364 Literature of Latin America II (3)
Total Units in the General Minor: 18