Dr. Adrián Pérez-Boluda

Department Chair

Phone: (818) 677-3467
Fax: (818) 677-5797
Mail Code: 8247

Email: DeptofMCLL@csun.edu

Phone: 818-677-3467

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Teaching Credential Information

Students interested in teaching Spanish in the secondary schools should seek advisement as soon as possible. The Spanish Program currently offers a Subject Matter Program that has been approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and that meets the Subject Matter Competency Requirement for a Single Subject Credential. Students wishing to teach Spanish must choose the Language and Culture option of the major, which is designed to meet the requirements for the Single Subject Teaching Credential. For details on the Single Subject Credential program, see the Credentials and Department of Secondary Education sections in the Catalog.

Dr. Adrián Pérez-Boluda

Department Chair

Phone: (818) 677-3467
Fax: (818) 677-5797
Mail Code: 8247

Email: DeptofMCLL@csun.edu

Phone: 818-677-3467

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