Food Security

The food security of CSUN students is a high priority for the University. We aim to provide our students with basic food necessities and connections to community resources. Our services currently include a campus food pantry, fresh fruits and vegetables every other week, CalFresh application assistance, connections to other local food resources, nutrition education sessions, and outreach events.

Red CSUN Food Pantry Pop-up bag with food

CSUN Food Pantry

The CSUN Food Pantry exists to provide emergency nourishment and basic necessities at no cost to CSUN’s students.

(818) 677-2730

Food on table for the CSUN food pantry

CalFresh Outreach at CSUN

CalFresh is a nutrition assistance program that helps low-income individuals and families buy the food they need.

(818) 677-2704

Workers at the CSUN food pantry handing out food

CalFresh Healthy Living on Campus

CSUN CalFresh Healthy Living on Campus supports a healthy, active, and nourished lifestyle through direct and indirect nutrition education tailored to our college student population.


Additional Food Security Resources


Your Basic Needs Network

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