College of Health and Human Development

Office of the Dean

Sequoia Hall Room 220
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8215

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Phone: (818) 677-3001

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HHD Advising: Resources for Academic Success

Whether you're trying to get into your dream grad school, or you need to improve your GPA – here are some helpful tools!


Raise Your GPA Class – EDUC 201:  A one-credit course designed to help students strengthen learning habits, increase academic self-confidence and motivation as well as the ability to set and achieve goals, with the aim of increasing academic persistence.  Check the Schedule of Classes for more info.

What is Grade Forgiveness?

What are Probation and Disqualification?

College of Health and Human Development

Office of the Dean

Sequoia Hall Room 220
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8215

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Phone: (818) 677-3001

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