César Chávez Holiday Closure

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College of Health and Human Development

Office of the Dean

Sequoia Hall Room 220
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8215

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Alumni Chapters

College of Health & Human Development

Recently, HHD alumni chapter leaders gathered on the CSUN campus for the first annual HHD alumni chapter leader reception, hosted by Interim Dean Mechelle Best. “It is important for us to get to know our alumni chapter leaders, said Dr. Best. “The chapters do so much for alumni and students and we want to be able to coordinate with them as we work toward graduating students and helping them find suitable employment.”

In the future, HHD alumni chapter leader receptions will be held in the fall and spring semesters to kick off the new semesters and share ideas and plans for engaging alumni, students and fundraising.

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Enhance, Enrich, and Empower Student success with your donation to the College of HHD.

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College of Health and Human Development

Office of the Dean

Sequoia Hall Room 220
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8215

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Phone: (818) 677-3001

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