College of Health and Human Development

Office of the Dean

Sequoia Hall Room 220
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8215

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Phone: (818) 677-3001

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HHD Advising: Promoting Achievement and Success

  • Locate your Support! 
  • Reflect on your past success and triumphs.
  • Remember what/who has been a source of strength.
  • Think about what/who has helped you achieve your potential.
  • Consider which qualities within you, or which models around you, have helped the most.
  • Identify who/what are your best resources to rely on.

Identify Your Sources of Strengths, Your Wealth of Resources

  • High Hopes and a Belief in Your Abilities – You, your family, friends, community
  • Social Communication and Intellectual Skills in many different settings, different communities, different cultures, and different languages
  • Family, Community and Cultural Resources – You’re not alone, you have people that you can rely on, maintaining a positive connection to them
  • Supportive Peer, and Social Contacts/Networks – “Lifting as we climb,” sharing information, showing each other the ropes, helping those who come after you, getting help from those around you
  • Finding a Way through Institutions - Navigating bureaucratic snags/hindrances, learning the system for future success
  • Inner Resources, Social and Cultural Strategies for Success and Resilience – You’ve met, overcome and survived bigger challenges, turning a negative into a positive, the determination and ability to overcome and persevere, having confidence and self-reliance
  • Resistance against Low Expectations and Stereotypes – Aiming high, expecting/demanding respect, opposing inequity, refusing to give up, community and cultural legacies of resiliency, commitment to social change and social justice
  • Ability to Assess, Change and Adapt – Using new information, thinking on your feet, growing and developing new strategies, adjusting to different demands and settings
  • Sense of Purpose and Meaning – Values, ethics and beliefs, guiding principles, sense of justice and fairness (possibly spiritually or faith-based)
  • Pride in Yourself, your Background, your Culture, your Community - Having the capacity to overcome and rise above adversity, having roles models, being a role model
  • Strong Sense of Self and Who You Are in various settings and with different groups, balancing/managing different demands and interests (e.g., college, at home, with family, in your community, etc.)
  • History of Academic Success and Accomplishment – You have achieved much already, and will achieve more in the future
  • Vision of Yourself in the Future - Strong sense what is possible, of who you want to be, what you want to accomplish, where you want to go in life/in the world

Yasso and Rendón Community Cultural Wealth model

Updated October, 2017

College of Health and Human Development

Office of the Dean

Sequoia Hall Room 220
18111 Nordhoff Street
Northridge, CA 91330-8215

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Phone: (818) 677-3001

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