HHD Advising: Promoting Achievement and Success
- Locate your Support!
- Reflect on your past success and triumphs.
- Remember what/who has been a source of strength.
- Think about what/who has helped you achieve your potential.
- Consider which qualities within you, or which models around you, have helped the most.
- Identify who/what are your best resources to rely on.
Identify Your Sources of Strengths, Your Wealth of Resources
- High Hopes and a Belief in Your Abilities – You, your family, friends, community
- Social Communication and Intellectual Skills in many different settings, different communities, different cultures, and different languages
- Family, Community and Cultural Resources – You’re not alone, you have people that you can rely on, maintaining a positive connection to them
- Supportive Peer, and Social Contacts/Networks – “Lifting as we climb,” sharing information, showing each other the ropes, helping those who come after you, getting help from those around you
- Finding a Way through Institutions - Navigating bureaucratic snags/hindrances, learning the system for future success
- Inner Resources, Social and Cultural Strategies for Success and Resilience – You’ve met, overcome and survived bigger challenges, turning a negative into a positive, the determination and ability to overcome and persevere, having confidence and self-reliance
- Resistance against Low Expectations and Stereotypes – Aiming high, expecting/demanding respect, opposing inequity, refusing to give up, community and cultural legacies of resiliency, commitment to social change and social justice
- Ability to Assess, Change and Adapt – Using new information, thinking on your feet, growing and developing new strategies, adjusting to different demands and settings
- Sense of Purpose and Meaning – Values, ethics and beliefs, guiding principles, sense of justice and fairness (possibly spiritually or faith-based)
- Pride in Yourself, your Background, your Culture, your Community - Having the capacity to overcome and rise above adversity, having roles models, being a role model
- Strong Sense of Self and Who You Are in various settings and with different groups, balancing/managing different demands and interests (e.g., college, at home, with family, in your community, etc.)
- History of Academic Success and Accomplishment – You have achieved much already, and will achieve more in the future
- Vision of Yourself in the Future - Strong sense what is possible, of who you want to be, what you want to accomplish, where you want to go in life/in the world
Yasso and Rendón Community Cultural Wealth model
Updated October, 2017