Wellness Workshops

University Counseling Services (UCS) offers three different wellness workshops: RIO, Anxiety Toolbox, and Getting Unstuck.  Each wellness workshop is a 3-week psychoeducational workshop series designed to help you learn useful tools for addressing common presenting concerns (e.g., anxiety, stress, depression) and feel more confident in your ability to manage distress.  Each workshop is approximately 50 minutes and builds upon the preceding workshop in the series.  It is important that you attend them in order.

Participation in these workshops is strongly encouraged, but personal disclosure is not required.  The workshops were designed to respect students’ individual privacy while still providing ample space to begin building skills through experiential learning opportunities.  All workshop series come with a student workbook that will allow you to engage in the materials in the sessions and practice your new skills between sessions.

If you are interested in attending any (or all) of the workshops, schedule an Initial Evaluation appointment and tell your therapist.  If you are already seeing a therapist at UCS, tell them you are interested in a wellness workshop.  You are free to do more than one workshop and to repeat them as often as you like!

UCS is offering an innovative program specifically tailored to provide quick and useful tools without overburdening the busy schedules of CSUN students. After completing the initial paperwork and first meeting with a therapist, many students will be enrolled into the RIO (Recognition, Insight, and Openness) workshop series. At the completion of RIO, students have the opportunity to meet with the therapist from their Initial Evaluation to review their experience and collaboratively discuss the next steps in their change process (e.g, referral into a UCS group; short-term individual therapy at UCS; open-ended individual therapy in the community; referrals to other resources).

RIO will not be offered during Fall 2024, but will be back Spring 2025.

Our RIO Student Workbook is available electronically to all students participating in the RIO Workshop Series offered by UCS.

Anxiety Toolbox focuses on helping you understand anxiety symptoms and build skills to manage these symptoms.  The three sessions are divided into content that builds upon itself.  The sessions include modules dedicated to: (1) understanding anxiety, (2) introducing a method for slowing down and disentangling the experience of anxiety, and (3) developing alternative responses to anxiety.  By the end of the workshop, you will have your own individualized plan for managing anxiety. 

  • Mondays at 1pm (via Zoom)
  • Tuesdays at 11am (via Zoom)
  • Wednesdays at 12pm (in-person)
  • Thursdays at 4pm (in-person)
  • Fridays at 10am (in-person

Our Anxiety Toolbox Student Workbook is available electronically to all students participating in the Anxiety Toolbox Workshop Series offered by UCS.

Getting Unstuck focuses on helping you understand depressive symptoms and build skills to manage these symptoms.  The three sessions are divided into content that builds upon itself.  The sessions include modules dedicated to: (1) understanding depression, (2) exploring how thoughts and behaviors impact depression, and (3) addressing how you can begin to make changes to thoughts and behaviors in order to better manage depression.  By the end of the workshop, you will have your own individualized plan for getting unstuck! 

  • Mondays at 12pm (in-person)
  • Tuesdays at 1pm (in person)
  • Wednesdays at 4pm (in-person)
  • Thursdays at 11am (via Zoom)
  • Fridays at 11am (via Zoom)

Our Getting Unstuck Student Workbook is available electronically to all students participating in the Getting Unstuck Workshop Series offered by UCS.

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