Therapy Groups and Workshops

University Counseling Services (UCS) offers a wide variety of free therapy groups, support groups, and psycho-educational workshops to currently enrolled students. 

Groups and Workshop Require an Interest Form

  • If you are interested in learning more about our group or workshop, please speak with your individual therapy provider at UCS, or call (818)677-2366, option 1 or ask to speak with the therapist who is leading the group or workshop.
  • If you do not have an individual therapy provider at UCS or are unsure which group is a good fit for you, please email UCS at
  • Submit a Group and Workshop Interest Form, and University Counseling Services will contact you.

Groups and Workshops Offered :

Please note many of our groups and workshops are currently being offered virtually.

*Groups and workshops that require a pre-group meeting with facilitator prior to group/workshop start date.  If you are interested in learning about a group but the current listed day/times do not fit your schedule, please still submit an interest form to learn about options.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

In this safe and supportive group, you will learn new tools and coping skills that allow you to decrease your anxiety and feel more equipped to face a wide range of situations and experiences.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

“The goal of the ’Be Body Positive at CSUN’ group is to help people figure out how to best overcome the obstacles that block them from having more peace and joy with their bodies and lives. This group is a space where all people can feel comfortable exploring the struggles they have in being human and living in a physical body.” – taken from The Body Positive Group Pledge

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

This group provides a safe and confidential space for students to talk about family relationships and dynamics. Typical issues include: Intergenerational tensions, family loyalty versus own needs, family expectations, navigating familial cultural pressures, divorce/separation, blended families, strains in family relationships, dealing with critical parents, serious illness of family member, familial mental health issues, familial alcohol or substance abuse, and abuse within the family.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

This is a support group for undocumented and mixed status students. The group creates a safe and confidential space to share their experiences, and connect with peers around the experiences of being undocumented or mixed status.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

Commiserate with others who understand the stresses of graduate school.  In a safe, supportive environment, discuss personal concerns such as relationship issues, family problems, challenging advisors, and juggling responsibilities.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

Experienced a significant loss? Connect with a supportive group of peers dealing with death, loss, and grief.

Not offered during Fall 2024, but returning Spring 2025; accepting interest forms

A weekly discussion and support group especially for international students. This dynamic group provides an opportunity to explore and share experiences as well as discuss topics such as adjustment, academic success, relationships, and various challenges.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

A confidential and safe space for students who identify within the LGBTQIA+ communities to receive and provide support around issues of sexual orientation and/or gender identity. Topics discussed and explored may include identity, coming out, navigating relationships, creating support systems and feelings of safety and belonging on and off campus.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

Would you like to...
Boost your confidence? Feel better about yourself? Quiet that critical inner voice?
If so, then join our self-esteem/self-compassion group.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

Talk with other guys about the challenges in dating and intimacy in today's world.  Be  a part of a group where you can support each other in aiming toward healthy and satisfying relationships in university life and beyond.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

This group allows student parents to connect with others experiencing similar daily struggles in a safe, non-judgmental space.  Topics will be parent driven, but may include: child behaviors, childcare issues, academic and financial struggles, family and extended family issues, etc.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

A safe and confidential space for CSUN students who identify as transgender, nonbinary, gender expansive.  Within this group, students talk about interpersonal and familial issues, work or school difficulties, coming out, being misunderstood and mistreated, and any other questions and concerns.  This is a place where group members may talk about and find support for their fears, sadness, joys, and the multitude of emotions they have related to their gender and gender expression.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

A warm & supportive environment in which you can explore new ways of relating to others, connect through sharing personal experiences, and gain insight into yourself.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

Safe space for first generation college students to discuss the challenges they face and receive guidance and support in navigating those challenges. If you're the first person in your family to go to college, among the first in your family to pursue a B.A., the first in your family to attend college in the U.S., or you identify as a first generation college student in any other way, this group is for you!

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

A confidential and safe space for D/deaf and hard of hearing students to explore different identities with hearing loss. Are we deaf, Deaf or hard of hearing? This group led by a DHH counselor will discuss topics of intersectionality of our hearing loss, with gender, race, ethnic and sexual identities.  Learn self-advocacy and confidence building skills to support each other in succeeding at CSUN and beyond.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

Overwhelming emotions? Difficulty coping with what life brings? Welcome to a safe, supportive space to learn valuable distress tolerance, mindfulness, and emotion regulation skills.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

A supportive space for women to explore issues related to being a woman in our society.

Start date to be determined; accepting interest forms

With the support of others, explore blocks that keep you stuck and unable to write.  Develop strategies for conquering writer's block.

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