Teaching Credential

Teaching Credential / Social Science Subject Matter Program
The Social Science Subject Matter Program (SSSMP) is available to current and former CSUN students who are interested in pursuing a credential to teach social studies at the high school level in the California public school system. This program offers students an alternative to passing the California Subject Exam for Teachers (CSET). It consists of a sequence of fifteen courses, many of which overlap with the history major and general education requirements. Once students have successfully completed the program, they will have demonstrated subject matter competency in the social sciences.
A detailed listing of courses and requirements is available for download:
Download the Course Requirements (PDF)
Integrated History Subject Matter Program
BA and Single Subject Preliminary Credential in History - Social Science
Students interested in pursuing a career as a middle school or high school history teacher should apply to the Four-Year Integrated (FYI) History Subject Matter Program or the Junior-Year Integrated (JYI) History Subject Matter Programs. These programs make it possible to earn both a B.A. in History and a Single Subject History-Social Science Preliminary Credential at the same time.
Both the FYI and JYI programs integrate History coursework, GE requirements, and the coursework included in professional preparation. FYI students can complete the program in 4-5 years and JYI students can complete the program in 2-3 years, depending on their transferred credit.
Students must follow the course sequence as indicated in the CSUN catalogue for their selected FYI or JYI program. Additional requirements include a minimum GPA, demonstration of basic skills and subject matter competence, and an early field experience.
To learn more about both program requirements and how best to complete them, call the history department office (818-677-3566) and ask to schedule an appointment with the SSSMP adviser, Dr. Patricia Juarez-Dappe.